I will wait to see before I commit to any deck , abzan splashing bring to the light is absurd.
It has the best answers left to hangarback walker in abzan charm and and utter end. Then it has the ability to go find siege rhinos at any point , and even find languish and Planar outburst when the time comes
There have been 3 or 4 type of decks I've come across online
Super aggro - mostly mono red , but some go black red to flood the board and then land the blood artist guy so that a board wipe just kills you.
Landfall aggro - swiftspear , scythe leopard, atarkas command etc, basically like most zoo decks you can think of.
Blue/black control , basically all awaken cards.deck that just tries to counter /exile all of your things to get to the late game and then awaken their lands.
Then there's Abzan , which people don't even try to brew with , basically it has the best removal spells for your cards and has the best cards that need to be answered, Siege Rhinos, Hangarback walkers and Languish , Abzan Charm ,Ruinous Path,;;;
, utter end . Except now they splash for even better cards in crackling doom and GBs deck even splashes bring the light for an answer on a stick. Board is overwhelming ? BTL for languish, losing too much life ? Go get siege rhinos #2 and #3.
None of these decks are interesting to me, graveyard stuff is dead because all the exiling effects and an Eldrazi deck reminds me of g/r, only now your mana dorks suck.
The hardest part for me to accept is that hangarback walker is everywhere , and there arent enough answers for it. It's to the point where I've thought about running 4 stasis snare and 4 silkwraps in the sideboard. Countering it is futile on the draw.
Maybe this set just isn't for me, in the past I knew I had cards I could rely on, and gw was pretty viable, but it appears that it's not viable. I'll just wait and see what other people come up with and see if anything tickles my fancy.