Ended up 4 - 2 and in 7th out of 45 people. There's only so much you can do in sealed when someone has a better pool then you. Blue black was at the top tables near the end.
I also had a blue/black deck with Scatter the winds, Ugins Insight, Conduit of Ruin, and Breaker of armies. Also had the u/b flash guy and Coastal discovery. Problem was I had no removal, In a deck with 12 creatures I was running bone splinter and had a whopping 2 ingest guys in the whole deck. Which meant nullifier was often a 2/3 flash flyer.
Still think this limited environment is completely undercooked, allies are horrible, ingest isn't on enough of the smaller cards to enable the big ones, and the life gain decks can lead to slogs of games.
And standard doesn't look any better either. I have zero clue how you drop the ball on allies so badly. I kept waiting for a good one to make them at least tier 2. Instead we got jank rares that don't even do anything in limited when they hit the field, let alone a constructed format.
And this is the condensed version of my complaints since I'm on a cell phone and on vacation.
How many more months of this set ?