Doing my first pre-release in years tomorrow. I've scanned through the thread, but what's the cliffs notes version of sealed strategy for this set? I'm generally pretty aggro as a player, running some combination of RGB. Anything viable in that? I've seen lots of people here doing RW Ally.
Draft Archetypes are:
WU - Awaken/Control; you want lots of awaken spells and lots of fliers
UB - Eldrazi processing; if you have the enablers to support it seems okay, but in sealed you usually won't.
BR - Eldrazi Aggro; lots of removal and aggressive colorless creatures
RG - Landfall/Ramp; pretty bog standard for RG
GW - Wide Allies; fill the board with creatures, most of which are allies
WB - Life Gain/Drain Allies; lots of life gain and abilities that trigger from life gain, also lots of allies.
UR - Eldrazi Control/Tempo; similar to UB, but a little more aggressive and less reliant on processors.
BG - Sacrifice/Ramp; make lots of scions and sacrifice them for value
RW - Aggro Allies; Typical RW aggro deck, but with lots of rally.
GU - Converge and/or Eldrazi Ramp; Lots of ramp, lots of fixing, you can use it to either ramp into Eldrazi or maximize your converge spells.
In sealed, depending on your pool, it's not too difficult to run 3 or 4 colors. Occasionally, you get the pool with little or no fixing, but in the 3 events I've run so far, a very small few had problems splashing for a 3rd color.
The format is also fairly slow in sealed. I'd say it's about a turn or so slower than Khans; not sure slow, but not fast like Origins.