Okay, this new DLC really is massive; it's going to take a while to unlock everything. But my initial impressions are very positive.
All in all - very much worth the $5 I spent on it.
- Playing as the Archenemy is really fun! I've only played one match so far, but it was one of the most entertaining things I've done in this game.
- The new mono-black deck is a lot less powerful than I thought. When you get just the right combinations of discard spells and creatures in the right order, it's great, but it doesn't feel particularly flexible. Topdecking a discard spell kinda sucks, and the deck is a lot slower than I expected it would be.
- The new green-white deck is amazing! It's incredibly vulnerable to removal, especially the soft removal of the blue decks, but it's a lot faster than I expected, and incredibly powerful. You're going to walk all over red, white, and green decks, but the kill spells of black and the bounce spells in blue are going to cause you fits.
- The new blue-red deck is bizarre. It's inconsistent, but it has cards in it that will cause your enemies no end of fits - Gelectrode especially is a beast. The deck plays so much differently than other decks that it's going to take some time for me to wrap my head around how to deal with it.
- Plus there are tons of unlocks for the existing decks. There's still a lot to process.
All in all - very much worth the $5 I spent on it.