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Magic: The Gathering - Duels of the Planeswalkers 2012 |OT|

Okay, this new DLC really is massive; it's going to take a while to unlock everything. But my initial impressions are very positive.

  • Playing as the Archenemy is really fun! I've only played one match so far, but it was one of the most entertaining things I've done in this game.
  • The new mono-black deck is a lot less powerful than I thought. When you get just the right combinations of discard spells and creatures in the right order, it's great, but it doesn't feel particularly flexible. Topdecking a discard spell kinda sucks, and the deck is a lot slower than I expected it would be.
  • The new green-white deck is amazing! It's incredibly vulnerable to removal, especially the soft removal of the blue decks, but it's a lot faster than I expected, and incredibly powerful. You're going to walk all over red, white, and green decks, but the kill spells of black and the bounce spells in blue are going to cause you fits.
  • The new blue-red deck is bizarre. It's inconsistent, but it has cards in it that will cause your enemies no end of fits - Gelectrode especially is a beast. The deck plays so much differently than other decks that it's going to take some time for me to wrap my head around how to deal with it.
  • Plus there are tons of unlocks for the existing decks. There's still a lot to process.

All in all - very much worth the $5 I spent on it.


I'm having a blast with the Aura deck. Kor Spiritdancer is a house. I was playing Jace and my Spiritdancer had like 3 auras and was a trampling, lifelinked 10/12 juggernaut or something like that and when I attacked for the kill he bounced my damn creature! And all the auras died. :(


Just bought the complete bundle on Steam since it was on sale. I know nothing about MTG so is there a tutorial in game?


LOL just owned Kiora with a 18/20, lifelink, flying, trample, totem armor Kor Spiritdancer that draws cards when she damages an opponent. She's completely nuts in this deck if unanswered.


That Aura deck just makes me twitch from a card advantage perspective. Though, I must admit when the cpu had a 8/8 hexproof thing with a mountain of abilities it certainly did seem powerful.

I'll have to try it out a bit.

Playing as the Archenemy is quite fun. As are the 1 v 3 Challenges you get.


It's inconsistent. If you draw Kor Spiritwalker or Silhana Ledgerunner and a bunch of auras you own, but there's a chance you'll draw only auras and no creatures, or only creatures and no auras. It's fun to play but somewhat binary.

Blue-Red deck sucks unless you get an unanswered Gelectrode, this thing wins games so hard. I didn't like it very much, maybe with a few more unlocks it gets better. I just replaced Spark Elementals with Lightning Bolts. Prophetic Bolt was awesome every time I drew it.


Having trouble with the new Archenemy Campaign? Use Tezzeret's Machinations deck! I was struggling though the campaign using Jace's deck and only got about halfway. Switched to Tezzeret's and went 6-0 including a crushing win over the Jace X3 deck!

None of the decks had an answer for even 1 Steel Overseer out let alone if I got 2 out!



May contain jokes =>
divisionbyzorro said:
Okay, this new DLC really is massive; it's going to take a while to unlock everything. But my initial impressions are very positive.

  • Playing as the Archenemy is really fun! I've only played one match so far, but it was one of the most entertaining things I've done in this game.
  • The new mono-black deck is a lot less powerful than I thought. When you get just the right combinations of discard spells and creatures in the right order, it's great, but it doesn't feel particularly flexible. Topdecking a discard spell kinda sucks, and the deck is a lot slower than I expected it would be.
  • The new green-white deck is amazing! It's incredibly vulnerable to removal, especially the soft removal of the blue decks, but it's a lot faster than I expected, and incredibly powerful. You're going to walk all over red, white, and green decks, but the kill spells of black and the bounce spells in blue are going to cause you fits.
  • The new blue-red deck is bizarre. It's inconsistent, but it has cards in it that will cause your enemies no end of fits - Gelectrode especially is a beast. The deck plays so much differently than other decks that it's going to take some time for me to wrap my head around how to deal with it.
  • Plus there are tons of unlocks for the existing decks. There's still a lot to process.

All in all - very much worth the $5 I spent on it.

I've always liked these games and their DLC but this one is particularly excellent. Adding playable Archenemy was a great idea and I really hope that future DLC takes a similar expansion route rather than just adding decks.


Ken said:
Just bought the complete bundle on Steam since it was on sale. I know nothing about MTG so is there a tutorial in game?
I'm in the same boat. I went through the tutorial available at the beginning of the campaign but it didn't seem to explain why I was doing some of the things it was asking me to do. I dunno, maybe I missed the details or something. :(


Playing the Equipment deck as the Archenemy is just nuts... I went straight through all the way to the end without losing a single game. Once I got the "Put into play or serach for a creature" scenario on the first turn and droped a Baneslayer with no lands in play. The lone Stoneforge Mystic which can be searched for is equally nuts with the Sword of War & Peace. Only once did I get down to 10 life... and that was because some Sphinx that made my life total 10.


Fuck Steam

Ive had a bunch of annoying little issues with it, but not being actually able to play the new expansion even though I bought the damn thing is the last straw. Even if the steam support actually manages to email me back with an actual solution, I am never buying from that shit hole ever again.


rayner said:
Playing the Equipment deck as the Archenemy is just nuts... I went straight through all the way to the end without losing a single game. Once I got the "Put into play or serach for a creature" scenario on the first turn and droped a Baneslayer with no lands in play. The lone Stoneforge Mystic which can be searched for is equally nuts with the Sword of War & Peace. Only once did I get down to 10 life... and that was because some Sphinx that made my life total 10.

The one game I played as the Archenemy with that deck had me end it with a 20/20 Serra Angel that destroys a permanent every time it attacks. It worked out pretty well.

There is nothing more frustrating than drawing the "Pay X to draw X cards and gain X life" Scheme on your first turn.


ultron87 said:
The one game I played as the Archenemy with that deck had me end it with a 20/20 Serra Angel that destroys a permanent every time it attacks. It worked out pretty well.

There is nothing more frustrating than drawing the "Pay X to draw X cards and gain X life" Scheme on your first turn.

Definitely. The best first-turn one for me has always been "get 2 basics into play tapped", but I've also got a soft spot for the one that lets me put an Eldrazi into play turn 1.


brazen editing lynx
Being able to be the Archenemy was worth the $5 alone. Playing as the U/G deck was already too much fun. Now imagine being able to get a lot of free tokens from the Archenemy deck to hold you out until your real monsters come in, or even faster mana acceleration. I ended one game with almost every single large creature out. It was partially manufactured, but it was sweet nonetheless.

I saw afterward that Mass Polymorph was one of the new cards to unlock. Oh man. Oh man.

I haven't played with the three news decks myself, but after playing a whole Archenemy game against all three, they're alright. Based off what I saw, I'd say U/R >= B > G/W. G/W just seems too conditional to be consistently good.
MasterShotgun said:
I haven't played with the three news decks myself, but after playing a whole Archenemy game against all three, they're alright. Based off what I saw, I'd say U/R >= B > G/W. G/W just seems too conditional to be consistently good.

The funny thing is that the WotC forums seem to have come to exactly the opposite conclusion. :) The UR deck is initially considered trash, the B deck is a bit too slow for its own good, and the G/W deck (while exceptionally vulnerable to bounce removal) gets absolutely nuts pretty quickly.


I'm loving this new black deck so damn much :D Plus that card that lets you search any grave after it's use goes back into your deck = awesome.


This game is waaay too addicting, now I remember why I forced myself to stop playing it.
Elspeth and Venser really need decks. I wonder how they could make Elspeth's deck different enough from Gideon though. Knights are too similar to Soldiers. Venser could have a Blue-White control deck.


divisionbyzorro said:
Top tier: Vampires, Illusions, Fire, Soldiers
Mid tier: Elves, Artifacts, Depths
Low tier: Stone, Predators
Shit tier: Dragons

I'm just starting out, and I'm trying to unlock all the cards in the starting White deck before I play something else, but I don't think I'll be able to too. I cant get past the Vampire guy by using the white deck. It's almost ridiculous.

I don't mind a challenge, but it's not even close in all the matches I've played against him.


Sometimes you reach a roadblock and have no choice but switching decks.
I spend hours this afternoon trying to beat Archenemy Nissa with the blue/red deck (AI was playing Ajani and Chandra I think) but it was pointless.
I think I'm gonna try Tezzeret (me) + Jace + Liliana (AI).


Askani said:
I'm just starting out, and I'm trying to unlock all the cards in the starting White deck before I play something else, but I don't think I'll be able to too. I cant get past the Vampire guy by using the white deck. It's almost ridiculous.

I don't mind a challenge, but it's not even close in all the matches I've played against him.
You can still unlock cards by playing the older foes if you really want to unlock everything in one and are having trouble

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Wait, is this out on PS3? I didn't see it when I looked through this week's update. Really looking forward to it.


worldrevolution said:
Wait, is this out on PS3? I didn't see it when I looked through this week's update. Really looking forward to it.
Yeah I'm playing it on PS3, go to the store through the game itself it will be there.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
QisTopTier said:
Yeah I'm playing it on PS3, go to the store through the game itself it will be there.

Son of a..thank you. Excellent.


QisTopTier said:
You can still unlock cards by playing the older foes if you really want to unlock everything in one and are having trouble

I know. It was more just the fact that I wanted to be able to be at least have some kind of chance against him with the deck I was using. Didn't want to have to switch to a certain deck to have to beat him, but whatevs. It would have taken a perfect set of draws for me and an awful set of draws for him for me to get it down. I finally just said "screw it" and played some other decks against him to see what was what. Finally cleared him with the Elf deck.
First, don't play on planeswalker difficulty. The game cheats.
Second, always, always trim your decks down to 60 cards.
Third, never, never include the life-gaining artifacts in your deck.

For playing Steel vs Vampires, you are right that it's difficult, but it's not as bad as some other matchups. Your biggest issue is that all of his kill spells/damage spells will kill just about any of your creatures since their toughness is so low. Try to set up equipment before laying creatures so that you can buff them a bit before he has a chance to reduce toughness (assuming you can get to 4 toughness; 3 or less toughness and you're in trouble early-game). Prioritize Arrest for Vampire Nighthawk and Vampire Aristocrat. Realize that your equipment sticks around and your creatures are cheap, so don't be afraid to trade your cheap creatures for his expensive ones.

And if you still can't win, switch the matchup around. Play as vampires against steel and see what the computer does to you.


This may be well known but if Magic 2012 is absolutely pegging your graphics card, it's most likely because of the ingame AA settings (at least for me it was). Once I set ingame AA to off and forced AA pregame, the load on the card dropped dramatically. The gpu fan no longer sounds like it's trying to cool the sun. That's one heck of a bug, or burn-in utility, maybe... probably not.


Can anyone recommend how to trim the fat in the mono white soldiers deck? I'm sitting at like 73 cards and don't play enough to know what can be taken out or not, they all seem pretty useful.
Babalu. said:
Can anyone recommend how to trim the fat in the mono white soldiers deck? I'm sitting at like 73 cards and don't play enough to know what can be taken out or not, they all seem pretty useful.

You have to decide how you want the build to work. I like using lots of small creatures with equipment. So I barely run any angels; I use Baneslayer because it's a beast, and two Serra Angels because they're really good too, but none of the other expensive cards make it in. This includes Conquerer's Pledge and Captain of the Watch; just too expensive. At this stage of the game I've either already won because I've got creatures with equipment on them, or I need the mana to equip/re-equip my creatures.

Other notes:

1) The Angel's Feather is a worthless card; it puts you too far behind in board position for too small of an effect. At this stage I need to be playing a creature, an equipment, or both.
2) Likewise, I don't feel like Congregate is a good fit in this deck either. Too expensive, and it's only going to forestall the inevitable.
3) I don't use Revoke Existence; it's useful in specific circumstances (against the mirror, Machinations, or to evict the Rack against Gravewhispers), but just clogs my hand more often than not.
5) In terms of equipment, I don't use the Pennon Blade. Too expensive, for what is often a very small effect. I also don't use the Argentum Armor; I used to run this card before the DLC, but I felt like I needed to include the Loxodon Gatekeepers (more playtesting will determine whether or not these guys are as useful as I think they will be).

My wife and I are watching TV right now, but I think this is my final build from memory. I'll double-check it when I can turn the Xbox back on.


2x Elite Vanguard
2x Gideon's Lawkeeper (best card in the deck - always leave a plains open to keep their best creature occupied)
2x Glory Seeker
2x Kitesail Apprentice
2x Kor Duelist
2x Kor Outfitter
2x Sunspear Shikari
3x Kor Hookmaster
1x Stoneforge Mystic (everyone loves getting Argentum Armor - trust me, Sword of War and Peace is better)
1x Puresteel Paladin
1x Gideon's Avenger
1x Baneslayer Angel
2x Serra Angel
2x Loxodon Gatekeeper


3x Arrest
1x Brave the Elements (this card will win you games)
1x Infiltration Lens
2x Kitesail
1x Strider Harness
2x Trusty Machete
1x Sword of War and Peace (best equipment in the deck)


Babalu. said:
Can anyone recommend how to trim the fat in the mono white soldiers deck? I'm sitting at like 73 cards and don't play enough to know what can be taken out or not, they all seem pretty useful.

Well, here's mine

-Elite Vanguard x 2
-Gideon's Lawkeeper x 2
-Kitesail Apprentice x 2
-Kor Duelist x 2
-Kor Outfitter x 3
-Puresteel Paladin
-Stoneforge Mystic
-Sunspear Shikari x 2
-Gideon's avenger x 2
-Kor Hookmaster
-Baneslayer Angel
-Serra Angel x 2
-Captain of the Watch (kinda meh personally)

-Arrest x 3
-Revoke existence x 2
-Argentum Armor
-Kitesail x 2
-Sword of War and Peace
-Conq pledge
-Penin Blade
-Infiltrator's lens (awesome card)
-Trusty Machete x 2
-Brave the Elements

As for the deck above me, I think Glory seeker is the worst creature in the deck. I would get rid of all 4 of them asap. I do agree that Sword of war is usually better. The only time I bring out Argentum with mystic is if I have a kor outfitter in my hand or 6+ mana.

I also think that Strider harness is pretty crappy. Revoke Existence and Conq pledge are good cards as well.

As for the new cards in the expansion. I would put in the 2 loxodon gatekeepers and take out the two Serra angels. I would also put Sunblast Angel and take out Captain of the watch (just too expensive and I really don't think its been all that effective in any of my games when she is actually out). The guardian Seraph seems kinda crappy.

Of course, I havent been able to test that out because the fucking game won't acknowledge that I actually bought the game. PoS steam...
Is Glory Seeker amazing? No. But you have to ask yourself "What's better in the list of cards I have access to?" Is 2x Revoke Existence really better than 2x Glory Seeker? In almost every matchup, I'd rather see Glory Seeker in my hand than Revoke Existence; if the game let us actually play real 3-game matches, Revoke Existence would be a fantastic sideboard card. In this format, I don't use it because it just clogs up my hand in most games. Against Wielding Steel or Machinations, it's awesome. Against Vampires, Gravewhispers, and Predators it can counter 1-2 cards in the deck. Against the other decks, it does absolutely nothing except sit in your hand and make you wish you had drawn something else.

Now, I could possibly be convinced to play 2x Elite Vanguard over 2x Glory Seeker, and in fact the only reason I'm split with 2 of each is because I could never decide which was better. But I would never run Revoke Existence in this deck just on the off chance I drew it in a favorable matchup. It's the same reason I don't run the lifegain artifacts. When drawn at the right time against certain matchups they're insane - I lost a match last night in a Gravewhisper mirror match because he got out two Demon Horns on turns 2 and 3, so every card I played or he played gave him 2 life. But in most cases, they won't help you - so I don't use them.


divisionbyzorro said:
First, don't play on planeswalker difficulty. The game cheats.
So is this confirmed? I mean I've seen enough suspicious shit to suspect it, but...

So let's say I drop the difficulty one step, will the A.I be noticeably worse? I can't really play online where I'm at right now so I'd rather not gimp the A.I too much.


Doomshine said:
So is this confirmed? I mean I've seen enough suspicious shit to suspect it, but...

So let's say I drop the difficulty one step, will the A.I be noticeably worse? I can't really play online where I'm at right now so I'd rather not gimp the A.I too much.

Planeswalker difficulty do cheat.
Yeah, middle difficulty is just fine.

Playing online is where it's at though. Nothing beats the unpredictability of a real person - even if I am in the midst of a slight slump right now :(


Doomshine said:
So is this confirmed? I mean I've seen enough suspicious shit to suspect it, but...

So let's say I drop the difficulty one step, will the A.I be noticeably worse? I can't really play online where I'm at right now so I'd rather not gimp the A.I too much.

The easiest difficulty (Mage) seems to make dumb moves, like not attack when it should. That's great if you are just trying to unlock cards. The middle difficulty (Aarchmage) seems to okay to me. Plansewalker, I don't know...they always seem to make the best move, but I am suspicious that they always seem to have the right card to play as well. I have read some posts that said they played the whole single player against Plansewalker and didn't even know it.

Is there some trick to playing as the Archenemy online? I can't seem to read the scheme's before they are played so sometimes I don't know what it's going to do, but I have to select an enemy to use it on. BTW, really love playing that new campaign in single player as part of the DLC!


I am still like 40% through the first game...but for some reason I feel like skipping the rest and getting 2012 instead. Unless there is a way to cheese through the first game, losing to AI was getting Not Very Fun and I felt like I was always losing by just a hair


divisionbyzorro said:
Is Glory Seeker amazing? No. But you have to ask yourself "What's better in the list of cards I have access to?" Is 2x Revoke Existence really better than 2x Glory Seeker? In almost every matchup, I'd rather see Glory Seeker in my hand than Revoke Existence; if the game let us actually play real 3-game matches, Revoke Existence would be a fantastic sideboard card. In this format, I don't use it because it just clogs up my hand in most games. Against Wielding Steel or Machinations, it's awesome. Against Vampires, Gravewhispers, and Predators it can counter 1-2 cards in the deck. Against the other decks, it does absolutely nothing except sit in your hand and make you wish you had drawn something else.

Now, I could possibly be convinced to play 2x Elite Vanguard over 2x Glory Seeker, and in fact the only reason I'm split with 2 of each is because I could never decide which was better. But I would never run Revoke Existence in this deck just on the off chance I drew it in a favorable matchup. It's the same reason I don't run the lifegain artifacts. When drawn at the right time against certain matchups they're insane - I lost a match last night in a Gravewhisper mirror match because he got out two Demon Horns on turns 2 and 3, so every card I played or he played gave him 2 life. But in most cases, they won't help you - so I don't use them.

Revoke existence is pretty damn useful against vampire, U/G, Blue, White, Koth, Machinations, and the new Aura deck - probably grave whispers as well, but havent played that deck yet :(. Sure, its pretty useless when you face the red spell deck and the two green decks, but I'd still rather have revoke existence in my deck since its real useful against the majority of the decks.

The problem with the Vampire deck is that if he drops that one artifact you are going to lose without revoke existence. And you're right, if we had a sideboard, I would totally put revoke existence there, but since we don't and I still find it really useful in against the majority of decks, ill keep it in my hand

And I would totally put 2 more vanguards in over the two glory seeker. I would also put in the other Kor Outfitter over the glory seekers. I mean, why not? they cost the same amount of mana and are both 2/2, but kor outfitter actually does something useful
Even when we quibble about details, note that we both are still doing the same basic thing: building a deck with cheap creatures and spells that fit the theme. Whenever you're looking at a decklist in this game, you need to start by deciding what you want the deck to accomplish and dump the cards that don't fit that theme, even if the card seems awesome.

When you're trying to cut that last card or two from your deck, look at those cards and ask yourself: will I always be happy with this card? Then ask: would I rather see a different card? A good example is that 4/8 octopus in the Ancient Depths. I like this card: but at that land drop i'd rather finish ramping to an Eldrazi or drop a Sky Swallower. So it doesn't make the cut.


divisionbyzorro said:
Even when we quibble about details, note that we both are still doing the same basic thing: building a deck with cheap creatures and spells that fit the theme. Whenever you're looking at a decklist in this game, you need to start by deciding what you want the deck to accomplish and dump the cards that don't fit that theme, even if the card seems awesome.

When you're trying to cut that last card or two from your deck, look at those cards and ask yourself: will I always be happy with this card? Then ask: would I rather see a different card? A good example is that 4/8 octopus in the Ancient Depths. I like this card: but at that land drop i'd rather finish ramping to an Eldrazi or drop a Sky Swallower. So it doesn't make the cut.

Yea, your deck definitely focuses a bit more on the cheap creature theme than mine, but I just like seeing some absurdly powerful decked out in a pennon blade, argentum armor, what-have-you, with a conq pledge cast and a crap ton of creatures already out. I just find it amusing that my 1/1 kitesail apprentice turned into a 15/15 flying beast.

It's also pretty useful if the burn strat fails and you got to kill some powerful dudes, but of course, it might be a bit more useful to just go all out weenie, but I don't find that as fun.

For your deck though, I definitely would swap in your remaining kor outfitter for a glory seeker.


Alright, this is weird. For some reason I have Sunburst Angel in my white deck, but I still can't play with any of the 3 new decks. They are still locked. Am I just an idiot and you have to beat someone or do something to unlock those decks or is there something real screwy going on with my game?

Yup, its official. I am a moron. I didnt notice the expansion tab in the single player game.

*puts on a dunce cap and sits in the corner*
Gonaria said:
For your deck though, I definitely would swap in your remaining kor outfitter for a glory seeker.

Yeah; that's a typo - I was reciting the deck from memory and referencing against the online decklist, and likely screwed some things up. I definitely have all of the Kor Outfitters in there.


divisionbyzorro said:
Yeah; that's a typo - I was reciting the deck from memory and referencing against the online decklist, and likely screwed some things up. I definitely have all of the Kor Outfitters in there.

I actually made some changes to my deck once I got all of the expansion cards. I just realized I had way too many expensive cards in there if I stuck in the 3 good expansion cards, and would rather have two Serra angels than any armor or conq pledge.

So I dropped Pennon blade, Argentum, Conq pledge (kinda loses its luster without pennon blade) and captain of the watch (was going to drop her anyways)

So I got in my 2 loxodon, the sunburst, and another kor hookmaster.
So I've been running a new Machinations build from the WotC forums, and I am loving this deck post-DLC. It's a defense/control build; I've been playing around with slight tweaks to the formula, but this here is the build proposed on the forums, and it's getting rave reviews.

When you play with this build, you want to go slowly, hold back, build up land, and carefully make sure that the game flows according to your rules. It can be a tough build against certain decks, but I've even gotten wins with this against Ancient Depths, so don't sleep on this build.

Non-basic Land
3x Terramorphic Expanse

4x Etherium Sculptor
2x Steel Overseer
2x Tidehollow Strix
1x Etched Champion
2x Pilgrim's Eye
3x Snapsail Glider
1x Master of Etherium
1x Sanctum Gargoyle
1x Psychosis Crawler
1x Wurmcoil Engine
1x Magister Sphinx
1x Sphinx Sovereign

Other Spells
2x Go For The Throat
1x Darksteel Plate (if you can get this on a Tidehollow Strix...)
2x Dispense Justice (a fantastic removal spell that you can't go without)
3x Stoic Rebuttal
1x Undermine
1x Seer's Sundial
1x Sleep (this will win you so many games it's crazy)
2x Cumber Stone (if you're lucky enough to get both of these out, you can hold back entire sides)
1x Damnation
1x Venser's Journal (yes, it's expensive, but in a defensive build this lets you hold on to life)
1x Mirrorworks


I finally unlocked all of cloudburst and played a few matches online, and I have to say, that while it is probably the most difficult deck to play, it is a ton of fun. I don't think I have ever been so intense or had to think as strategically playing planeswalker as I did in my last few matches with cloudburst.

At first, I thought the deck was absolutely terrible since it is absolutely horrendous when you are first trying to unlock your cards. I'm ashamed to admit it, but I lost repeatedly on the easiest settings to a bunch of different AI dudes. It was quite sad.

Once you get some more spells and better creatures the deck really starts to pick up, and I think my final deck build actually has a great deal of synergy. While not nearly as good as Auramancer, I think it is better than grave in a 1 on 1 game. Definitely not against each other though since cloudburst's mechanics make grave its absolute downfall.

And as for an Ancient Depths deck, i really cant comment since I have barely played that one
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