Has anyone had any experience selling cards on eBay? Our playgroup opened an expeditions Polluted Delta and we figured the only fair thing to do was to sell it and split the money. Any tips, things to avoid doing/make sure we should be doing? We've got it doulbe sleeved and in a hard plastic cover, would that be enough? Is it even worth the risk or should we just sell to a LGS and get less for it?
what a damn waste of good art
at least give it shroud
This is the definition of administration with too much time on its hands.
Goddamn if you think BFZ drafts are fucking horrible I encourage you to log onto MTGO and try 8th Edition Draft I mean what in the actual fuck
Goddamn if you think BFZ drafts are fucking horrible I encourage you to log onto MTGO and try 8th Edition Draft I mean what in the actual fuck
Why? BfZ drafts are fucking horrible, regardless of how badly designed previous sets may have been.
Goddamn if you think BFZ drafts are fucking horrible I encourage you to log onto MTGO and try 8th Edition Draft I mean what in the actual fuck
... Uh, I think this needs more of an explanation.
You should try a draft which has mostly vanilla dudes and dudes with landwalk.
This is the definition of administration with too much time on its hands.
Maro's opinion on this is one I really agree with; it is by far the cleanest and "best" solution to the color identity "problem" in my opinion. You don't need a restriction on which cards you can put in your deck because the mana rule (you can only generate mana in your general's color identity) does that for you.
Exactly.Maro's opinion on this is one I really agree with; it is by far the cleanest and "best" solution to the color identity "problem" in my opinion. You don't need a restriction on which cards you can put in your deck because the mana rule (you can only generate mana in your general's color identity) does that for you.
Ehhhh I don't want some kind of B/W reanimator deck busting out big green and blue guys
Again, just because certain sets were constructed in a worse way, especially for draft, doesn't mean BfZ gets off the hook for being disappointing to draft. It's obviously not the worst set to draft, not even close.
I admit that calling BfZ drafts "fucking horrible" was hyperbole though. That should probably be reserved for other sets.
Maro's opinion on this is one I really agree with; it is by far the cleanest and "best" solution to the color identity "problem" in my opinion. You don't need a restriction on which cards you can put in your deck because the mana rule (you can only generate mana in your general's color identity) does that for you.
don't play swissVintage Cube drafting. Lose match 1. Eh, my fault. Weird deck, misplayed.
Round 2. No opponent. Bye.
Come on. I paid money to draft, not sit here. I'd rather play and lose than get a bye.
I had way more fun with ORI than BFZ.
I had way more fun with ORI than BFZ.
Round 3. Game 2. Opponent show and tells. He puts Emrakul. I place Mindslaver. He scoops. Tournament ends? I get 100 points? What?don't play swiss
Wanting to exclude fetchlands that don't fit your Commander's colors is really dumb.
Goddamn if you think BFZ drafts are fucking horrible I encourage you to log onto MTGO and try 8th Edition Draft I mean what in the actual fuck
Maro's opinion on this is one I really agree with
Fetchlands are obnoxious as hell in Commander any time someone ever tries to use the mana from one the same turn they play it so I'm in favor of anything to keep people from using them, honestly.
It starts as a 1/4. If you go to change it to a 4/1, I bolt it in response, then it becomes a 4/1 with 3 damage marked on it and dies. You never get the chance to change it back into a 1/4.The UR manland can be bolted? Wouldn't you be able to change its toughness to 4 in response to a bolt? Am I missing something?
As far as I know, Maro's only beef is with the way hybrid mana is dealt with. The whole point of hybrid is that it's supposed to be an "OR" operator, but EDH treats it as an "AND," as in, a mono-white deck should be able to play Boros Reckoner.Maro is ignant as fuck about Commander. He wants all kinds of dumbass shit for the format because he's trying to apply abstract rules that sound nice in his head without any appreciation for what they'd do to real games in practice.
Right now there are two rules that enforce the color identity stuff, the card inclusion rule and the mana generation rule. They might not both be necessary, but you have to look at the consequences of eliminating one. If you get rid of the mana rule, you let decks with theft effects make effective use of colored abilities on cards they steal; that's pretty minor but it does make already good decks better. If you get rid of the card inclusion rule, though, you open up the door to all kinds of nonsense reanimation shenanigans and potentially more efficient solutions in things like hybrid cards, both of which lead to decks that are more homogeneous than they are now.
recently got back into magic, and I've been curious about Oath. What are your guys thoughts on this card? I kinda like it and have been thinking of ordering a playset, even if it isn't tournament viable, It looks like a fun card to play casually with.
Maro is ignant as fuck about Commander. He wants all kinds of dumbass shit for the format because he's trying to apply abstract rules that sound nice in his head without any appreciation for what they'd do to real games in practice.
Right now there are two rules that enforce the color identity stuff, the card inclusion rule and the mana generation rule. They might not both be necessary, but you have to look at the consequences of eliminating one. If you get rid of the mana rule, you let decks with theft effects make effective use of colored abilities on cards they steal; that's pretty minor but it does make already good decks better. If you get rid of the card inclusion rule, though, you open up the door to all kinds of nonsense reanimation shenanigans and potentially more efficient solutions in things like hybrid cards, both of which lead to decks that are more homogeneous than they are now.
This is the definition of administration with too much time on its hands.
This is the definition of administration with too much time on its hands.
why did you even try thisGoddamn if you think BFZ drafts are fucking horrible I encourage you to log onto MTGO and try 8th Edition Draft I mean what in the actual fuck
banprophetofkruphix.jpgFuck every UG player who gave that color combination a bad name in the format. I've been playing UG in one form or another for years but everyone assumes these days you're just doing one of cookie cutter tutoramp goodstuff decks
No. Bolt will always resolve and the land will be a 4/1 at some point.The UR manland can be bolted? Wouldn't you be able to change its toughness to 4 in response to a bolt? Am I missing something?
Basically eggs in a nutshell for me.Zzzzzzzz. Opponent was going off with Bloom in turn 3 and I quit because I don't need to watch him beating off in the corner and he got mad. I don't think I owed it to him to let him go off but I guess he thought he should.
On that basis, you're for banning all tutors in Commander?
As far as I know, Maro's only beef is with the way hybrid mana is dealt with. The whole point of hybrid is that it's supposed to be an "OR" operator, but EDH treats i
WoTC should just publish an official ruleset and ignore everything the "EDH committee" says. It's ridiculous that they have any say in how the format is run.
I mean I'm not trying to be a dick (even though I probably was) but I really don't need to keep sitting there when he's got two Amulets out and is saying shit like "and then I float THIS and then bring it back to my hand and float THIS..."Basically eggs in a nutshell for me.
I hate people who feel the need to run decks that basically are solitaire
Not sure why he got upset, half the fun of combo is getting ragequits.Zzzzzzzz. Opponent was going off with Bloom in turn 3 and I quit because I don't need to watch him beating off in the corner and he got mad. I don't think I owed it to him to let him go off but I guess he thought he should.
Because he wanted to climaxNot sure why he got upset, half the fun of combo is getting ragequits.
Not sure why he got upset, half the fun of combo is getting ragequits.
Are you kidding? Think about this for a minute. You're WotC, do you:
a) let an external group who created far and away the most popular casual format ever continue to run it, allowing it to stay super-popular while you make extra money selling decks to the people who play it, or
b) take it over, causing yet another pointless PR flap and pissing off some (more) of your top-level judges, thereby committing to spending actual money developing and maintaining the format when the absolute best-case scenario is that you don't fuck it up and it stays as popular as it would have otherwise.
Making a petulant play to "take over" the format would be a super bone-headed move.