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Magic: the Gathering - Oath o/t Gatewatch |OT| Look again, the mana is now diamonds!

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I think four counters might be too much, but it seems pretty damn promising at first glance. I think the problem is that it's pretty bad if you draw it late (since it requires some effort/time/cards to go off) and the 2CC slot is already filled by Jace.
Maybe a sideboard card against aggro decks or as a tool in decks that need to stall?

Turn 1 Darkslick Shores
Turn 2 Swamp, play Thing in Ice
Turn 3 Underground River, Vampire Hexmage


Not sure where this goes especially after rotation, but man, it definitely gets me thinking.


So you have a vanilla 7/8 on turn 3 that probably bounced 1 creature. Congratulations!
Meanwhile, you are probably dead th following turn because it's Modern.

El Topo

Turn 1 Darkslick Shores
Turn 2 Swamp, play Thing in Ice
Turn 3 Underground River, Vampire Hexmage


Eh. I wouldn't play Hexmage just to get a 7/8. Thing in Ice is also a creature, so White/Black/Blue have ways to deal with it. Heck, Dismember allows everyone to deal with it.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
girl with a little eyeball on her?

i think maybe it's not emrakul passing through, but rather killing the eldrazi had repercussions in other planes, exactly like ugin said


Also, you would need to cast another spell before it flips if you go the Hexmage route- it only checks for no counters when you cast a spell


Tap W, Path, watch you cry over your empty board and tapped out mana.
Cast 23 Eldrazis.
Get money.

Oh, I forgot about diestodoomblade.exe when discussing creatures haha

It's just a 7/8; it's not worth two-for-one'ing yourself for, in my opinion.

It bounces things, not exactly a 2 for 1 if it gets even just one creature off the table.

Also, you would need to cast another spell before it flips if you go the Hexmage route- it only checks for no counters when you cast a spell

This is the bigger issue I didn't realize.


I want there to be some kind of R/U burn build that flips it with a few bolts and such and then closes out with Temur Battle Rage, but I just don't see how it attacks before turn 4

Let's keep jumping through hoops then haha

Turn 1 Darkslick Shores
Turn 2 Blackcleave Cliffs, play Thing in Ice
Turn 3 Underground River, Vampire Hexmage, sac Hexmage, remove counters, cast Gitaxian Probe/Gutshot, transform Thing, swing for 7
Turn 4 Temur Battlerage

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Turn 1: Some R/U dual or a fetch that grabs Steam Vents
Turn 2: Thing in Ice
Turn 3: Bolt, Shock....Lava Spike? Any 1 mana red spell you can run for damage and increase consistency
Turn 4: Battle Rage, flip the Thing in the Ice, get the double strike and the trample

That would win you the game even if they have a blocker, its just fucked if they have removal
Other interesting Modern "Horrors" if you want to build Modern Horror Tribal:

Chasm Skulker
Consuming Abberation
Phyrexian Obliterator
Phyrexian Revoker
Skaab Ruinator


Turn 1 Steam Vents exile SSG play Thing in Ice
Turn 2 Mountain Git Probe, Bolt, Bolt, Gutshot Attack for 7

Another reason to ban SSG.

I don't really get the Insidious Mist flavour. So the vampire turns into a Blue elemental? What?

Vampires traditionally have the ability to turn into a mist form. Heck, haven't you played Symphony of the Night? It's super flavorful and really cool.


Haha loving Thing in Ice. Seems totally playable.

Magnifying Glass's art is absolutely horrifying. Eyeballs at random locations creeps the hell outta me. D:

Forgot to mentioned the drafter next to me probably had the most flavorful picks going. He had new Nissa, Oath of Nissa, and Nissa's Renewal lol.


I mean, there are also black elementals in Magic.

From that art, it looks more like a poisonous mist which doesn't really fit blue.


I mean, there are also black elementals in Magic.

From that art, it looks more like a poisonous mist which doesn't really fit blue.

The unblockability screams blue to me, but then I remember


and realize the only reason they made it blue is because it's mist.
Thing in Ice will take Pearl Lake Ancient's spot as the win/con for budget standard control decks. Not sure if it will see play beyond that but I love the flavor and art.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
See, next time we get some shit like BFZ and some of y'all are like "spoiler season is still early" remember this spoiler season. If the early spoilers suck, the set is probably going to suck.


Hey, I dunno if you guys can answer this for me:

I'm interested in buying the Eternal masters when it comes out. I've only recently got back into magic, and I know this is supposed to be a pretty limited print run. How have these types of sets been handled in the past by online retailers? Pre-orders?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
For five mana and a card. With zero power. The flavour sucks. It's not even a badass vampire. Just a rando.

If you aren't building your deck to get value from the discard, you're probably doing it wrong, even in limited where this card is for.

Just realized Jace is now harder to kill with the new flip rules (he no longer has CMC of zero)

Good job.

Not sure how its relevant in Standard. There's very little that can interact with Planeswalkers to begin with and for all of the hype, he isn't really seeing that much play in Modern outside of like Griselbrand reanimation decks.
I want Emrakul to do one of the following:

  • Exile all Clues as an on-cast trigger.
  • Require sacrificing some number of Clues as part of the casting cost.


If you haven't busted the nuts of Spider Spawning + Gnaw to the Bone with the Invisible Stalker beats, you haven't fully lived.


With all the Madness and discarding, you gotta think they are gonna have some crazy card drawing spell yet to be spoiled. Most of these don't seem to be worth the 2v1 by discard.


can someone link the actual rules change? I still haven't seen the text.


1. Converted mana cost

Remember when I said that the characteristics of the face that's up are all that matter? That wasn't quite accurate. Under the new rules, the converted mana cost of the back face of a DFC is based on the mana cost of the front face. (Previously, because the back faces lacked mana costs, their converted mana costs were all 0.) The one exception is if something is a copy of the back face of a DFC, its converted mana cost is 0. So If I control Insidious Mist, it has no mana cost, but its converted mana cost is 4. If I then put a copy of Insidious Mist onto the battlefield, that copy's converted mana cost is 0.

2. Entering the battlefield transformed

A few effects can put a card onto the battlefield transformed. This means to put it on the battlefield with its back face up. Starting with this set, we have a new rule that if you're told to put a card that isn't a DFC onto the battlefield transformed, it just stays where it is. This may affect a few cards in this set, but I think the Magic Origins planeswalkers illustrate the change nicely. (This is code for "The cool cards in this set I could use to illustrate this haven't been previewed yet." I know. I feel the same way.) Say you control a Clone that's copying Jace, Vryn's Prodigy, and you activate faux-Jace's ability with four thousand cards in your graveyard. Well, four thousand is "five or more," so faux-Jace dutifully exiles himself. Then he tries to return transformed, but in exile he's just a single-faced Clone. He's not a DFC, so he gets detained at the border and remains in exile. I hope the card you drew was good, because this wasn't a great play otherwise.

3. No flippy-floppy

I've saved our most technical change for last. Here's the new rule: if a DFC has an activated or triggered ability that transforms it, that permanent transforms only if it hasn't since that ability was put on the stack. What does that mean? For example, say you activate Elusive Tormentor's ability, then you activate it again in response. Why? Because you want to discard a lot of cards. Why? We're almost there. Relax. The first ability to resolve will cause Elusive Tormentor to transform, as expected. But the second ability won't, as Elusive Tormentor has already transformed because of the first ability.


Thing in the ice seems absolutely bonkers in modern/legacy. It's a bit slow sure, but as a 0/4 it's an excellent wall that will flip in a turn or 2, bouncing all your creatures and then killing you. Not sure why wotc continue pushing those absurd blue creatures that break 1 mana cantrips, then ban all cantrips. Maybe realize cantrips and card draw are part of blue and stop doing things like this and delver? At this point delver decks can just not play goyfs because who give a shit when you have better blue creatures for everything, better aggressive 1-drops, better goyfs (or better dryads if you prefer).

Whatever. Some of the other cards are really interesting. The new land that fetch for basics is a new version of evolving wilds that can tap for colorless too. Not sure what the implications would be, but it seems interesting nonetheless. The W 1/2 that investigate is deceptively powerful imho. This into shape anew for blightsteel, ez.

Not sure why the red 1/3 discard outlet is an uncommon.

The DFC having the cmc of the front make sense, but make answers to DFC much worse. I'm lookin' at delver mostly. I seriously hate how efficient that card is. Now immune to ratchet bomb.
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