Did you just ask why Wizards was bad at something not made of cardboard?

Did you just ask why Wizards was bad at something not made of cardboard?
Took my Burn deck out for a spin last night. It's a pretty standard decklist.
4x Goblin Guide
4x Eidolon of the Great Revel
4x Monastery Swiftspear
4x Wild Nacatl
2x Grim Lavamancer
4x Lightning Bolt
4x Rift Bolt
4x Lava Spike
4x Boros Charm
4x Atarka's Command
2x Lightning Helix
12x Fetches
6x Shocks
2x Mountains
Went 3-2, but two of my wins came against budget Rakdos Aggro decks. My other win was against Affinity and then I lost against Elves and Delver.
tap mana burn face
seems easy enough
Zoo is Play Dudes, Tap them, but Zoo has the benefit of Damage coming from permanents.
Burn has roughly 10 Cards it gets to see(Assuming perfect hand and 3 draws on the play). Assuming Burn gets 3 land in that 10, they have 7 one shot cards to deal 20 Damage. That's feasible, but if your opponent has literally anything to prevent your damage you basically autolose from what I know. Leyline, even with the Anti-Enchantment stuff Burn has now, is still a doozy.
From what I've read on Burn decks, they're often labelled 'as fairly easy to learn, but surprising difficult to pilot optimally', due to the importance of knowing the deck, when to play various lands and spells, and how to react turn by turn to keep up the pressure, and not loose tempo? Is this actually the case?
Also, which fetches do you run?
I didn't say Ugin was a bad card; I'm just on #TeamBolashttp://www.channelfireball.com/videos/top-8-ultimates/
Do you guys remember when some n00bs in this thread said Ugin wasn't a good card? :0P
Haha, how time changes impressions! Card is insane.
Though I totally agree with #1 on the list, and it isn't Ugin.
It's a pretty standard decklist.
4x Wild Nacatl
HOLD.Whats the expected trajectory for expedition prices? Got a Horizon Canopy and wondering if I should offload it now as we saw the previous expeditions drop over the course of bfz drafting and I don't play modern OR if I should play the long game as horizon canopy is a fairly safe, eternal playable card and these things will never show up again once bfz/oath is gone.
Thanks guys!
Out of curiosity, would you offer the same advice for lands that have less eternal appeal? (i.e. the BfZ lands) Or is eventual scarcity such an overriding concern here that long term playability doesn't really matter?
i still need enemy tangolands. wizards pls
From what I've read on Burn decks, they're often labelled 'as fairly easy to learn, but surprising difficult to pilot optimally', due to the importance of knowing the deck, when to play various lands and spells, and how to react turn by turn to keep up the pressure, and not loose tempo? Is this actually the case?
Also, which fetches do you run?
I feel like black and white is gonna get cut at every draft.
Haven't really been paying attention to this lately. Did one or the other finally "win"?
I'm kinda happy that Battlelands is now a nonsense name for these land types when we see the other half of the cycle. Never liked that name. It's like someone with no sense of humor who tells a joke they made up, just entirely uninspired and undescriptive.
4x Wooded Foothill
4x Bloodstained Mire
4x Arid Mesa
Basically as long as you have 12 fetches that can get a mountain, you're good. So Scalding Tarns are fine too, but I'm not using them for obvious (read: monetary) reasons. The shocklands are 3x each of Sacred Foundry and Stomping Ground.
I'm still learning the deck myself, but I guess the major thing you have to work out is what hands are unkeepable. If you can't get close to killing your opponent with the cards in your opening hand, then you probably won't win. Drawing two lands in a row can be devastating. There were several games were I needed to top-deck a burn spell to win and hit a land (and one where I needed to top-deck a burn to win and did).
You can say the same for basically any top tier Modern deck.
From what I've read on Burn decks, they're often labelled 'as fairly easy to learn, but surprising difficult to pilot optimally', due to the importance of knowing the deck, when to play various lands and spells, and how to react turn by turn to keep up the pressure, and not loose tempo? Is this actually the case?
Also, which fetches do you run?
This GP really should kill off the 6-3 rule.It's 9:30pm EST, and this GP still isn't done swiss.
It's going to be 2 AM before this thing is done
This GP really should kill off the 6-3 rule.
As a viewer, I think it's great! I like throwing on a Magic twitch stream to fall asleep to- I'm a big fan of Marshall Sutcliffe, who usually starts his stream at around 2AM EST. Late Night Magic is great.
If I was paying 75$ to play in the event though.... fuck.
How about it just auto drops you after your 5th loss?
Oh, god, the equipment draft
This top 8 is goimg to be a mess isnt it
It's mostly that there's no agreement on a legit list. If it even sniffs being a competitive deck I don't know how WOTC feels about a deck that's running 8 Ancient Tombs in modern.
Dezani had the opportunity to win, but waited a turn too long to fire off the press into service. I was surprised he didn't windmill slam it as soon as he drew it.
Yeah, it kills itself and the board is empty; Dezani had a Relief captain in hand (with enough mana to play it the same turn) plus enough of a life buffer that he was favored in terms of rebuilding his board and getting in the last 3 damage.invoker can shoot itself in response. Would still have done it to get rid of it though.