The issue I have is that Wizards keeps trying to push the Gatewatch as a Justice League, not realizing that the Justice league only assembles for actual JL sized problems. No one calls the League, or the Avengers, to deal with a rebellion. They call them when there's an invasion, Or Darkseid/Thanos are trying to destroy reality. The whole Gatewatch should only be united in a block if it's an actual Multiverse Ending threat(Eldrazi, Bolas, Phyrexians). Make the Whole-Gatewatch centric blocks be events, not every fucking block.
Hey, you know what also works really well for this that I've brought up before? Give each Gatewatch member a mechanic that is really fucking low on the Storm scale to show that they're in the set. Let's say, for instance, that Atlazan is a Meso-American world that we have Jace and Ajani on. If there's a grand mystery over the "Conquest of Power", maybe have Investigate be a thing for Jace? Since Ajani's all about healing, maybe have Protection on a few cards? I'm not saying make these be full on mechanics, but is it really a terrible idea to convey your Planeswalkers(and what they are about) beyond just the art?
Like, just rambling:
Gideon can get Raid/, Jace gets Investigate, Liliana gets Morbid, Chandra gets Spell Mastery, Nissa gets Convoke.
I'm probably 90% off on this, but this gives each Planeswalker Something that actually makes them feel there (and less like just there for marketing)