Earliest we're likely to see ZEN fetches is the Fall set. Goblin Guide on the other hand has been on imminent reprint watch for a while now and I'd be surprised if it wasn't in MM2017 or Amonkhet.Speaking of Modern cards, I've been thinking about selling my Goblin Guides. I don't really play Modern much and I feel like we might get a reprint. I also got four Zendikar fetches (2 Mesa, 2 Scalding Tarn), wondering if I should keep them too.
Do we know if anything is happening to the Modern PPTQ season? Is that still gonna be a thing this summer?
If they touched those I'd have to slap someone. It's probably too close to the season for them to switch that around now. In the event they did want to change those to another format while minimizing the backlash it probably wouldn't happen until Late Summer or Fall.
Realistically they need a medium size event specifically created for Modern that a LGS can run occasionally (without seasonal restrictions). Something like a Modern Game Day that an LGS can run once every three to six months. Print promos associated with the current set/block that are relevant to Modern and give them out to Top 8 and give it a decent Planeswalker Point modifier as well. With the removal of Modern GPTs, outside of the Modern PPTQ season (which we'll assume is untouched at least for this year) there's little to no support beyond FNM level events in most areas of the country. Stores are fucking TERRIBLE about getting the word out about the few events they do hold and even the small addition of being able to use Wizards Event Locator to find these events would be incredibly helpful. What I wouldn't do for a better way to find more events in and around my state...
EDIT: It'd be even better if they just gave them an event that they could fire once every few months with some support. Don't tie it to a specific weekend after/before Set Y launches that way you give the LGS community the ability to work their 'Modern Event' days around each other instead of cannibalizing the attendance of one another like the current Gameday does to some extent. In areas with multiple LGSes that would mean potentially one 'Modern Event' day a month, scheduling permitting.
Stores can run their own Modern 1k or 5k but they're very expensive to run and realistically there's little incentive for stores to put that much effort and money into an event for which they're receiving no promotional/financial assistance from WOTC. Prizing comes directly out of the LGS' pocket and ideally they'll recoup the cost for staffing and prizing from entry fees but they're a big ask for a small to mid size LGS. In addition, unlike a PPTQ, GPT, or a WMCQ there's no WOTC supplied promotional efforts and incentives like promos, playmats, invites/byes, or even just decent Planeswalker Point modifiers associated with the event.