Landing post for Modern Masters 2017
Release Date: March 17, 2017
Number of Cards: 249
MSRP: $9.99
Modern Masters 2017 Edition takes players back to some of the most remarkable sets from recent history, representing everything from Eighth Edition through Magic 2014–including trips through Innistrad and Return to Ravnica. Featuring new artwork on a number of cards, every card in Modern Masters 2017 Edition can be added to your favorite Modern-format decks. But first, enjoy a fresh Limited experience that combines some of Magic's most iconic cards in new ways. Every box of Modern Masters 2017 Edition contains 24 booster packs–each with fifteen randomly inserted game cards, including one premium card in every pack–making it perfect for exciting Draft play.
Modern Masters is a booster pack release focused toward the experienced player, made up entirely of reprints. This won't affect what's in Standard, and unlike Standard releases, there won't be a prerelease event. You can go to your local game store to play booster draft, or buy a box yourself and draft with your friends. Although many of the cards are expensive ones in need of a reprint, most of the cards are intended to create a fun and interesting draft experience, so that's the best way to experience this set.
Monday, February 27
Restoration Angel, Stoic Angel
Damnation, enemy fetchlands, shard trilands, guildgates
Goblin Guide
Goblin Assault, Vanish into Memory
Terminate, Primal Command, Domri Rade, Molten Rain, Harmonize
Tuesday, February 28
Venser, Shaper Savant; Thragtusk; Ranger of Eos, uncommon Shard cycle, Griselbrand, Snapcaster Mage
Bonfire of the Damned, Deadeye Navigator, Might of Old Krosa, Grafdigger's Cage, Temporal Mastery
Inquisition of Kozilek, Path to Exile, Zur the Enchanter, Stony Silence
Linvala, Keeper of Silence
Abyssal Specter, Phantasmal Image, Seance, Entreat the Angels
Wednesday, March 1
Momentary Blink, Mist Raven, Sphinx's Revelation, Pyromancer's Ascension
Death's Shadow, Craterhoof Behemoth, Abrupt Decay, Liliana of the Veil, Burning-Tree Emissary, Magma Jet, Past in Flames, Basilisk Collar, Vithian Stinger, Extractor Demon, Falkenrath Aristocrat, Bone Splinters, Gnawing Zombie, Mortician Beetle
Lingering Souls, Gifts Ungiven
Scavenging Ooze
Blood Moon, Voice of Resurgence
Thursday, March 2
Augur of Bolas, Cruel Ultimatum, Compulsive Research, Fiery Justice, Cavern of Souls
Tarmogoyf, Splicers, Intangible Virtue, Flickerwisp; Niv-Mizzet, Dracogenius; Izzet Charm; Serum Visions; Signets
Olivia Voldaren, Mystical Teachings, pro player gossip
Friday, March 3
Full reveal