Modern Masters 2017 is a bit different from previous Masters sets. Modern Masters, Modern Masters 2015, and Eternal Masters were set up with ten color pairs, with archetypes (Black-Green Elves and White-Blue Artifacts, for example) built into those color pairs.
The biggest difference with Modern Masters 2017 is that it's a heavily multicolor set. Specifically, the set is built around the five ally color pairs, each with their own strategy:
White-Blue BlinkUse creatures with enter-the-battlefield abilities and ways to reuse these abilities
Blue-Black Instant ControlUse lots of instants and counterspells to control the board
Black-Red UnearthAn aggressive deck that uses creatures with unearth to keep attacking
Red-Green Go WideMake tokens and use cards that make them all bigger
Green-White PopulateTake advantage of the populate mechanic from Return to Ravnica
There are also three-color cards in the "shards" (green-white-blue, white-blue-black, blue-black-red, black-red-green, and red-green-white), as well as two-color enemy cards. When drafting the set, the focus will be on multicolor cards. To help you cast these multicolor cards, there is a healthy amount of mana fixing, including two sets of color-fixing lands: