So you came around on my thinking about the Doom Blades after all.
Of course, I am always right about all things so this is no surprise to me.
How good are you at picking draft cards, again?
But yeah, dropping the two barons from my mainboard opened up my removal suite a bit. I'm much more comfortable with ultimate price when I have two last breath instead of one.
Thanks. I have been looking through this.
Ultimate Price over Doom Blade is an interesting choice. Did you pick that because of the strength of mono-Black in Standard right now?
Given what you have, cost is obviously not a factor when you did not pick Mutavault. Instead you went for two more shocklands. How is that working out for you?
EDIT: Also Thoughtseize doesn't seem to be too commonly used in the maindeck of Esper control. Any idea why?
Not being able to hit mutavault sucks, but Doom Blade can be annoying against the black decks when they don't hit mutavaults. The 1-2 mana removal suite is really precious to a control player. I also have two last breaths that hit 90% of the important threats that doom blade would have over ultimate price.
Mutavault is just a bad card in a 3-color deck that needs all three colors on time. This ties into the reason most esper decks don't run many thoughtseizes. A lot of the decks you see are just UW with a light black splash. The mana base in most decks doesn't allow for a consistent early thoughtseize and they're worried about hurting themselves too much. On top of that, the game plan is to go into a long game where Thoughtseize gets worse.
I'd rather start out at 16 health and get to sequence my plays properly as a control player than run terrible cards like Azorius Charm and Divination. With 16 scry sources you don't top deck thoughtseize much when it's useless anyway. And when it's useful, it's REALLY useful.
Also, thoughtseize is a lot better when you run a transformative sideboard like mine and you change plans to cards that need to be played on time, like Fiendslayer Paladin.
You can run Mutavault in Esper if you're only splashing black for something like Blood Baron that comes down late.