Banners are baaaaaaaaaaaad. They need to stop trying to make them happen.I thought splashing was relatively easy with the lands and banners available. Suppose I'll see tonight for myself.![]()
Banners are baaaaaaaaaaaad. They need to stop trying to make them happen.
You want to drop a Morph, not a mana ramp. You really don't want to spend time/resources on "not developing board position" early on in this format.What's wrong with banners? :S
You want to drop a Morph, not a mana ramp. You really don't want to spend time/resources on "not developing board position" early on in this format.
At least at the prerelease, that was just wrong in every deck I had - you needed to unmorph first and have the time to level up Disowned Ancestor once before there was any pressure.I think banners are acceptable in sealed. The odds of decks curving out should be manageable. Some decks want to splash a fourth colour for more removal to deal with bombs and slivers.
Travis Woo also said drawing first is good in this sealed format. Not sure about that, but his arguments seem sound.
He didn't pay attention to core sets, basically. Also, Aaron is his boss.I don't understand how a card like Hornet Queen gets through when Maro is so insistent cards like Hornet Queen should not exist. I mean, sure there are guys who are higher up on the food chain than Maro, but what exactly is the reason for doing so?
He didn't pay attention to core sets, basically. Also, Aaron is his boss.(Aaron loves bees - I do too, I just wish the Queen herself didn't fly.)
You want to drop a Morph, not a mana ramp. You really don't want to spend time/resources on "not developing board position" early on in this format.
Green used to get crappy flyers w/ regularity. (Hawkeater Moth says hi.) It's a different design philosophy is all. I don't mind it- especially when the fliers aren't frequent. I like the effect that the Queen is having on the format, actually.I mean, I know its his boss, but that isn't in and of itself a good reason to ignore Maro's opinion. I can't imagine it isn't well known that Maro hates flying green creatures and/or direct damage.
Haven/t done one yet, so no idea there.Is that still true in 40 card drafts?
I took a lot of what you said into consideration, and the deck I made is somewhat based off the W/B/R decks running around, but something about the green ramp with Sylvan Caryatid and Courser works well with Planeswalkers, and Xenagos summons a haste creature for 0 while Sorin does not, even though Sorin does have a good effect to boost the tokens the deck I built is more about advantage and pressure with weenies rather than worrying about if you can pump them up.I mean, it can work, but this is kind of what we call a "good stuff" deck. The curve is a bit off and you don't have anything to pressure your opponent with in the early game. You probably want less Magma Jet, more Raise the Alarm. A token strategy is typically a beat-down overwhelm with numbers strategy that's running effects that make the tokens more threatening. You could remove Elspeth and Sarkhan and add in more effects to create tokens and pressure your opponent (like Stoke the Flames)
Take a look at Wescoe's brew (which is W/B/R):
2 Brimaz, King of Oreskos
2 Butcher of the Horde
4 Goblin Rabblemaster
1 Purphoros, God of the Forge
Creatures [9]
2 Sorin, Solemn Visitor
4 Dictate of Heliod
4 Hordeling Outburst
4 Lightning Strike
4 Mardu Charm
4 Raise the Alarm
4 Stoke the Flames
Spells [24]
4 Battlefield Forge
2 Bloodstained Mire
4 Caves of Koilos
4 Mana Confluence
2 Mountain
4 Nomad Outpost
1 Swamp
4 Temple of Triumph
The better morphs come online at 5 mana, so a turn three banner doesn't allow you to morph one turn earlier, you're just wasting a turn that could've been spent playing the morph in the first place (or outlasting).
I just don't get his color reasons for green not having bees. I feel like they fit really well in the green color pie. He basically said he'd argue that they're white. I guess from a "colony" standpoint, they are. So something like anthropomorphic bees, sure. But actual, in the wild bees? No, those are green to me.
However, this matters most in limited. I suspect the bees would go over better if they had defender. Flavor-wise, that's normally what's going on.Lots of things can be justified by flavor. Flavorwise, there's absolutely no reason not to have faeries in green, for instance. The thing is that green is mechanically defined by its lack of flying creatures. Hornet Queen honestly probably wouldn't be that good in black, where it mechanically makes more sense, but it's amazing in green, precisely because that's not what green usually does and green has things in color to take advantage of it. Similarly, Hornet Sting saw constructed play even though Lightning Bolt was in the same format.
Crater's Claws is insane in limited. It's literally the only card I lost a game to at the prerelease.Mardu Ascendency and Crater's Claws are fine in sealed; the former being really, really good. Grim Haruspex is also fine.
LOLOLI did add rescue from the underworld to the deck and it's been super awesome.
Well, when almost every creature in the deck has an etb trigger and ashen rider also has a ltb trigger...LOLOL
This is actually a genius idea to use.
No, I went 3-2 at the prerelease but my last two opponents each won both of their games with crater's claws when I was reasonably favored on board. So on games I wound up 7-4 which is pretty mediocre. Card is super good, especially in a slower format like Khans sealed.Yeah, but you're God's Beard and never lose to anything.
Lots of things can be justified by flavor. Flavorwise, there's absolutely no reason not to have faeries in green, for instance. The thing is that green is mechanically defined by its lack of flying creatures. Hornet Queen honestly probably wouldn't be that good in black, where it mechanically makes more sense, but it's amazing in green, precisely because that's not what green usually does and green has things in color to take advantage of it. Similarly, Hornet Sting saw constructed play even though Lightning Bolt was in the same format.
Also, thanks to the guy right after this who passed me Sorin, Solemn Visitor. I'll make good use of it.
I'm on #teambanners. It's usually my "18th land". Sure, you want to cast morph cards, but you want to be able to eventually flip over the 5 mana morphs also. You can usually take a hit casting a banner. I mean, you probably wouldn't trade that face down card on T3 anyways. And cantrip is nice late game.
I saw two Ugins Nexus in my draft too. Getting 2 of them does nothing though.I chose to draft since the sealed queue took a bit too long to fill up. Drafted Sultai and saw zero treasure cruises. smh. First round played against someone who resolved ugin's nexus. wow. much use. very time walk. maybe he drafted another one. :lolfor me
Wish I got passed a sorin.![]()
It's possible he doesn't know that. :lol
Maybe we're in the same draft.
I'm on my phone so I can post it tomorrow.Did you post the updated list earlier?
If you just played an 18th land you are more likely to be able to morph on turn 5 and do something relevant on turn 4.
Your mana is strained in this format. You have way too many things you want to do and not enough resources to do them. That's the issue- sinking 3 mana in is a lot and it throws your tempo off huge.Dat cantrip doe. I think you guys are overlooking the fact that it's not uncommon to be running 4 colors anymore in Khans limited. Even in 2-3 colors, you are not always going to have cards to cast with your current manabase unless you have nothing but morph cards. You are also going to need access to your colors to morph the bomb cards. Banners acts as a mana fixer and a ramp and a cantrip.
Unless I'min a 1-2 color aggro deck, I can't be convinced that running banners are bad.
If you actually get into a grindy-ass Abzan matchup, Dragon Throne is actually kind of good.
All the abzan matchups were pretty tempo-oriented, actually.
Just lost a game where I had lethal on the board, but I forgot that efreet weaponmaster had a trigger until after I attacked. :lol
It's great if you're trying to topdeck (Modern Jund, Jund Monsters.) Less so if you're delving or reanimating.The problem with Courser is that multiples are less valuable and therefore you're drawing more non-gas cards. You can stack ther lifegain but that's mostly just trinket text. Having one Courser out is very nice for smoothing out land draws. Having three out just means you spent three turns casting a 2/4.
No I was talking about a limited game.It's great if you're trying to topdeck (Modern Jund, Jund Monsters.) Less so if you're delving or reanimating.
I assumed you meant Constructed, re: Dragon Throne.
Do you guys think that the Temple scrylands will go down in value post-rotation or just continue to rise and stay at about where they are now(ish)?
At the time they developed this block, they would have needed to be prepared for a Block PT. Also, the "fast" enemy lands are gone after rotation.I'm skeptical that we'll get any more enemy-colored lands in this block. Right now Standard is balanced - 5 enemy painlands, 5 allied fetchlands, and then the scrylands. It'd be weird to throw the balance off again - especially with so many other options (like the Life-lands) as backup.