Started with Jeskai, then Temur, then Sultai and settled with this abomination to eventually split the finals. Luckily, I picked lands very early, so I was rarely colour screwed. Did get mana screwed a few times though, so maybe 18 lands is the correct amount, but I didn't know what to cut. Weave Fate I suppose?
At first I thought Rakshasa Vizier was a crappy vanilla 4/4 at rare, but this guy can get big very easily. I only had three Delve cards and it could still grow reliably thanks to the ascendancy. Sultai Ascendancy is criminally underrated. It's no Abzan Ascendancy, but it's pretty powerful in the late game when you're digging for gas and your opponent will eventually draw blanks. It also lets you chain Treasure Cruises. I say try it out, Sultai brothers.
The morph trigger of Thousand Winds actually won me a game lol. I got blown out by double Abzan Charms, but managed to hold on. My opponent alpha striked for lethal, and I evacuated. Take that, Abzan Guides!
Monastery Flock and his bigger grounded brother Dragon Eye's Savants are very good in halting any early offense. Sometimes you can force them to unmorph by offering the trade. Then you unmorph. It's like a mini Time Walk. Sometimes they even try to kill it, since it trades with their morphs, which nets me a cool one-for-zero. I always see them going late, which is perfect for any deck with blue cards.
Scout the Borders is so good in any U/G deck. I counted my lucky stars and managed to pick one up very late. It should never go that late since both Temur and Sultai want it. It's both an Impulse and Dark Ritual in one package. On crack. Seriously, it fixes mana early or gives you gas in the late game, and lets you play nearly free spells. It's much better than Taigam's Scheming.
That concludes the findings from someone who drafted a crappy four colour deck. :lol It does prove that you don't have to be stuck with one clan.