I love how quickly Treasure Cruise became busted. Especially it being a 4x in that deck.
It's probably the only deck that could ever afford to run it as a 4-of.
I love how quickly Treasure Cruise became busted. Especially it being a 4x in that deck.
My favourite feeling is offering the trade, he/she unmorphs to some fatty and I Force Away. Literal Time Walk right there.
Also, Mardu is poops. I have not lost a single time facing Mardu.
That still seems terrible, unless you somehow got multiple Hordemates, Heart-Piercers and Hordling Outbursts. Just trade anything they play and I'm usually fine.
As is Bloodfire Expert. I don't play it in my Jeskai decks since it dies to everything. Although it's not as bad as Valley Dasher. :lolValley Dasher is so bad though
My favourite feeling is offering the trade, he/she unmorphs to some fatty and I Force Away. Literal Time Walk right there.
Also, Mardu is poops. I have not lost a single time facing Mardu.
Thank you for the Arc Lightning blowouts.![]()
Act of Treason is kind of bullshit. There's a reason Harness by Force was a rare.
Mardu is not great in draft since the most common wedge-creature is Ponyback Brigade, which is super, super medicore unless you have Ankle Shanker or something to push it through.
Via twitter- the deck designer/player said the Cruises were godawful.
Apparently, the secret to Modern is that you can just play whatever deck you want, as long as you can jam 4x Treasure Cruise into it
Morphs are supposed to block and trade and die left and right if you're playing a Sultai/Temur/Abzhan deck (generally speaking). If you've drafted those decks correctly, you've got more chunky creatures coming off the top; anyone who tries to "protect" their early morphs by not blocking against a super aggressive start is doing it wrong.
If Ascendancy takes off in Standard, btw, Twinflame is the card that will jump. (Just grabbed a set for 1.32 to be safe.)
Hah, I was thinking this too during the last SCG standard event. I should grab a playset.If Ascendancy takes off in Standard, btw, Twinflame is the card that will jump. (Just grabbed a set for 1.32 to be safe.)
Now this seems like a decent Boros splash blue tempo spells deck. Only missing one or two Jeskai Charms.
Now watch me lose the first round. :lol
Your creature count looks low, but if you draw well you've got a shot.
Holy shit these Tormenting Voices have been incredible for me. I'm still mana flooded, but I'm discarding lands and drawing gas eventually. Arrow Storm for the win!
My reasoning is airtight!Found you Kirb in my email![]()
To elaborate:
Protection does a number of very specific things. For a creature with Protection from X:
-The creature can't be targeted by spells or abilities that are X
-The creature can't be enchanted or equipped by permanents that are X
-The creature can't be blocked by creatures that are X
-All damage from sources that are X is prevented
Protection does NOT stop global -X/-X effects, sacrifice effects, or global destroy effects. This is why Anger of the Gods can't kill pro-red stuff, but Wrath of God can kill pro-white stuff.
Also note that some of the Protection clauses can be circumvented. For example, if there's an effect in place that says "Damage can't be prevented," then a creature with Protection from Red can still die if it blocks a bigger creature that's red. Also, White Ward (among other auras) had to have a clause specifying "Enchanted creature has protection from white. This effect doesn't remove White Ward" added to it.
Ha! Finals was a Jeskai mirror, also splashing blue for Jeskai cards. He had Mantis Rider, Dragon-Style Twins, Flying Crane Technique, Mindblast, basically Jeskai goodstuff. I still won both games convincingly. Low enough to Arrow Storm for lethal in the first game and Force Away'd his guy when he wanted to Flying Crane Technique after I double blocked his guy. Also, this is the first time I realized Set Adrift is a sorcery. That makes it much worse than Force Away. Should have taken the Force Away over it. :lol
People really aren't prepared for it yet, the reanimator shell is really strong.Just 4-0'd a daily with Valentine's Abzan deck (only change was -1 Empty the pits for a 4th queen) and hornet queen really is absurdly strong. Really brought me back from a couple of lost games.
Didn't like the Necropolis Fiend too much but that's probably because he always died to removal.
I wouldn't say it's garbage. It still gains you tempo by resetting their sliver mans or expensive morphs, but yeah, it's definitely worse than Force Away.
Leaping Master has been a house for me. I'm never sad to have him trade with a morph, since you net gain one mana by doing so. In the late game, he's not completely a dead draw as he's basically a Wind Drake. He also triggers Raid without having to suicide into something. Who needs Valley Dasher? :lol
GB said:
Is everyone expecting a huge meta shakeout at PT?