Angry Grimace
Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Betas shouldn't even be counted as a transitional period. There were so many bugs that made it borderline unplayable for many people. Even during the spotlight, the last time I actually tried to play, there were basic problems that shouldn't have made it past day 1 of testing like the tiny cards surrounded by a huge, unused play area. Nobody should have been expected to waste their time, money, and patience preparing for the eventual downgrade to V4.
"Betas shouldn't be counted as a transitional period" makes no sense at all. What else is there you can do to create a "transitional period?" The beta client has functioned practically identically for the last 5 months or something as it does now.
I'm not telling you V4 is a good piece of software. I'm telling you V3 was a bad piece of software also, and many of the things people hate are just things they're used to from V3 that still exist, but are harder to find. I'm not saying that was a good idea, but the actual game functionality is not actually impaired.
I don't really understand where the targeting arrows went, and I don't like the way that the game manages the weird pop-up windows, but you do get used to them being that way, I suppose.