I'm building it, still several money cards away. I think I'll only have it finished in a few months. I'll wait to see what MM2 brings to the table too.
I took a 540 modern list (I didn't know how to search for smaller cubes, yeah) and cut several cards to get to 360. It's not "my cube" in that sense but it started as a bigger one so there might be less-than-adequate choices because of that. divisonbyzorro helped a lot by spotting some subpar cards and since I'm still building the deck I have leeway when it comes to replacements.
Thanks for the tips! Since the cube is small I'm also aiming for cards that can fit several decks which is why I added a lot of hybrids. Trying to steer away from CC or CCC costs but sometimes it's hard to do that, for instance white 2 drops (several WW) and 3 drops in general.
The high amount of hybrids is because since the cube is small I wanted cards to be less narrow. It comes at a price though, as you said, Selesnya in particular is the biggest offender IMO (so many GW cards I wanted in). Dimir is another weird mix because I really wanted Tezzeret for artifact deck but he doesn't really go well with Specter and Far/Away... some stuff is bugging me. Card choices are definitely not set in stone anyway, my only true pet card is SoFI (and SFM to a lesser extent) which is shoe in.
A few more thoughts after looking at the cube some more:
1) White weenie strategies are often mono-white; don't shy away from good WW cards, just don't overdo it. A card that could be considered that I don't see here is Spectral Rider, although that's really just kind of a pet card for me.
2) I like Ronom Unicorn type cards over Kor Sanctifiers, to be honest.
3) Porcelain Legionnaire is neither a three-drop nor a white card. I have it as a colorless 2-drop in my cube, considering how often the card is drafted and played in non-white aggro decks. At the very least, tell Cube Tutor to classify it as a 2-drop for the purposes of looking at your curves.
4) I don't like Wall of Reverence, personally. I don't like Mikaeus the Lunarch either. I don't have any other options to suggest just yet.
5) I think you're really going to regret having the full Splinter Twin combo in a 360 card deck. I think it'll be the best possible thing you could do and will just warp the cube experience in a negative way since every card gets opened every time in an 8-man. I would suggest taking them out.
6) I have an irrational hatred of Aetherling, and you have four of the other five titans. Just play Frost Titan; the card is actually pretty good.
7) Damnation is $$$, but feels like it's missing. Anger of the Gods feels like it's missing too.
8) Golgari is notoriously difficult to set up for cube, but even still I don't think Deathrite Shaman is really cubeable. Abrupt Decay would probably be better.
Whatever you end up doing, update your Cube Tutor list and I'll do some more mock drafts of it. The draft bots have to be taught how to draft it on order to get reasonable results, but once they are, you can get a reasonable feel for how the cube drafts.