Modern, assuming that they print enough MM2 and future expansions that people can buy a reasonable amount, is fine. They have shown they are willing to reprint money cards in standard legal sets (Shocklands, Fetchlands, Thoughtsieze, Mutavault, Chord of Calling, ect), and are reprinting cards for the format in forms normal people can obtain (ie, not Judge/FTV printings).
The cost of standard has risen dramatically over the past 10 years- There used to be tier 1 decks that had -zero- rares in them (U/G Madness post IPA block), cards used to never get over 20-25 dollars in their standard lifespan, and there were fewer expansions a tournament player would need to care about each year (core sets used to be only reprints). And seeing how Magic has grown over the 10 years since then, I don't think the rising cost of Standard has really hurt the game. We are only a few years removed from having a $100 card in the format, for gods sake!