Angry Grimace
Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
New flavor piece is up.
Stubborn Denial is a main board card. I don't think you want 4 of any of the four-drops either. They're all pretty decent, but I like Shaman a lot more than Firemind does simply because its putting pressure on your opponent a lot faster and absolutely demands they remove it immediately because the card draw is backbreaking if it gets off in a Temur deck.
You need to cut some of them for Crater's Claws. A Ferocious Temur deck should actually run 4.
The other issue is that you should not play Lightning Strike. I know it seems weird; but the toughness of creatures in FRF are all 2, 4 or 5. Unless you really need to get Fleecemane Lions down, Wild Slash is actually better.
New flavor piece is up.
Dagathar agrees that the Abzan will outlaw the use of black magic within the Abzan in exchange for a truce with Dromoka's brood. Hmmmmmmmm, I wonder where this is going.
Hello everyone. This is my first post here, but I plan on becoming an active member within this community.
I started playing Magic very lightly and casually about a year ago. I played a draft for the rotation with the "heroic" ability, and I played in the sealed midnight releases for M15 and Fate Reforged, and had great times.
I have been play testing with a friend who has a decent standard collection and have been proxying. I have looked at all the recent sets (M15, Khans of Tarkir, and Fate Reforged) and have a fairly good grasp of the cards.
I have decided to make the jump into standard, as there are a few "PPTQ"s in my immediate area in about 2 weeks which I'm excited for.
I have glazed over and discussed the meta with friends, and it seems that what's hot is Abzan and Red White with Monastery mentor.
I have grown attached to Blue Green Red (Temur), and have built a hypothetical list. Please, be as honest and brutal in critiquing my deck. I will be play testing and competing in my first official big tournament very soon.
4x Elvish Mystic
4x Rattleclaw Mystic
4x Savage Knuckleblade
2x Yasova Dragonclaw
4x Flamewake Phoenix
4x Heir of the Wilds
2x Surrak Dragonclaw
4x Ashcloud Phoenix
4x Shaman of the Great Hunt
4x Lightning Strike
3x Temur Charm
22-25 Lands ( 4x copy of the tri land for temur, 4x fetch, 4x gain lands, 4x scry lands, and rest I assume will be easy, seeing I dont have much blue and have mostly Green, then red. I still will take advice on what my lands will be and how many I should play.)
Sideboard (Need suggestions and help; disdainful stroke seems like a great board card as it shwubs Siege Rhino, wingmate roc, sorin, etc)
4x Disdainful Stroke
3x Stubborn Denial
3x Anger of the Gods
3x Destructive Revelry
2x Negate
Again, this is my first real attempt at a competitive deck. I would greatly appreciate any advice, and more importantly, reason as to why a card choice I made was lackluster, and why your suggestion is a better choice.
Thanks alot!
Stubborn Denial is a main board card. I don't think you want 4 of any of the four-drops either. They're all pretty decent, but I like Shaman a lot more than Firemind does simply because its putting pressure on your opponent a lot faster and absolutely demands they remove it immediately because the card draw is backbreaking if it gets off in a Temur deck.
You need to cut some of them for Crater's Claws. A Ferocious Temur deck should actually run 4.
The other issue is that you should not play Lightning Strike. I know it seems weird; but the toughness of creatures in FRF are all 2, 4 or 5. Unless you really need to get Fleecemane Lions down, Wild Slash is actually better.