Normally, it is. In a format with Nykthos, plenty of devotion enablers and lots of other ramp, I don't think it is. Not for green anyway.6->7 is huge.
6->7 is huge.
Not sure why he isn't 6.6->7 is huge.
Not sure why he isn't 6.
I do too.Love the new Chord art.
Yeah I thought the same, although Hierarch is multicoloured which they don't like to have in a core set.New Garruk is expensive, not sure I care about it.
At least they reprinted Chord of Calling. Considering when they brought back Exalted they didn't reprint Hierarch, I wasn't so sure they would do the right thing this time.
Its another card that needs a reprint for sure.Yeah I thought the same, although Hierarch is multicoloured which they don't like to have in a core set.
Jund Golgarruk
It's a pretty single-minded strategy of building mana to get Golgarruk out, while having other threats to possibly pour mana into (Polukranos, Stormbreath, overloaded Mortars). Disruption is key as you won't be doing anything super powerful early on. I feel like the disruption should be enough that once you land big daddy Garruk, he'll be able to clean up what's left and do some real work. It's not an exact amount of spells and lands, rather just a sketch.
4x Elvish Mystic
4x Sylvan Caryatid
4x Courser of Kruphix
3x Polukranos
3x Stormbreath Dragon
4x Abrupt Decay
4x Doom Blade/Hero's Downfall
3x Mizzium Mortars
3x Xenagos the Reveler
3x Garruk, Apex Predator
X Forest
X Mountain
X Swamp
X Temples
4x Mana Confluence
Junk Golgarruk
This one I'm a little less sure about, the creature suite should display that pretty clearly. I still like the idea of ramping since you're looking to cast big spells for an insurmoutable endgame. Despite this uncertainty with the creatures, I feel like having a full suite of Junk planeswalkers is pretty powerful. Obviously you can't have two Ajani out at once, but I feel like they'll both have different applications at different points of the game, and the 2/1 split means you probably won't be sitting on multiples before one of them dies or is used up all the way. We're going in on disruption again but a little lighter, while adding in Unflinching Courage to give your Mystic and Courser a little bit of extra value as well.
4x Elvish Mystic
4x Sylvan Caryatid
4x Courser of Kruphix
3x Blood Baron of Viskopa
4x Abrupt Decay
4x Doom Blade/Hero's Downfall
3x Unflinching Courage
2x Ajani Steadfast
1x Ajani Mentor of Heroes
2x Elspeth, Sun's Champion
3x Garruk, Apex Predator
X Forest
X Plains
X Swamp
X Temples
4x Mana Confluence
Garruk is a pretty nice thing to ramp into with Nissa's untap 4 forest ability.
Because they tested him at 6 and didn't like what happened somewhere, probably.
Pretty neat, though it's a shame these aura-seeking cards in M15 can't get bestow creatures.
Pretty neat, though it's a shame these aura-seeking cards in M15 can't get bestow creatures.
So, it's a slightly more expensive/easier to cast Soverigns of Lost Alara? If only Eldrazi Conscription were legal!
Aether Spiral Twister
3UU - Rare
For each attacking creature, its owner chooses to put it on the top or bottom of his or her deck.
Damn that looks nice. Shame I'm pretty sure I can't go.
Yawn, nothing to see here.
This won't even be worth 5 bucks in a couple of years
You're crazy if you think this is going to be less than 5 dollars in three years.