It doesn't crumble to path though- that's just it. And I'm not saying it needs to be dealt with right now- it clearly doesn't. It's just going to break eventually.
But all I'm trying to figure out is on what basis are we even semi-seriously talking about banning a deck that sees what, 7 percent of the meta? That's barely above the percentage that sleeve up whatever brew Woo made the week before an event. Banning or crippling the deck is not even a real discussion at this point.
But, you're right that pump spells need closer watching. Just like every single cantrip, ever single removal spell, every single counter spell, every burn spell and any card draw spell. We just saw how quickly the game changes when actual problem cards are printed, both from the pro deck builders and WotC.
I'm saying, people are scared a deck that crumbles to path and Ghost Quarter. If your deck is weak to Ghost Quarter, you know, it's probably not that dangerous.
Cards like Birthing Pod, Survival of the Fittest- we've seen them around before and know that sooner or later they're going to get axed as the number of interactions increased. In this case, it's just that the deck will likely get a nerfbat at some point- not be removed completely. That's all.