Dies to Tragic Slip.
Hexproof, indestructible and 12 butt. Have to resort to Descend upon the sinful.
Dies to Tragic Slip.
I like how it's indestructible but it still has 12 toughness. You know...just in case!
Dies to Tragic Slip.
We have the leaked concept BFM DFCs.
I really should just make this guy my avatar, despite not really being a huge fan of the series:I told some people about that - they didn't seem believable to them.
Yeah, his thing is repeatedly calling people idiots.is that like soul eater or something
is that like soul eater or something
I just remember Soul Eater having weird angles
Also, Seems Mono Blue Brain in a Jar is a thing
Does Brad Nelsons SCG article have anything on sideboard changes for the gw tokens matchup?
He basically says the gameplan is to focus on ramping into Goggles and WB and get the game over as soon as possible. He brings out the Fiery Impulses, Chandra and Traverse for Atarka, GDD, Draconic Roar and, if you're on the play, Tracker.
Ugh, played the stupid Pro Tour Moneypit and got the Esper Control deck. First match: utterly excruciating mirror, like watching paint dry. Second match need 1 goddamn untapped land on the next turn to wipe the board and not die, draw tapland and cast 2 anticipates, nothing but junk and and taplands. I don't get how people can play decks with so many fucking taplands.
Sorin and Narset also both suck when you have so many lands![]()
Today I realized I have all the cards I need to make a Coldsnap cube. Four of every common, two of every uncommon, one of every rare, would make a cube of 390 cards. I'm wondering how bad this would turn out; a lot of the problems of Coldsnap draft happen when you got 6+ of some of the ripple cards; here I'd be limited to 4 of each. I could throw an extra 2 of each snow-covered basic in to bring it up to 400 cards.
How fucking long is going to take magiccards.info to update their "Standard" tag to not include KTK and FR? What is this? The Dark Ages?
I think a one-of Accursed Witch in the board should do it. If you cast Dark Petition on 6 You can just tutor the witch and slam it down. The only out for them then is having an Orbs of Warding active when it dies.
The deck only runs one Renewal, so I just have to hope to hit it with Transgress. Wining Game 1 is the real issue. Odds are, Game 2 will go to time, so closing it out isn't as big a deal, but I'd still like to have a way to do it anyways.The main issue is going to time. Once the loop is established they can just cast Nissa's Renewal repeatedly to keep themselves alive. Witch seems too slow to help with this.
Trying to Figure out a good mirror breaker for BG Seasons Past since I plan on playing it tomorrow and I know at least one other person is too. The problem is any creature-based breaker just gets hit by Infinite Obliteration and/or Transgress the Mind. The former isn't a huge problem, since it's likely that they won't expect the specific card, but the latter is. My first thoughts were either Gaea's Revenge or Plated Crusher, but they both get plucked from the hand pretty easily and blocked by Hissing Quagmire as well.
Maybe I should splash blue for Lumbering Falls. I'm also considering Accursed Witch since it's pretty hard for the deck to deal with once it hits the table. The issue, of course, is that it's not terribly useful in most other matchups.
[Edit] Call the bloodline actually avoids Transgress and can even save cards from it in a pinch. Hmm.
Use the splash I have been: 2 World Breakers & 1 Wastes. You can attack his manlands with the cast triggers and it closes games quicker. It also shores up a lot of the worse matchups for the deck. Except Esper Counterspells. That's just still a wash.
Oh, and drop 1 Dark Petition and put in an Ob Nixilis. It's a good secondary target for the 5-drop when you already have another Petition in hand. And it closes games quicker.
blogatog said:ketjak asked: When will we see the *current* non-Poison mechanic or theme that you've been working to get back into the game?
This Fall. : )
nice sneaky pun thereMark it
Chandra in Kaladesh confirmed
I'm almost positive Tamiyo and/or Sorin will join the Gatewatch at the end of this block.
The Gatewatch are being positioned as the protagonists of the Magic movie, should that project ever get off the ground.
Oath of Liliana is definitely happening in the next set, whether it makes sense or not.I still think Liliana is gonna find some stupid asinine reason to join because it benefits her.
Fucking mono white humans