Nah dude with the god draws, drew zero radiant flamesI guess the wraths/counter measures didn't work out? Did they board in Eerie Interlude or something?
Nah dude with the god draws, drew zero radiant flamesI guess the wraths/counter measures didn't work out? Did they board in Eerie Interlude or something?
Fucking mono white humans
Hunt?How the hell is it possible to mispronounce "Guardian"?
Yeah, they lost all inevitability they had without it, they are now at the mercy of the top decks to get that ulamog.This match... Tron really is a bad deck without Eye
Match is finally over... He played an Ugin, grabbed 2 dice for the 7, and then used another die for the plus 2
I'm offended
It's so sad.Watching Tron suffocate on its own vomit is making me sad.
He's truly awful.Yup.
No fuckin' playmat because of Mono White Humans and GB Sac
I played the EXACT two people I did NOT want to play first two rounds at my LGS.
So besides those assholes I won every single match I played after, netting me fifth place. Hurray, at least I got this beauty
There's another store doing it tomorrow, I may go just to try to get that playmat again. At least, I can get another Anguished Unmaking.
blogatog said:megathrowaway123 asked: Mark! You said you were bringing back a mechanic soon! Are we finally seeing the return of the beloved "bands with legends"?!
The mechanic we brought back was Madness. The Fall set is bringing back a mechanic I tried to get into a set many years ago but was unable at the time. You all have never seen it so its only a return for me. : )
I'm a big fan of So Many Insane Plays, because I don't play vintage, but am fascinated by it
More evidence for E.
My favorite thing about SMIP is how irritated Kevin Cron gets with Menendian when he misremembers a card or comes up with a crazy theory about something.
Lost first round of top 8 to an interesting take on white weenies. He had several 1 drop fliers and had Ordic as a top ender, giving his team a form of evasion. Not the most synergistic deck, but it got the job done and beat me lol.
Decided to play Mono Red Aggro today for a laff and ending up winning the mat. Flip Chandra did work.She won me several games including one ult.
Wow, really? That's awesome. All of the flip walkers are seeing play. Well, Kytheon fell off a bit, but he'll be back.
Shun, shun the nonbelievers. (re: Twin ban)I dunno about you guys, but I'm digging the diversity in Modern right now, based on watching the SCG coverage.
They were vindicated in the end.Shun, shun the nonbelievers. (re: Twin ban)
Matthias Hunt really is a monster.
Twin didn't have any of the markers of a card that needed to be banned. It was unnecessary and was clearly a move to shake up the meta before the Pro Tour. They were salting the earth so that we would never ask for another Modern PT again, lest they needlessly rip out another pillar of the format. It was so bad that they had to unban two cards just to buy back some good will.
Sorry Kirblar: WW is more right than you are on this.
What was the %?What the hell at the Day 2 Affinity numbers.
What was the %?
Lifegain is actually relevant in the format now that infinite combos aren't running all over (Pod, Twin)Why is Affinity so poorly positioned right now?