Chord is fine though, I don't have an issue with tutor effects, especially ones that require you to overextend your board to max out w/.Chord is the actual issue there, having convoke it's ridiculously undercosted.
Chord is fine though, I don't have an issue with tutor effects, especially ones that require you to overextend your board to max out w/.Chord is the actual issue there, having convoke it's ridiculously undercosted.
Chord is fine though, I don't have an issue with tutor effects, especially ones that require you to overextend your board to max out w/.
So, the big, big problem Modern's had as a format post-PT Philly is that the huge prevalence of infinite loop effects to end/virtually win games was not healthy.Do we really think something in Abzan needs banning?
So, the big, big problem Modern's had as a format post-PT Philly is that the huge prevalence of infinite loop effects to end/virtually win games was not healthy.
Pod/Abzan and Twin were two sides of a coin - part of the reason Twin was so good was that it could go over the top of infinite life. Karn and Infect were buffed because of this, it allowed decks to make an end run around it, while decks like Zoo were hurt.
Now, with Twin banned, you're left w/ the Melira shell as the last obnoxious infinite life/damage generator, but it's a lot harder to hit than Twin because of the splash buff to Infect. This isn't really a new problem, but it's kind of the last nagging issue from my big ban list a few years ago (along with SSG, which should get itself banned eventually.)
Wait let me redact viscera seer is the problem in Abzan if there is one.
Maybe we should just list cards that aren't problematic. I'll start
• Plains
• Squee, Goblin Nabob
• Juggernaut
I hope they don't ban anything too integral to the deck to make it unplayable. It's just too consistent IMO, if there's a problem to be fixed.
I kind of agree with this. The free sac outlet + scrying sets up a lot of situations that would be otherwise improbable. If we're going to ban something, let's ban this.
Norin the Wary
Clearly you have never played against a Norin Commander deck
I don't believe that it was a reasonable deck to pick up and be able to expect a real chance of you winning a tournament. 5-0 on MTGO isn't the same thing.
Maybe we should just list cards that aren't problematic. I'll start
Squee, Goblin Nabob
Sometimes you just get the Ojutai/Always Watching combo out and win instantly. Surprisingly I've been doing pretty well with this against the Pro Tour adjusted meta. Negate is just too good against a bunch of these decks and nobody is playing sweepers that kill either Ojutai under an AW or Archangel of Tithes at all.
Sometimes you just get the Ojutai/Always Watching combo out and win instantly. Surprisingly I've been doing pretty well with this against the Pro Tour adjusted meta. Negate is just too good against a bunch of these decks and nobody is playing sweepers that kill either Ojutai under an AW or Archangel of Tithes at all.
Maybe I should board 4 Negates lol
Deck: UW Always Watching
4 Island
12 Plains
4 Port Town
4 Prairie Stream
4 Always Watching
4 Declaration in Stone
1 Gideon, Ally of Zendikar
4 Stasis Snare
2 Archangel Avacyn
4 Archangel of Tithes
4 Dragonlord Ojutai
2 Hidden Dragonslayer
4 Knight of the White Orchid
4 Reflector Mage
3 Stratus Dancer
3 Dispel
3 Negate
3 Invasive Surgery
2 Angelic Purge
2 Silkwrap
1 Gideon, Ally of Zendikar
1 Planar Outburst
Display deck statistics
That decklist is screaming to me for some Eldrazi Displacers.
I adjusted the deck list sort of for this reason, since yeah, I can only imagine that whoever sticks the first planeswalker wins. Obviously, if it's the mirror, whoever has the Secure the Wastes/Westvale combo and no Anguished Unmaking to kill it is heavily favored. In overall terms, I imagine super clunky and slow.How does the deck fair against other control-ish decks with a ton of spot removal (like yours)?
Yeah, I brought in an extra Anguished unmaking, I have ultimate price, I have 3x declaration, Ruinous Path, and 2x Ob Nixilis. My sideboard is super toolkit-y, so I can adjust what kind of removal I can play on the fly.I'd find room for a Planar Outburst or even Descend somewhere. Languish not hitting a grown up Advocate or a fed Husk is a real issue.
I wasn't following GP Toronto, so I thought I had made a super sweet discovery with BW Control/Tokens..
Then I see two of those decks in Top 8.
I guess we still have 18 days left before we're as late as the KTK announcement, but I still really thought they would've announced Kaladesh by now.
That's amazing tech. Doesn't even die to Avacyn.Sometimes you just get the Ojutai/Always Watching combo out and win instantly. Surprisingly I've been doing pretty well with this against the Pro Tour adjusted meta. Negate is just too good against a bunch of these decks and nobody is playing sweepers that kill either Ojutai under an AW or Archangel of Tithes at all.
Grand total of 0 appearances in an American, Asian, and European Grand Prix top 8 that year.
One SCG event and a GP in Brazil do not a good decision make.
This is not a "metagame" thing
New Storm Scale article by MaRo, this time about Ravnica and Return to Ravnica. I love these kind of articles.
A but surprised at some of the rankings, like cypher.
people liked cypher? People audibly groaned at the Dragon's Maze prerelease when they got a Dimir pack,.myself included
* Surprised that detain did so well, especially since it seems more like giving a word to something they already do all the time but without a marker to show that it's happening (like tapping the creature or putting an aura on it).
* For scavenge, a big issue is that when the creatures are actually on the battlefield, they tend to be extremely dull and/or weak. Combined with the high cost for scavenging, there was little appealing about the RTR cards. I think the mechanic would work out better if they spiced it up next time.
* I was surprised that graft got such a bad rating. I mean, sure, I often forget it exists and I think the mechanic is weird to have on more than a few cards, but I was expecting more like... a 6, I suppose.
You see people asking for more cipher cards often on Blogatog, and people were very positive when it was first unveiled. Even after more cards were shown, the main comment was that it would be better if it wasn't overcosted, not necessarily that the mechanic itself was bad. Though really, there's not much design space for an effect that matters on your turn only both before and after combat, even if you do go into other colors.
Anyway, my comments on the article:
* Surprised that detain did so well, especially since it seems more like giving a word to something they already do all the time but without a marker to show that it's happening (like tapping the creature or putting an aura on it).
* For scavenge, a big issue is that when the creatures are actually on the battlefield, they tend to be extremely dull and/or weak. Combined with the high cost for scavenging, there was little appealing about the RTR cards. I think the mechanic would work out better if they spiced it up next time.
* I was surprised that graft got such a bad rating. I mean, sure, I often forget it exists and I think the mechanic is weird to have on more than a few cards, but I was expecting more like... a 6, I suppose.
Overload is great (in EDH), I don't give a fuck I liked both Boros mechanics (Cuz I'm boros ya'll)
That's only one card, one every blue player plays.
I'm also boros and radiance was good awful. Battalion was serviceable but I can count on 1 hand how often I triggered it.
That's only one card, one every blue player plays.
I'm also boros and radiance was good awful. Battalion was serviceable but I can count on 1 hand how often I triggered it.
Displacer/Brood Monitor is going to be the bane of standard. East West Bowl basically just jammed it into the Aristocrats shell and put 3 people into the top 25 of GP Toronto with it. Once someone refines the deck things could get ugly.
Brood Monitor is a bad card for what it is. The better option is Vile Redeemer. Chump attack, go Redeemer with 3 Creatures having died, go infinite with whatever means you want.
Awesome blue creature, thanks RoboRosewater!
Maybe we should just list cards that aren't problematic. I'll start
Squee, Goblin Nabob
Redeemer's trigger is on cast.