I need to see this dude's plan to cash out.
I need to see this dude's plan to cash out.
Isn't hallowed moonlight an easy sideboard card for these modern decks against the Nahiri/Emrakul combo? Is it good against enough other strategies to make it into sideboards?
What are the odds Cavern of Souls gets a reprint in Eternal Masters and what will it do to the price of the thing?
If it's not in Eldritch Moon, it will be in Eternal Masters
If it's in Eternal Masters, it will probably have a similar price trajectory as Blinkmoth Nexus getting reprinted in MM2. It was a 11 dollar card at sets release, got as low as $5, worked it's way back to $15 in Eldrazi Winter, and has stableized at around $8. I'm guessing you will have a chance to get them for $15 or less at some point in the next 365 days
I'm thinking more in terms of selling my copies. Probably a smart move to get rid of them now and rebuy in later.
Yeah, I think it has a decent shot of showing up in Eldritch Moon- It's a popular card from the previous INN block that is playable in almost every constructed format while not being broken in Standard (no one plays Counterspells anymore anyway) and provides support to the tribal mechanics they had in BFZ block
If it's not in Eldritch Moon, it will be in Eternal Masters
If it's in Eternal Masters, it will probably have a similar price trajectory as Blinkmoth Nexus getting reprinted in MM2. It was a 11 dollar card at sets release, got as low as $5, worked it's way back to $15 in Eldrazi Winter, and has stableized at around $8. I'm guessing you will have a chance to get them for $15 or less at some point in the next 365 days
Will Eternal Masters even do anything for the prices? I've heard WoTC is being even more stingy with the print run this time.
I remember Thoughtseize being around 20 during most of its Theros standard life.Thoughtseize dropped quite a bit, but still remained above 30 bucks ( I could've swore it was 20, but eh) and is now slowly inching back up.
My two cents: If you have Caverns and you're planning on remaining in modern/legacy don't sell unless you need the cash for insulin or something. You might get dinged if it's spoiled for EDM (Anybody got a link to WotC saying it for sure wasn't in there?) but not by much and not for long.
I remember Thoughtseize being around 20 during most of its Theros standard life.
Thanks for the advice on Cavern.
But why did we announce it all at once?
We want our fans to know when to expect upcoming products to be revealed—and to see further into the future of Magic's release schedule.
Therefore, as of this announcement, we will have two major product announcements every year—one in the spring and one in the fall. In those announcements, we will announce the next block and any supplemental products that will be released during the next year or so.
You will also notice that the pages holding the full announcement details do not all contain every element you might be used to in a set announcement—particularly key art, localized set logos, some amount of text, or other graphic treatments. That is because, for some of these, we are announcing them before those items are finalized.
While we will occasionally announce certain products off-schedule, by and large almost all of our announcements will fit this schedule. You can look for the next Announcement Day in September. We will have more detail on the exact date of those announcements as we get closer to them.
Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting.Commander 2016 with 4 color commanders:
4 color commanders no goddamit, fuck.
Not sure what to think of 4c commanders, at that point they lose most of their identity and there's little reason to stay 4 colours over 5, aside from these specific commander cards.
Their power lvl will probably be very pushed because of that.
Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting.
Might be a good way for them to have there always be Gatewatch member cards floating around, but still have cards for other walkers.
I'm mostly hyped for the Planechase Anthology - those decks are crazy expensive nowadays and I've never been willing to pony up for the Plane cards.
What's the problem with the 4-color commanders? It was obviously coming.
What's the problem with the 4-color commanders? It was obviously coming.
It means that they'll print 3 commanders for each 4 color combo, which means that at least 3 of them will be ridiculously absurd, which means that everyone is going to play those all the time for years. Last time they did something similar (wedges) we got Prosh, Derevi, Animar and Kaalia, all of them designed for commander and way too good, they are still the best or nearly the best commanders for they color combination.
Kaladesh is going to be so good.
Already confirmed a new PW, Saheeli Rai:
That piece is amazing. I am having hopes Kaladesh won't be grimdark nonsense through and through.
In the second set, when the machines revolt, it'll become a murder carousel.