but that's bad imo, both but the 2nd part worse. It's only possible that way if colour always determines social standing/belonging and thereby respective culture. I shouldn't be able to look at a card art and say "oh it's gonna be this".
It doesn't make sense for a guy with superhuman capabilities to run around in a cape and underoos either and yet here we are. Magic isn't the real world and a lot of abstraction in support of its game-ness is actually the most important thing for the art department to provide. Very specifically, you
should be able to look at card art and say what it is, since the art serves the gameplay purpose of helping people know what's what at a glance. If you need to justify it in-world, we already know the color aspect of the mana colors is "real" so you could have people either purposely leaning towards their own colors or subconsciously being inclined that way.
MaRo spent quite a while on a recent podcast talking about how one of the reasons why leaks hurt is because having everything spoiled at once decreases the longevity of the hype machine, so it's only natural they've compressed every magic announcement into two days every year
The problem they have is that they actually can't avoid announcing one set before the next one is out due to retail ordering timelines, which means they also can't use the announcement as a serious hype kickoff since it's not the product they want people to get hyped about.
They've experimented with a few options to deal with this, but I think the benefit they might get from Announcement Day is that if they just have everything out there, they can start the hype cycle for each upcoming set whenever is convenient without worrying about sneaking in an announcement first, and announcing everything in one day means they split up the hype and don't completely overshadow the next thing coming.
The way they're describing it makes it sound like a control deck where you just stall to get a Planeswalker out.
I think it's just gonna be more like a deck where you have a bomb and try to play it as often as possible, which lines up pretty well with the new player experience anyway.
It'd be cool if a new version of Daretti showed up here, though we don't know what races (other than humans) are common. As a goblin he might not fit.
I'd keep an eye out for Daretti in Conspiracy 2 tbh.
Gimme arabian settings again plz. Best setting.
On the short list!