Slawomir Maniak is a digital artist.I don't have the eye for that.
Slawomir Maniak is a digital artist.I don't have the eye for that.
Slawomir Maniak is a digital artist.
Never had an issue with that. It's when it looks plastic like many of the eldrazi that it bothers me.
It looks cool; his other artwork proves he can draw. I just have more respect for traditional artists who need to do the composition right immediately without being able to digitally alter it.Never had an issue with that. It's when it looks plastic like many of the eldrazi that it bothers me.
Should have been Niv-Mizzet instead of Lex Luthor. Wizards plsDecided to search for Terese Nielsen angels and came across the blog post about Enter the Infinite.
lmao @ "Mood: Identity dissolved in infinite knowledge."
Decided to search for Terese Nielsen angels and came across the blog post about Enter the Infinite.
Nah still Aurelia but I'm biased with my redhead fetish.
Good riddance Razia.
I thought we were discussing the iconic creatures.I mean, zombies are the best tribe. I assume everybody is just glossing over that like when talking abou say, who the best wide receiver to ever play the game was. Angels sure are the best of the big tribes though - and always got way better art to boot.
Has Terese done anything in regular sets since Theros block? She's still doing EMA and FTV and such obviously but I don't recall her being in anything after JOU.She did a good job with it!
Pixie cut redheads are better.
Pixie cut redheads are better.
On the topic of types, I love Knights, Soldiers, and Clerics. If they ever unban SFM, I'm totally going to jam Soldiers and Knights in Modern with all the equipment perks.
HUGE turnout at our FNM for GP Charlotte this weekend
I played in a 4 man pod out of 3 pods Commander
(commander) +![]()
You're welcome to try. Good luck Karrthusing me through my clone effectsCan't play this guy and gets ruined by it
This year
This year
"Sorry Blue sucks."
Next year
"Sorry we broke Blue again."
Well blue and red suck.Blue sucks a bit right now and people act like it's the end of the world.
The artist Winona Nelson has had her full artist proof binder stolen at GP Charlotte, people have no fucking shame. wow
I'm shocked SCG isn't running a stream of their GP today, but the GPLA one CFB is running is really good. Higher production values than a WOTC streamed GP
I'm shocked SCG isn't running a stream of their GP today, but the GPLA one CFB is running is really good. Higher production values than a WOTC streamed GP
WotC wouldn't pay them to do it.I'm shocked SCG isn't running a stream of their GP today, but the GPLA one CFB is running is really good. Higher production values than a WOTC streamed GP
I'm shocked SCG isn't running a stream of their GP today, but the GPLA one CFB is running is really good. Higher production values than a WOTC streamed GP
WotC wouldn't pay them to do it.
The 30+ minute wait between rounds only to have round four not be paired based on record. Not even remotely OK #GPCharlotte
Ya I just don't understand it either. I'd think this would bring in at least the same amount of viewers as the normal opens they run even with 2 GPs this weekend. Just disappointing all around.
What's the difference between this and an open though?
edit: apparently they fucked up pairings at GP Charlotte too.
GP charlotte seems like a disaster
A GP has none of their SCG Tour branding and they are probably restricted in what advertising they can do on stream. I'd have to check past SCG GP coverage. But mostly it'd just be SCG footing the whole bill for coverage with no benefit to them and all benefit to WotCaHS. Probably 50/50 financial/spite against WotCaHS.
Meanwhile, someone needs to stop tripping on the cords at GP LA.
How the hell is this even possible? Wait, no, it's totally possible with DCI Reporter.So apparently, they are doing RANDOM PAIRINGS the rest of the day at the Charlotte GP
I kind wish I was there?
Grand Prix Charlotte attendees,
Due to an unexpected and unfixable issue with WOTCs Grand Prix Tournament Management software, we are unable to pair the rest of Day Ones rounds swiss-style. After consulting with Wizards of the Coast on how to best address this issue, we will be proceeding by pairing the rest of Day Ones rounds randomly. Those who finish with a record of 6-3 or better will advance to Day Two. Those players will retain their match points, but their tiebreakers will be reset.
Because of this, we have offered main event participants the option to drop before Round 5 (which will begin at 5pm) & play in ALL Challenge side events for FREE the rest of the weekend. In addition, four additional Challenge events have been added to todays schedule:
6pm Standard Challenge
6pm Legacy Challenge
6:30pm Shadows Over Limited Sealed Challenge
7pm Modern Challenge
If you wish to drop from the main event & play in ALL Challenge side events for FREE the rest of the weekend, please report to the main event stage beneath the Jace banner and our staff will take care of you.
On behalf of and Wizards of the Coast, please accept my apologies for the inconveniences caused by this Grand Prix Tournament Management software issue.
Pete Hoefling
President, Wizards of the Coast Premier Tournament Organizer, Grand Prix Charlotte
:lol :lol :lol
I understand that you rather don't want to do it, but can't they enforce a strict cap if it otherwise becomes an organisational nightmare? Better to have a well functioning tournament for fewer players than a clusterfuck for everyone. Not to mention all the logistics and people safety issues when facing such large groups.