The Technomancer
card-carrying scientician
Its an Arcane spell, so he's not casting it since he's not a Spirit
Literally unplayable without a Quicken effect.Seems reasonable for blue
9 year old kid playing magic on CFB stream better than I ever could
Running a poll "Is the guy on Lava Spike casting a spell or getting spiked?", and then bringing Mark Tedin in to answer the question
This whole GP broadcast has been the best non-PT magic broadcast I can remember- 2 distinct commentary teams (LSV and Gabby and Mashall and Huey) that each have a high level pro to provide color, constant recording of matches so they can show multiple full matches each round, prepared short time fillers like Keep or Mull and these Fact or Fiction polls, images of each deck they show on stream, and almost no dead air. This is what everyone should strive for.
Have to agree the broadcast is pretty good, some small mistakes here and there, but there's always stuff to see and some good discussions in there, the filler isn't filler at all.
Gerry said in a recent article this is the healthiest Modern's ever been.Damn Merfolk winning a GP, that's awesome
Gerry said in a recent article this is the healthiest Modern's ever been.
He's right. #TwinIsWrong
We get an Eternal Masters thread? wuuut
Mythic Chrome Mox
A card that is banned in modern and inferior in other eternal formats.
I... don't know what to say.
Diamond is reserved and if you wanted to print an iconic mox that's the only possible choice i think.
I'd have taken an opal reprint over it.
I could have traded my dragon collection for a PS3 at launch. True story.Well, at least you can sell that off, unlike those fucking dragons.
NVM this wasn't what I thought it was lol.
mashugasnewblog asked:
Has the search for the Eldritch moon set symbol yielded any results? Why did it run away?
Maro replied:
Last we knew it was in its cage and then one day - gone. We have some leads though. : )
The art is just showing what it feels like to get got by Daze.
Glad we get more opportunities for the joy of Dazing someone followed by them playing a land, embarrassed.
Is Daze even good in Limited? I don't even know.