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Magic: the Gathering - Shadows over Innistrad |OT| Blue's Clues

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The art is just showing what it feels like to get got by Daze.

Glad we get more opportunities for the joy of Dazing someone followed by them playing a land, embarrassed.

Is Daze even good in Limited? I don't even know.

It's the type of card that you shouldn't pick unless there's nothing else. It's almost certainly going to be overrated and taken 3-6 picks higher than it should be, which means that most of the "good" players won't ever play it because they won't see it. It's the type of card that you need a really good reason to put in your deck.

EDIT: Wait, Ad Nauseam won GP Charlotte? Modern is literally chaos right now.




Love the necro art. I want a foil.


The team did a lot of research about which cards hadn't been reprinted before, especially in newer frames and in premium form. The focus for this set was on making sure that it was chock-full of old-school "goodies" while also creating a fun and nostalgic Limited environment.

I love this omg.

EDIT: Goblin card is Belcher

Forsythe is on the design team, so he probably drilled pretty heavily back into the first draft of the Time Spiral timeshifted cards, before they made them Standard legal.


Nice to see Nimble Mongoose in the set, lots of good times with it. Also fucking finally with jace, now I can more reasonably look into picking up the final two that I need.
Ugh, Ad Naseum won GP Charlotte, meaning it's time for it to show up fucking everywhere now. Time for me to tilt even more, considering the deck is my worst matchup.
If they aren't blowing their load entirely today this could be a pretty sweet set.

It's going to be the best set you'll never be able to buy.

Ugh, Ad Naseum won GP Charlotte, meaning it's time for it to show up fucking everywhere now. Time for me to tilt even more, considering the deck is my worst matchup.

Every time I look at that deck I think it's absolute trash. I don't understand how it keeps winning.


We just need port seriously. The rest is all gravy.

There's so much potential value and reprints. There has to be an EMA2 down the road somewhere. Would love to see Karakas, Port, and Imperial Recruiter but even just those 3 seem like too much in addition to what's already spoiled.

Who spoiled this one?

top level podcast which is apparently chapin's

Every time I look at that deck I think it's absolute trash. I don't understand how it keeps winning.

Running hot probably has a lot to do with it. It's not a deck that's constantly around the top tables so I doubt it's one that's at all consistent. If you run into people keeping paths and bolts then it's pretty easy mode.
Running hot probably has a lot to do with it. It's not a deck that's constantly around the top tables so I doubt it's one that's at all consistent. If you run into people keeping paths and bolts then it's pretty easy mode.

The last time someone did really well with that deck it was later determined that they were habitually cheating, which fits really well with my internal narrative that Ad Nauseam is a shit deck for shit people :lol
present company excepted of course, should anyone here play that deck
Every time I look at that deck I think it's absolute trash. I don't understand how it keeps winning.

It keeps winning because no one expects it game one and then game 2 they Slaughter Pact your disruption(Thalia, Canonist. Eidolon of Rhetoric, Leyline of Sanctity if they have enchantment removal), then Angel's Grace to avoid the payment, followed by then drawing the entire deck, pitching SSGs for red to cast their kill condition.

The issue with playing against it is that you have to counter Ad Naseum if you want to beat them on the stack, otherwise they just draw everything. If you don't fight on the stack, oops they get to kill your disruption and go off.

Playing against it is the most frustrating thing ever, because it's like Twin's "I'll go off on turn 4" Threat, but with none of the ways to interact(Path, Pridemage, even Rakdos Charm)
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