Having not seen any of this for myself I feel somewhat confident that their reaction is probably not proportional to what Sheldon actually said. That being said, I see no good reason to shit on people for how they choose to play EDH. You can't exactly walk into a church and shout "Jesus sucks!" and not expect some pushback.
I guess I don't have a problem with a little bit of camp in a game where wizards summon monsters and fight each other. It's fantasy. There's room for it.
Bolas' motivations are currently too shrouded to know what his intentions are, and whether he's evil or not is a matter of interpretation. By that logic it's hard to draw a line on what he is, but the writing sure positions him away from being a good guy, and Grixis is typically not a heroic or neutral color alignment in modern Magic storytelling.
I think 6-mana Sorin is a good step toward that apex-rendition style card you reference. But I think it's OK if he's a step below Karn and those around 7-mana. That said, I think he bleeds upward to their level in terms of power level, while Chandra at 6-mana tends to bleed downward in power level for me.
I'll still get one for my collection though. I never liked the original art anyway.Except Rorix.![]()
Now THIS is a fucking shame. Sometimes I don't mind new art for old cards, but in this case it's basically desecrating the original Void. Just like other versions of Vindicate.I miss robot Void.
From the guy that spoiled EM and other things: there's a new competitive format on the way, to be announced this week.
If this really is real, what could it be?
EV calculations are at $200 (SCG prices) per Bleiweiss, so you're almost certainly going to be fine w/ 29R/3M left to go.I bought a box. I have no willpower.
I bought a box two weeks ago for slighty lower than mspr. I'm very glad because I fucking love cracking boosters.
From the guy that spoiled EM and other things: there's a new competitive format on the way, to be announced this week.
If this really is real, what could it be?
Um, Bolas is absolutely, most assuredly evil. Wizards have been really clear on that. He killed other Elder Dragons, he was prepared to blow up an entire plane to regain his spark, he's manipulated people and ruined lives across centuries to get his way - he's the living embodiment of a camp, moustache twirling villain who cackles "all according to the plan" when he's defeated.
There's no mystery or grey about him - he's pure evil through and through. Unfortunately, in a silly way which I presume is why they haven't really used him for some time.
Have a link?From the guy that spoiled EM and other things: there's a new competitive format on the way, to be announced this week.
If this really is real, what could it be?
My buddy got a box also and we're just gonna play goddamn sealed with it. I can't justify just opening this shit and doing nothing with it.
Which part? r/cEDH might finally bite the bullet and try and make their own banlist. Oh and some people think it's better left in WoTC's hands.
I mean, Sheldon is a terrible influence on the format, so I can understand their frustration.
I thought they already had the French banlist anyway?
If this really is real, what could it be?
The only things that make sense would be "Legacy without the Reserved List" or some casual format that Wizards is directly in charge of (unlike Commander), and neither seem too likely. I just can't see Legacy and RL-less Legacy coexisting, and I don't think people would just abandon Legacy.
From the guy that spoiled EM and other things: there's a new competitive format on the way, to be announced this week.
If this really is real, what could it be?
The part where reddit people are unhappy. Developing a separate competitive-oriented banlist is exactly what people should be doing instead of whining about it, and the people who think WotC would do a "better" job managing the Commander banlist than the RC are dumbasses.
Statement or prediction?It's Canadian Highlander
Statement or prediction?
It's Canadian Highlander
It should go. Should probably axe Mana Crypt as wellI can't believe Sheldon hasn't banned Sol Ring. I know some people here disagree, but I'm glad at least Prophet got the axe.
So, just to be sure, for Call the Skybreaker, as long as one can pony up the mana and land cards to do so, Call the Skybreaker can be casted as often as you like yes? It's not like flashback which causes the card to be exiled.
WoTC already stressed that "legacy minus reserve list" isn't happening, so this is pretty interesting if true.
Would be nice to see a second constructed format for the pro tour, but I have no idea how they'd accomplish that without hurting Modern or killing Legacy.
It's Canadian Highlander
My buddy got a box also and we're just gonna play goddamn sealed with it. I can't justify just opening this shit and doing nothing with it.
Wee Dragonauts (uncommon) and Call the Skybreaker (rare).
Wouldn't they do this type of announcement on a Monday?
Pyroblast as well. Nice to have these cheaper for Pauper!