Too modern playable.
Yeah, too bad it isn't it. Ah well, I'll order my playset now, can't wait another year.
Too modern playable.
When those "value of EMA box" guys were counting the spoiler dump cards as 0$ in their analysis they weren't too far off.
No SFM, Vial, Jitte, Batterskull, Port, SoIaF, or even Thalia?
In MTGO this set's value is extremely low tbh
Oh, missed another Rare to Common downgrade!
Might also have some pauper appeal
As someone who does not care about Legacy or Vintage, this set seems like it will be fun to draft once in Paper, a few times on MTGO, and will make a real impact on Pauper AND reprinting the most expensive card in the format (Daze is now down to $9 from $20+ since it was ANNOUNCED as a reprint!), while not containing cards that are relevant to Modern, my favorite format. A win all-around for me
The Khans gainlands at common mean it should be fairly easy to run 3 colors in this format. That excites me.
Wait, Daze was up to $20? When?
Magic Online. It was only in Jace vs Chandra and in the Masques block booster that no one bought and had 700 cardsWait, Daze was up to $20? When?
Magic Online. It was only in Jace vs Chandra and in the Masques block booster that no one bought and had 700 cards
Wait, no Worldly Tutor? What the fuck? I'm legitimately disappointed now.
Animate Dead and Entomb barely have any viable targets.
Natural Order is the sets green tutor.
Mercadia seems like the perfect plane to hit up for Conspiracy. It would also allow them to maybe bring back Squee. In that line of logic, I'd love to see Port in that set, probably as a mythic, but man, just get it out there.
Mana Drain, Imperial Recruiter and Rishadan Port could be the marquee cards for the next EMA. Any other big omissions?
I'm actually very happy with EMA, my wanted reprints list has been cut almost in half, and the really important non-Armageddon ones are in EMA.
We are going back to Fiora for Conspiracy 2. Do you mean you want Conspiracy 3 set on Mercadia?
Animate Dead and Entomb barely have any viable targets.
Why Sphinx of the Steel Wind
If Vampiric Tutor and Entomb can be in the same set, so can Natural Order and Worldy Tutor
Green Sun's Zenith is also in the set as a G tutor.
Green Sun's Zenith is also in the set as a G tutor.
Yeah this has me legit shook. Like makes no sense with all the other 1 mana tutors in the set
Mana Drain, Imperial Recruiter and Rishadan Port could be the marquee cards for the next EMA. Any other big omissions? ?BTW: I am kind of shocked by this, but I can't find any site that'll let me just search out lists of cards by format, sorted by price, much less one that will also let me exclude Reserved List cards. This seems like a pretty big thing to be lacking! I wonder if anyone has an API I can pull price data from....
BTW: I am kind of shocked by this, but I can't find any site that'll let me just search out lists of cards by format, sorted by price, much less one that will also let me exclude Reserved List cards. This seems like a pretty big thing to be lacking! I wonder if anyone has an API I can pull price data from....
So... Benevolent Bodyguard is just a way worse Mother of Runes I take it? My general understanding is that cards that are strictly better than other cards don't usually get printed unless they have some slight cost increase or other drawback attached, or at least aren't printed in the same set, so this is a little weird.
Hmmm, ok fair enough. I guess the question to me is how often I'd like to apply protection to X color to my creatures, and that would seem to be all the time, but your cases on timing make sense.It's not strictly better. Benevolent Bodyguard can be used the turn it comes out, and can be used after attacking. Whilst most of the time Mother of runes is the better option, there are definitely circumstances where you would prefer Bodyguard.
So... Benevolent Bodyguard is just a way worse Mother of Runes I take it? My general understanding is that cards that are strictly better than other cards don't usually get printed unless they have some slight cost increase or other drawback attached, or at least aren't printed in the same set, so this is a little weird.
It was a spoiler season week.Looking the rest of the set, they really blew their load earlier in the week.