can you explain color pie to me?
can you explain color pie to me?
It's what each colour is supposed to do (e.g. red=burn, green=ramp, blue=drawing, white=life gain, black=discard).
It actually starts from the philosophy that color embodies, and from there it becomes mechanical. For example, Red is impulsive and emotional, so when it "loots" it discards first, then draws, while Blue is more thoughtful and plans ahead, so it draws first, then discards.
can you explain color pie to me?
can you explain color pie to me?
ravnica block flashback draft is over. my life is in despair.
oh right triple coldsnap is next ffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuYou mean you don't want to cast Surging Might six times in a single turn?
Ok, this may have always been the plan:
(look at the name)
oh right triple coldsnap is next ffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
really now? never drafted it before except chaos draftTriple Coldsnap is worth a lot.
really now? never drafted it before except chaos draft
I will never understand the need to own "real" tokens. You can just print them out and insert a piece of paper over a basic land in a sleeve. It's the same reason it drives me mad when someone shows up to FNM playing Hangarback Walker and says "I don't have any Thopter tokens."
SaffronOlive has this whole article on the most valuable tokens, but why the fuck would you pay money for a token
Rem KarolusOk, this may have always been the plan:
(look at the name)
Ok, this may have always been the plan:
(look at the name)
Rem Karolus
So, Emrakul
Emrakul OS.
This....feels like a stretch, somewhat. Not impossible, but unless its a red herring, his 'characterization' via card text doesn't really feel like he's Nahiri or a disciple of Emra.
Also, a part of me is lol'ing at Jace, the overpowered poster boy, being so bamboozled by Emra/Nahiri and the Cryptoliths.
Real tokens are neat though
You can just print the real token and put it in the sleeve.
Rem Karolus
So, Emrakul
Because what else to do with the s and o
I will never understand the need to own "real" tokens. You can just print them out and insert a piece of paper over a basic land in a sleeve. It's the same reason it drives me mad when someone shows up to FNM playing Hangarback Walker and says "I don't have any Thopter tokens."
SaffronOlive has this whole article on the most valuable tokens, but why the fuck would you pay money for a token
Ok, this may have always been the plan:
(look at the name)
Not only can the deck work with multiple lords, it demands them! Now, I can't speak on Diregraf Colossus because I haven't played with it. I have played with the Diregraf Captain and Reaper pretty extensively. Like, a hell of a lot. Check the receipts, this deck has been my pet project for years. Now, I'm under illusions that it's a Tier 1 deck, but it has and can beat Tier 1 decks. I really believe it's T2.
So, back to the business at hand. You're only splashing blue, so you really only want 1 island (and only that for Path/Spreading Seas). Otherwise, go heavy on basic swamps and the good UB duals. You will never want for BBB for Messenger. Nor is it hard to get to the 1 blue source for Captain.
The idea of this deck is a swarm strategy that is semi-resistant to board wipes. Your Messengers come back, your Gravecrawlers come back. Your lord causes board wipes to be super painful for the opponent, while your other 1 drops are just 1 drops. If they spend 4 mana to remove two 1-drops, awesome. If they do so when a Captain is on board, bad luck for you, but not painless for them. That's also where hand disruption comes in.
The deck is weak against what all aggro strategies are weak against. No matter how fast a start you get off to, you're still trying to win with 2 power dudes. You need some angle of attack post that. Mortarpod and reverting to a semi-monoblack "kill all of their things" shell with spot removal and edicts (Geth's Verdict) helps. I usually run 2 Grey Merchants, but I'm not 100 percent on those.
Uh. So, I have a lot to say about this deck. I don't want to write any more of a novel than need be. But I'm always stoked to talk about my baby.
Printing your own would require an antiquated device known as a "printer".I will never understand the need to own "real" tokens. You can just print them out and insert a piece of paper over a basic land in a sleeve. It's the same reason it drives me mad when someone shows up to FNM playing Hangarback Walker and says "I don't have any Thopter tokens."
SaffronOlive has this whole article on the most valuable tokens, but why the fuck would you pay money for a token
Planes are separate dimensions, but they typically only are the size of a planet + some surrounding space. However, there is space between the planes, the Blind Eternities, which the Eldrazi physically travel through.I forget. Are planes like planets so Emrakul can just float away from Zendikar and eventually get to Innistrad? Or is there teleportation dimension shifting stuff that has to happen? Since it sounds like she didn't just appear in orbit, but is gradually drifting closer.
It's hard to say, since Standard has just now rotated, but it shouldn't be too bad now. Certainly not what it would have been just a week ago.Hey guys, I'm thinking about jumping back in after not having played since around Ravnica/Timespiral. How much would a decent deck for standard run me these days? I'm good with playing most any kind of deck, but I think if price is equal I would prefer control of some sort.
Planes are separate dimensions, but they typically only are the size of a planet + some surrounding space. However, there is space between the planes, the Blind Eternities, which the Eldrazi physically travel through.
It's hard to say, since Standard has just now rotated, but it shouldn't be too bad now. Certainly not what it would have been just a week ago.
Yeah? Maybe I'll check back in a few weeks from now. I had hear from a friend who stopped playing a year ago that standard and modern had been getting more expensive recently.
Planes are basically planets separated by outer space.Planes are separate dimensions, but they typically only are the size of a planet + some surrounding space. However, there is space between the planes, the Blind Eternities, which the Eldrazi physically travel through.
It's hard to say, since Standard has just now rotated, but it shouldn't be too bad now. Certainly not what it would have been just a week ago.
Planes are basically planets separated by outer space.
shouldn't it be possible for two planets to make up a single plane?