Rules lawyered a guy on Esper CharmWhat did he do?
Bout a decade of being a complete jackass in response to criticism via any form of social media.
Rules lawyered a guy on Esper CharmWhat did he do?
The SGC commentary is generally quite a bit above the WotC streams in all their variants. I like Cedric a good bit less now that I know he's a jerk, but he is very good on stream.
Rules lawyered a guy on Esper Charm
Bout a decade of being a complete jackass in response to criticism via any form of social media.
Agreed wouldn't call that rules lawyering too, the modes are clearly defined and only 1 mode targets, if his version of the event rings truth. He gave the opponent multiple chances to redact his statement.
I built Bant CoCo for FNM. But. Forgot. To. Put. Collected. Company. In. The. Deck.
W/B is pretty popular at the moment. Here's a W/B Vampires deck that runs Sorin and a lot of Commons/Uncommons, so it should be cheap to assemble (just ignore the Avacyn, unless you happened to pull one of those too, in which case, congrats).
I can't believe it took people so long to realize this.
How is he a jerk?
Because I build 2 decks every day, and because I was rushed for time today.... I built Bant CoCo for FNM. But. Forgot. To. Put. Collected. Company. In. The. Deck.
I'm fuming at myself. And I didn't even catch the mistake til round 2. Ugh. Ugh.
This is by far the worst mistake I've made prepping for play in my time with the game.
Still won a round vs the esper Dragons though.
Bant tempo just didn't get there, did it?
Also, the amount of removal white has is insane in standard. I'm so happy my community has a thriving modern scene because I'm already sick of this standard. Save me, control overlords!
arbiterofknollridge asked: Using the word hip instead of cool, is pretty uncool.
Youre telling me to tell my kids that my blog says theyre not cool? Not cool, Question Marks. : )
mrpopogod asked: You just need to use the boss slang that the kids are using these days for them to see you as hip.
Give me some teen slang (clean, please) to use with my kids.
ilpheed-tandy asked: it's kind for you kids to use old-timey slang like "hip" so that us old folks understand what they're saying.
Ive been told the modern day expression for cool is dank.
conorace asked: To be honest, I wouldn't try using the current 'cool' slang with your kids. If my dad tried that, he would look like a weirdo to me and would just make me embarrassed.
Embarrassing my kids is one of my major goals. I need to raise their embarrassment threshold to better prepare them for life.
No Mindwrack?
So my stores draft fired 2 6 man pods last night.
So kind if sick of looking forward all week to fmn and playing rubbish draft like that after driving for 25 minutes.
So I might just say fuck it and do a draft online once a week.
I'm not sure.
Are WotC streaming any of the limited gps this weekend?
6 people draft is not that bad. 8 is optimum for sure, but with 6 you should have almost the same experience.
So my stores draft fired 2 6 man pods last night.
So kind if sick of looking forward all week to fmn and playing rubbish draft like that after driving for 25 minutes.
So I might just say fuck it and do a draft online once a week.
I'm not sure.
GP Barcelona stream is live right now.
Are WotC streaming any of the limited gps this weekend?
6 people draft is not that bad. 8 is optimum for sure, but with 6 you should have almost the same experience.
So I don't think I'm drafting SoI correctly.
Last night I went blue white spirits but couldn't do shit against the stupid 2/5 spider that can block additional creatures. My opponent had three of them. Why is it that thing a common?
So I don't think I'm drafting SoI correctly.
Last night I went blue white spirits but couldn't do shit against the stupid 2/5 spider that can block additional creatures. My opponent had three of them. Why is it that thing a common?
If it wasn't for three pack 3 Wicker Witches this deck may have been a horrible idea instead of an amusingly competent one. My third pick of pack 2 had me staring down Nahiri's Machinations or Tenacity so I committed to Delirium given that I already had two Ox and two Reaper angels (of which I only played one in the main). I felt like there was enough removal and looting to make this deck work, if only barely.
I'm picking up Goggles this weekend.Also, in the SCG Columbus Invitational, U/R Goggles still seems to be doing fairly well.
God R/W is so busted.It's fun when draft archetypes end up working in different color combinations than intended. I started out with W/R Aggro and moved into W/R Delirium by the middle of pack two, went 3-0.
If it wasn't for three pack 3 Wicker Witches this deck may have been a horrible idea instead of an amusingly competent one. My third pick of pack 2 had me staring down Nahiri's Machinations or Tenacity so I committed to Delirium given that I already had two Ox and two Reaper angels (of which I only played one in the main). I felt like there was enough removal and looting to make this deck work, if only barely.
Wicker Witch into Inquisitor's Ox is great, it happened a lot and I was always at or close to Delirium at that point. Bonus points when the Witch eats a pump spell to save their creature that can no longer be pointed at the Ox.
This might be my favorite RoboRosewater card yet:
This might be my favorite RoboRosewater card yet:
Change the name and you have a cool flavourful card, really nice.
In fairness you need to up the price too; in terms of comparable effects Soul's Fire is 2R (and Blood is RG), and this effect is way, way better. Amazing mechanic though.
(I almost even like the name as a combination of "Infection" and "Infraction." You could fix it in the flavor text.)
That card's amazing.