LSV gave CoCo a "2" in his constructed ratings I believe.
Which is absurd because double creature draw + cheat up to two mana for 6 is clearly a good card. It isn't even subtle like something like Pod which is harder to evaluate as you have to consider its value over multiple turns and then you have to make a particular deck for it (with a steady curve of different cmc creatures). This is like a draw 2 + add 6 for 4 at instant speed. Not always, but it often is in the right deck. Which is clearly absurd, even if not downright broken.
Tales from Vintage after the lodestone restriction: everything was blue mentor decks. Well played wotc, we've lost the policeman of the format and now everyone can play his favourite blue deck. Bah. I hope Shops can bounce back a little but seeing the policeman of the format, which was the second most played deck, not even the first, gutted by restrictions is really a depressing view. It's as if they banned FoW in legacy because too many decks run it.
Tales from Legacy, Eldrazi disappeared from the face of the earth, going from the most placing deck in march to the fifth in april. Lands resurgence, as well as many loam abzan strategies and veteran explorer decks basically killed it. On the other side, combos has seen a significant uptick with FoW being the least played it has been in years and Eldrazi being predated up to extinction. Soon delver will rise again to predate on said combo lists, and then Eldrazi will go up again. What kind of equilibrium will the format reach, i'm curious to see.