So if I have access to zero flip-Jace and zero Avacyn, what should I play in standard next weekend?
Gr Eldrazi ended up winning the open in Columbus last week?:
So if I have access to zero flip-Jace and zero Avacyn, what should I play in standard next weekend?
Mana issues continue to be the plague upon the game's existence
When are zombies ever not evil?
Jesus Christ says hello?
In terms of motivations, zombies (at least the mindless ones) actually wouldn't be black. They run on pure instinct and aren't particularly interested in either carnage or self-advancement, and would probably be green (maybe with a dose of red). That goes back to what Grimace said about the distinction being arbitrary, and where tropes get in the way of color pie philosophy.
Zombies go against the natural order which makes them the enemy of green. They'd fall in line with deathcults and be associated with black.
Even in DnD druids have boni against undead.
The magic that created them would be black, but I can't see any motivational reason for a mindless zombie to be black. They don't know that they're against the natural order; they're just following their insticts. No different than an animal.
Yeah, but you the player are summoning them. It should require black mana to summon them.
then every non domesticated animal creature would be green?
Every colour does evil shit, giving evil a colour is limiting imo.
Some judges in California have filed a class action lawsuit against Wizards of the Coast for unpaid wages. Shaw et al v. Wizards of the Coast, LLC
Dragons are red because they breathe fire and live on mountains despite the fact that in-game they should be green most of the time.
It's all arbitrary and thinking about it too hard is just mental masturbaiton.
Zombies go against the natural order which makes them the enemy of green. They'd fall in line with deathcults and be associated with black.
It doesn't "give evil a color" in the sense that anyone who's evil with a small e must be black; it's just labeling where a certain philosophy lives. A pretty big segment of the things people think of as "evil" lives under black's umbrella: thinking it's okay to be cruel to other people, or torture them, or steal things just because you want them, or kill people because they get in your way, or rule people with an iron fist. Most people who fall in these categories won't self-identify as "evil" certainly, but if someone uses the word these are the sorts of people that will quickly fall into the category.
(Also, it should be noted that demons exist in MTG, and in many cases they are actually a concrete manifestation of Evil with a capital E, fundamentally motivated to commit cruel and destructive acts, so there's some legitimate evil that clearly should be associated directly with black.)
I've been in a queue for 10 minutes and a very bad sealed pod. Who wants a rare that lets defenders attack in sealed?
Avacyn looks sarcastic
steal things just because you want them - that's blue (black mugs)
rule people with an iron fist - that's white
Even demons are just following their nature, which is technically evil, but doesn't make them evil.
This is pretty arguable. Blue (and red for that matter) has no problem with theft, but only black is going to do it and justify it purely by the idea that they should just get whatever selfish desires they want.
This one definitely not. White can be authoritarian but your typical petty dictators and totalitarians are very much black. A harsh white regime is still fundamentally built on rule of law (even if that law is stifling and cruel) while a black dictator will do whatever they want.
That doesn't make any sense.
Rule with an iron fist fist doesn't say anything about law and is much more white than black.
The lack of choice makes the difference, demon's don't choose to be demons and they don't choose to act like demons.
No, I don't think this is accurate to how the idiom is used. Nobody says "rule with an iron fist" to talk about harsh but fair regimes, it pretty much requires an element of capricious or arbitrary action in preserving the ruler's control. That aside: whether or not this is the right way to refer to it, the concept of a totalitarian ruler who just uses force to crush insurrections and doesn't care about rule of law is entirely black.
That's just kind of inventing setting details. Demons in Magic are intelligent and self-motivated, there's no underlying concept of them following some abstract nature to do what they do.
Considering there's next to no lore to demons in MTG that I know of and that it could vary by plane that's hard to say.
Just because they are intelligent doesn't mean they aren't just following their nature.
I think a dictator who believed themselves to be serving the greater good would be white. One who knew that he was doing things to remain in power would be black.
I wonder if any demon's tried to reform himself.
Like maybe one day he woke up and went: "wait, do I really need to feed on the souls of the innocent?"
Are there any other MTG video makers besides
Modern Maniacs
I'm stuck at work and need some stuff to put on in the background.
Twitch streams are a go-to when you're bored. If you want solid modern action watch Jeff Hoogland archives from this week forward. Catch some rebroadcasts this time of night or do what I do: watch Hareruya's stream. It's usually 4-5 rounds of magic live from Japan. I've gotten a few solid card ideas from watching a non-American meta more than a few times.
There's tons of backstory stuff, plus the whole Liliana plotline is all about how demons behave.
At this point it's a tautology. Yes, if we're going to get in a freshman-year philosophy argument about what free will really means, man then I don't think I have a good counterargument, but I kind of don't know what you're trying to prove here. Demons in MTG are intelligent beings that have a self-identified agenda of evil, and they're black by color identity because that's one of the things that falls under black's pie. Whether it's "in their nature" to do that doesn't really come into the picture anywhere.
Again, not a capricious one. Like, I think you could split hairs into an opportunistic dictator with no respect for the law being black/white if their motives were intensely white, but in general if someone uses power to get what they want without respect for any underlying rule of law that's always going to be black in identity.
Again, not a capricious one. Like, I think you could split hairs into an opportunistic dictator with no respect for the law being black/white if their motives were intensely white, but in general if someone uses power to get what they want without respect for any underlying rule of law that's always going to be black in identity.
Again, "evil" can't be part of any color's identity because none of them would use the word to describe themselves. If you asked a demon in MTG "Are you evil?" The demon wouldn't say "Yes I am! Mwahahaha!" They would just say something like "No. I just enjoy my freedom and my ability to get what I want by exploiting others who aren't smart or strong enough to resist me. The evil ones are the made-up societies that prevent me and others from realizing our true potential."
The society we live in and the ideals we have are what make us believe that demons are evil. The color itself isn't inherently evil. It's moral relativism.