See lots of reprint discussion going on today, so I want to lay out a few points regarding the problem Wizards faces. Series of tweets inc.
(1) Magic was built on a platform of desirable cards - some will be "chased" after, leading players to open more packs.
(2) This leads to some cards being worth more than others as players want those cards to play with.
(3) Over time, these differences become more pronounced as older formats see cards rise to the top and supply is lessened.
(4) This brings us to reprints. Reprints drive big sales for Wizards, but there is danger is printing too many reprints.
(5) Not enough reprints make things inaccessible. Too many - Chronicles - drive players away from the game and nuke the value of collections
(6)Lots of people say they don't want expensive cards - then they buy a pack of MMA hoping to crack a Goyf. This is desirable if you're WOTC
(7) It is generally agreed that Modern and Legacy are better than Standard. They are also vastly more expensive most of the time.
(8) Because WOTC doesn't profit from secondary market sales, people want WOTC to reprint stuff like Liliana and Snapcaster themselves.
(9) Wizards is dabbling in this with MMA and EMA. This sells sets and is good. However, there are dangers to overprinting.
(10) For instance, if Modern and Legacy were the same price as Standard, why would anyone choose to play Standard over those two formats?
(11) But because those formats change so much more slowly than Standard, it is impossible to sell as many new booster packs to players.
(12) Yes, stuff like MMA and EMA sell out immediately. However, if they truly printed those to demand, why would we care about Standard?
(13) What happens after those sets sell out and everyone can now play Modern? Standard is forgotten and no one buys new Standard set.
(14) So yes, while a fully-printed EMA would make WOTC a ton of money now, it would come back to bite them in the next few years.
(15) At that point, the only way to sell new product is to either push the power level - a danger to the game's very existence.
(16) Or to force players to play a different format, which is also not desirable.
(17) To summarize: Standard should be low-cost and easy to get into - $700-800 Standard decks are too much.
(18) But Modern and Legacy - if they are to be at all supported by WOTC - must be more expensive for the business model to survive.
(19) This shows why the issue of reprints is more complicated than it appears when someone yells "REPRINT LILY NOW"