Hard to play Kalitas in Bant.just goes to show scg attendees are scrubs
Hard to play Kalitas in Bant.just goes to show scg attendees are scrubs
I'm telling you, sinister concoction is the premium removal spell of this format. It's somewhat a build around due to the discard but it's cheap, uncounterable once on board, hits everything and feeds delirium twofold. I'm now up to a 3 of and a single nagging thoughts as an anticipate.
I P1P1'ed removal. Than the next pick was removal. Went W/b/u and am doing ok, 2-0. Let the removal decide my colors.Opens Avacyn in draft, still can't win. I suck at this. Didn't get any removal is the issue.
Edit: stupid auto correct.
Being one of the worst topdecks in the format is also a real consideration.Forgot to add 'black', DiS definitely is better.
Just lost a game to a missclick, hurts thankfully in the beta.
I'm telling you, sinister concoction is the premium removal spell of this format. It's somewhat a build around due to the discard but it's cheap, uncounterable once on board, hits everything and feeds delirium twofold. I'm now up to a 3 of and a single nagging thoughts as an anticipate.
I P1P1'ed removal. Than the next pick was removal. Went W/b/u and am doing ok, 2-0. Let the removal decide my colors.
Which is said:
Yeah, I was shocked you (or someone else) hadn't had an issue before- they're the sole vendor I've had a serious issue with - they just never sent an order (and it wasn't a price increase/big order/etc) - it just disappeared.
true but I don't think I've ever been hellbent with the Grixis shell I'm currently playing.
There are going to be bigger upheavals from set 1 to 2 now (like in OGW) to shake up limited more.I really hope they don't change the mechanics for Eldritch Moon. Pretty much all of them have room to grow or make new cards with. We don't have the 3 set problem anymore - I see no reason to "throw out the baby with the bathwater". I don't want another Born of the Gods scenario.
That reminds me, do you guys think Eldritch Moon might include hellbent? For those unfamiliar, cards with hellbent become stronger if you have no cards in your hand. It seems like it would interact well with all of the discard outlets.
Also, in terms of mechanics being carried over, I imagine that transform and madness will continue, and skulk is probably evergreen, but I suspect that investigate and maybe delirium won't return.
There are going to be bigger upheavals from set 1 to 2 now (like in OGW) to shake up limited more.
Investigate seems like a sure fire one to rotate out, after all, EDM is going to be about the discovery, not the mystery.
The best argument to cut it is definitely the storyline angle, for sure, but it's such a good mechanic that it seems perverse to drop it.
I'll be so mad if they cut investigate (even though it makes sense story wise), it's one of the best mechanics in ages. I really want to see this card:
U instant
Draw a card.
(Could be too good, idk)
yes instant speed divination would be too good and that's worst case scenario in casting it, even sorcery speed that'd be too good.
What about for 1U?
Attending states tomorrow guys, wish me luck
I'll never be convinced 2-for-1ing yourself is good. I can see some justification for it if delirium is super important to you but even that doesn't seem ideal. What if you need delirium and your opponent has no creatures on board or hasn't played a real threat yet? It also requires you to hold something in hand later in the game and gets bricked by Indestructible, which is not an unseen line of text in this format.
Yesterday she was peeking into players hands to get the info on the screen (she was holding an ipad or something like that). I can't watch today so I don't know.why is Gaby standing around in the background of the feature matches looking rather gormless
Yesterday she was peeking into players hands to get the info on the screen (she was holding an ipad or something like that). I can't watch today so I don't know.
I mean, didn't they hire her to do commentary? That seems like a task for a 15 year old related to a production assistant
Sometimes BDM is doing that same thing so they probably just rotate.
Yeah, but BDM's just a random annoying guy and Gaby's a hot girl with some degree of PR skills.
Really sucks that Investigate wouldn't continue in Eldritch Moon, but it seems like the mystery is getting solved immediately in that set sooooo
Having an "out" to draw cards like that through the artifacts is pretty neat
RW equipment, I've been testing it for two weeks now. It fits into the meta as an outlier, and I have sideboard tech for the biggest decks I'll see there.What are you taking?