Excited to finally get a version of this game with a better framerate. I tried the collectors edition port a few years ago, but it was buggy to the point where I didn't want to continue. I quite like the changes to the lighting and palette as well, but this is probably going to be a point of contention.
My biggest problem with the game however were the first three dungeons, and I doubt they'll change much of that. They were ugly, dark and not particularly clever. Felt like an afterthought, and I just wanted to get them over with, which the time constraints seemed to agree with. Luckily the fourth dungeon and everything outside of them was so compelling and interesting.
I'm curious to see what they mean with making it more accessible though. Most Gossip Stones-esque hint dispensers like OoT3D are obvious, but they aren't really a significant enough change to warrant pointing it out. I hope they make some sort of more convenient way to get arrows and bombs after a reset. The old method didn't really do much other than waste your time with grinding.