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Making A Murderer - Netflix 10-part documentary series - S1 now streaming on Netflix

Ultimately these investigators and county sheriff pulled off an incredible misdirection with the media circus around this girl's disappearance. If there was any evidence of wrongdoing on their part over the course of this fiasco, well, then they had all the time they needed to cover their tracks and burn any trace of their corruption.


I don't get how they tie Brendan to the scene without anything more than that sketchy interview. No DNA, no fingerprints or anything like that. And where was Haibach's blood? Nowhere where they say she was killed.

I love how Kratz was being questioned about some text messages and he's like "my reputation, my family". What a piece of shit, the guy did practically everything he could to paint Avery as the worst person possible and O'Kelly wrote that email about wiping the Avery gene pool off the planet.

"If we wanted to get rid of Steven, we wouldn't frame him, we'd kill him". HOLY SHIT.

What a joke.


May contain jokes =>
Any regards on the Vacutaine Vial of blood should be regarded as such: (my wife is a LabCorp tech)

The vial had a hole in it because that's how the blood is drawn, the top of the vial is actually punctured when taking blood samples. The blood around the hole itself is made when the needle from the sample is extracted and the vial is put away.

So that bit of evidence, when elaborated on, would have not helped the Defense's case.

What I don't particularly like about the outcome of the case is how it utterly destroyed the Averys' family, their reputation in Manitowoc County, and how Steven's kids will grow up without their father (and not to mention Brendan,
who's still a virgin
mind you!).

Vacutainers are self-sealing and do not have a visible hole in their top after blood is obtained. In addition, due to the vacuum effect, blood does not end up on top of the vial. I have never seen that happen in my clinical practice.

The argument would be that the additional hole and blood on the surface resulted from another needle being used later, for further testing. The documentary claimed LabCorp stated they do not do it this way. The implication being that it was done by the officers. Supported by the broken evidence tape which is not explained otherwise.

I don't know the reality of the situation. I do know that the condition of the vial as presented in the show is not explained merely by the initial blood draw.


Any regards on the Vacutaine Vial of blood should be regarded as such: (my wife is a LabCorp tech)

The vial had a hole in it because that's how the blood is drawn, the top of the vial is actually punctured when taking blood samples. The blood around the hole itself is made when the needle from the sample is extracted and the vial is put away.

Unfortunately, stuff like this is where the bias shows. You see the defense making hay over the vial, but you never see the DA's response, if they provide a reason for why these things are the way they are. This doc series really does seem to take a hard perspective. Having said that, I still need to hear evidence on why the evidence tape was sliced open.
So Len gets his investigator to basically teach Brenden to lie. Draw this and make sure you say her name here. I'm sorry, but at what point do these asshole investigators want to seek truth and justice or just the "truth" that fits their narrative that Avery is a killer? This is insane. How can anyone in the justice system see this and be like, "yeah, that's cool."


Death Prophet
Holy fuck at (Ep 10)
crying at the ribbon



Death Prophet

Apologies if this was posted, haven't seen it.

Article claims one juror was the father of a Manitowoc County police officer. Someone on reddit dug it up after a Facebook post by someone claiming to be an excused juror.

I believe the Facebook account has been verified as the excused juror as well. If that's true, that's very shocking that it wasn't in the documentary.
I don't understand how the county investigators can come out before the trial even begings and tell a story to the media about how avery and Brendan killed her while legally they are still innocent.

Isn't that slander?

Also just finished the series. Not even dear zacharay made me this furious.


saw this last night and uh

i mean i wasn't at the trial or anything, and this is a very one-sided documentary, but the overwhelming lack of evidence while suggesting certain places to be a murder site really doesn't ring true.

especially if they convict brendan after he says they slit her throat? wouldn't blood have been just fucking everywhere if they took her and moved her to the garage to shoot her in the head?

i don't know who killed her though. the real tricky thing for me is the bonfire coinciding with the charred remains. someone would have had to have known that he had done that somehow. it's possible the police found her body and the vehicle somewhere and moved it, and continued to plant evidence to ensure a conviction. i think the motive of the police was partially revenge, and probably also thinking they didn't make a mistake in 80s. and all those people on that side just think they're infallible.

brendan's case is even more bonkers because the kid doesn't really seem stressed out like you would imagine someone would be if they'd experienced severe trauma like that. then his cousin gets to the stand and confesses she made the corroboration of his story up. she was coerced into the same stupid shit. how many lives did these shit cops have to ruin?

and then there's teresa's brother, who is at the very least a narrow-minded idiot. you can sort of blame that on seeking 'justice' but at a certain point logic should start breaking through. especially as it pertains to blood and dna. i would really really be worried about sending the wrong person to jail to be honest.

barb's husband and brendan's brother both seemed weird at the least. i don't know what is going up with those guys.

my list of suspects would be bobby dassey, barb's husband, teresa's ex-boyfriend, teresa's brother, and certain members of the police, maybe lenk. that last one seems the most far-fetched, but given the lengths gone in the rest of the trial, maybe it really isn't that far off.
I keep thinking about this damn show.


It says Season 1, Am i to assume there will be a new season of a new story or continuation of this first season.

Just wondering


I keep thinking about this damn show.


It says Season 1, Am i to assume there will be a new season of a new story or continuation of this first season.

Just wondering

I assume the label of "season 1" is just a quirk of Netflix's interface.

Side point: I'm really interested in knowing how this series came to be made. I mean,
very little progress has been made since the second convictions.
So I find it surprising that this series hasn't been released or used up until now. The amount of footage and effort put into this over the years is astonishing.


As the directors pieced together their documentary, they also sought ways for it to be seen. Three years into production, they met with executives from HBO, PBS and various networks, but at the time, those networks lacked an appetite for such projects.

The two continued to work on it, but it wasn’t until they submitted a rough cut of three episodes with a proposal to Netflix in 2013 that they got results: a meeting with Netflix executives and ultimately distribution on that service. The company saw something in the footage.

“What was clear was that they were going to need a platform where the series could unfold in the well-paced, immersive way the story demanded,” said Lisa Nishimura, vice president for original documentary programming at Netflix.

Initially conceived as an eight-episode series, it was expanded to 10. And where once a serialized true crime story of this length might have turned off viewers, “Making a Murderer” slides right into a space that has been cleared for it.

“With the amazing success of ‘The Jinx’ and ‘Serial,’” Ms. Demos said, “thank God it took us 10 years to pull this together.”
Is it just me or does the theme song sound like Game of Thrones?

Anyway, i can't stop thinking about this case.
it's baffling how many people got away with lies without it having any consequences.

So gaf:
possible killers?
There were some suspicious stories.

There are some interesting theories on Reddit.


Only on episode 3 but the "Poor people lose. Poor people always lose." line hit me hard man

Ugh fuck this, how did the fucking sheriff's department get NO fucking punishment for the botched case they did in the first place. Just ignoring the murder case for a moment.
Watched 3 episodes and the level of corruption is completely absurd.
The interview with the nephew was profoundly disturbing. Here there's a kid picked up from school, initially perplexed and never fully comprehending the gravity of what's going on, mother wasn't notified, no lawyer. At one point he asks if he can get back to school because he has to hand in a project and one of the detectives says something like, "We'll deal with that when the time comes." The level of coercing, holy fuck. Then there he is a few hours after getting picked up from school to be arrested and charged to being an accomplice to a crime they were still generating.

Then they had the audacity to trump up new charges on scenarios they made up. The kid didn't spell out anything for them. They wrote the damn narrative themselves

You can't fucking do that.


Pretty weird the state depicts Brendan as a liar on the stand when but when the confession comes into play it's all true there.
Just finished episode 9, might just pop in the last one at work.
I don't get how Brendan
can be convicted of sexual assault when there is absolutely no evidence of sexual assault ever taking place, on account of there only being a few bones of Teresa found...

As bad as I feel for Steven, just thinking about Brendan really cuts me up. His only "crime" really is that he isn't very smart. The phone calls to his mother were heartbreaking. Especially when he asks her what "inconsistencies" means and she can't answer him because she doesn't know herself.

"Will I be able to leave soon? I've got a project to hand in."

"Will I get to watch Wrestlemania?"

This is a kid that has absolutely no idea what's going on. The way he was treated, fuck it gets me angry.

Len Kachinsky just smiling like a little rat bastard throughout. What a shit.
Why wasn't the story told by
He two guys who were eachothers alibi
further investigated by someone?
That seems really weird.

brother and ex boyfriend
are weird too.


Are these motherfuckers serious?

Aren't they completely leading Brendan with
"what about the head?"

The kid didn't know what was going on at all. This is fucking gross man. How do you get away with this? I feel awful.

The fucking brother rubs me the wrong way as well. Something about him seems off.
Holy fuck at (Ep 10)
crying at the ribbon


Yeah, that was some hot bullshit, right?

Question: How is the trial held in Manitowoc with all of the local citizens of whom have a higher chance of hating the Averys? Couldn't they have asked to take it to another county? Seems crazy.
Just binge watched this. Was more shocking than "the jinx" for me.

Some questions I would be asking

Did they ever speak to Blaine (Brendan's brother) about his story? Surely Blaine, and his boss who rang up, is an alabi or can corroborate half of Brendan's story. Definitely the part of hearing screaming when he got home from school.

How the hell could they plant the car on the averys yard without someone not in on the cover up seeing it? If they can prove that car was picked up by colbain when he checked the regististration, they could prove it wasn't avery.

I'd be putting pressure on the woman who found the car - she seemed fishy from the start. Wearing a cross necklace on the outer when on the stand, please!

I'd also be questioning the boyfriend of Teresa. He seemed dodgy as fuck. It's weird because he is referred to as the ex-boyfriend at one stage, maybe on a news report during the search, but boyfriend at other times. He only spoke to her once in the three days before she went to averys so maybe he was the ex you had been hasselling her. He was also the one leading the search and only got people to search the yard when he knew the car had been moved there.

My own personal opinion - the cops find the car (When colbain rings it in) and can trace it to the boyfriend or brother fairly easily. He confesses and tells them where he has disposed of the body, which he burnt. They decide to use the evidence to get a very. They then take the car and plant it on the averys plot during the time the have possession of it. Blood was taken by lenk and spread in the car. The bones are scattered around the plot.

The boyfriend is my prime suspect. The brother is close behind.

The other people they need to pressure are the lab technician and the fbi officer. These guys aren't a part of the local law enforcement so may be more likely to provide evidence that they were pressure or paid off to testify against a very.


The fucking brother rubs me the wrong way as well. Something about him seems off.

I felt the same way. Ignorant of the evidence and way too much screen time. didnt barb at the end say, when she was going nuts, "you know what I think the Halbachs set this all up"? I thought I heard that. I'm not saying I believe that's what happened.
Questions regarding why someone would go to great lengths to frame Steven are interesting. I don't believe one person orchestrated any of this. There are a few people with different motivations that meet at the nexus of Steven Avery.

We have the county which is scared of the lawsuit.

The old chief and the old DA were going to be deposed soon.

Lenk and colborne were already deposed.

So you have the county pressuring the police force to find something on Avery,the old chief and DA doing the same, and you have low level officers scared for their careers who are eager to make the lawsuit go away. Right there is enough to assume they had complete tunnel vision centering on Steven.

Then you have the real murderer who I believe parked the car and dumped the bones on the property. I believe the key was also placed there by the murderer but was found by lenk, cleaned, and rubbed on something of Avery's.

Then I believe the blood and the bullet were placed there by Lenk as well or under his direction. So now the two lead investigators had a timeline of events and wanted Brandon to provide a confession that matched that. They probably did not know this evidence was planted. Their interrogation techniques were leading Brandon into their accepted time line. Unfortunately for them, Brandon's version never fit that timeline and as a result the evidence was out of place, and didn't make sense.

Ken Kratz is just a straight up piece of human garbage.


Holy fuck at (Ep 10)
crying at the ribbon


Yeah that part i went what the fuck.

I don't get how Brendan
can be convicted of sexual assault when there is absolutely no evidence of sexual assault ever taking place, on account of there only being a few bones of Teresa found...

As bad as I feel for Steven, just thinking about Brendan really cuts me up. His only "crime" really is that he isn't very smart. The phone calls to his mother were heartbreaking. Especially when he asks her what "inconsistencies" means and she can't answer him because she doesn't know herself.

"Will I be able to leave soon? I've got a project to hand in."

"Will I get to watch Wrestlemania?"

This is a kid that has absolutely no idea what's going on. The way he was treated, fuck it gets me angry.

Len Kachinsky just smiling like a little rat bastard throughout. What a shit.

I was fucking screaming and getting angry when seeing that part and though fuck no this kid doesn't know what is happening it is so fucking sad.


So, I watched both The Staircase docus after some here recommended it and they were really interesting, too. In the end I'm still not sure what to think and we'll probably never know because it's doubtful that new evidence will come up magically. The evidence proving he's
guilty just wasn't strong enough (at least from the documentary's point of view) and there was a bit of similar shady business and discrepancy going on with the DA and their "experts" as in the Avery case.
I really feel for the family, though. One of the daughters described their hard place between "We don't know for certain if he killed her, either." and "He's our father, though, and we love and trust him when he tells us he's innocent.".

The Staircase:

The Staircase 2:


At the end of the third ep where they are questioning the kid. Holy shit the fact that that happened is so fucking disturbing.


Death Prophet
One great moment from Brendan is when he's been questioned on the stand and he indicates that he read about a murder and that's where he got the details he "confessed". The person questioning him asks something like "What kind of book were you reading where there's a murder like that?" (As if there are no books that describe brutal murders). And Brendan says "I believe it's called Kiss the Girls." I chuckled at that part.


It boggles my mind that they didn't seem to bother with any other potential suspects.
What about the person who kept calling her phone? Her ex-bf should've also been looked at. Barb's husband and older son are a bit sketchy as well.

Apologies if this was posted, haven't seen it.

Article claims one juror was the father of a Manitowoc County police officer. Someone on reddit dug it up after a Facebook post by someone claiming to be an excused juror.
Doesn't surprise me.

Has anyone looked into the connection of Judge Patrick Willis with anyone on the prosecutions investigative team or at the sheriff's office? Hell, he was born and raised there and based on his blatant disregard for reasonable discrepancies during the trial, how has there not been any investigation into his background? I can't find anything online.

I mean, if he and the prosecution were operating under the assumption that Avery and Brenden were guilty before being proved guilty, then why can't we operate under a similar assumption about his own bias and conflict of interest?


I finished the series this morning. I feel especially bad for Brendan. I can't believe any decent, sane person doesn't have reasonable doubt concerning Brendan's involvement. Jesus Christ, man.


The biggest thing for me is ep8 spoilers
the complete lack of blood. He didn't kill her in the bedroom, even the prosecution gives up on the Brendon story. If he killed her in the garage, there should be some trace of blood besides the bullet which didn't have visible blood. If he killed her elsewhere, like say the gravel pit, it would be weird for femur bones to be left behind and why would the bullet be in his garage? Another thing that I can't really reconcile is the lack of motive. Even accepting that he was sketchy in the eyes of the community that's not enough to say he would randomly kill someone.

No fingerprints in the car either but he's dumb enough to leave blood? If he was meticulous about no fingerprints then why so carless about blood? Also he would have had plenty of time to crush the car before she was even reported missing, wouldn't a killer do that considering he had such easy access to a crusher? It just doesn't add up.
Kind of fascinating seeing the outpouring of support for the Avery auto salvage yard on Google map reviews, and meanwhile that one attorney's firm (Len Kachinsky?) is getting hammered lol.
fuck me
Horrible thing is Brendan had to stew in being called retarded ever so nicely multiple times in open court while the real fuckwits were the jurors who voted Guilty.

Jesus fucking Christ did they all blackout during the kick to the cunt of the prosecution when the 14yo girl's story was thrown in the garbage by that very girl?

No physical evidence of Brendan doing X Y or Z.

It had to be because the dude looked the part. He's a doughy, awkward, mature looking 16yo. That's good enough, he probably did it. If he was a cuter kid on the soccer team he isn't treated like an ugly mutt.


I figured my opinion is in the minority here, but come on dude don't compare me to some sleaze lawyer. Challenge my opinion, fine, but do it in a mature manner like some of the above posters.

Considering that bones were found in several locations around his property, bullet in the garage, vehicle with his blood as well as hers, and the key. How did all of these different pieces of evidence come to be on the property if Avery didn't kill her? Cops planted some of the evidence and the killer, knowing the cops held a grudge, got onto Avery's property and deposited the rest? Why would the Lenk risk his employment as a law enforcement officer to plant evidence on Avery? The 36 million in possible settlement isn't coming out of his pocket. If he believes Avery is really the culprit, why would he plant evidence? I just don't see how it's plausible all of these different pieces of evidence wound up on Avery's property if he didn't do it.

Maybe he didn't kill her in the garage, but didn't a poster earlier in this thread say the prosecutors brought forward testimony from a nephew who helped bleach Avery's garage? They also presented his jeans as evidence as they had bleach stains on them.

I think Avery burned the body in the quarry burn pit because (a) blood stains in Teresa's vehicle showed her body had been in there so it was moved at some point(b) I can only imagine how bad a burning body must smell so why not do it further away from your house.

A lot of people are posing rationale questions as to why Stephen did or didn't do something. I think it's important to remember you aren't going to batting a thousand in the rationale choice department after you kill someone. Possibly an explanation for why things don't line up logically.

Here's the problems I have with the timeline if Avery is actually the killer.

1. Avery kills her on Oct 31st. At this point only himself (and possibly his nephew) know she's been killed. During that time Avery takes 2 phone calls from Jodi that are recorded. He doesn't sound flustered or hurried at all despite the fact we're supposed to believe he's in the process of covering up a murder, bleaching his garage, moving the car, burning the body. Unless he's a sociopath with absolutely no feeling at all, he would sound rushed and flustered after performing such an act.

2. Teresa isn't actually reported as missing until November 3rd. That gives Avery almost 3 entire days when police wouldn't even have been near his property or looking into him. They would have had no reason to be at his property until they got the report of Teresa being missing. That gives Avery ample time to properly crush the car which he never does.

3. Avery's demeanor during those days is quite normal. He's actually interviewed on TV by a reporter who asks him about Teresa's disappearance. Again, unless he's a complete sociopath he acts like any normal person who has nothing to hide. He explains how police had already questioned him and asked to search his house which he allows them to do.

4. Many people knew that Teresa was going to his house to photograph the van for Auto Trader. Why would he kill someone that so many people were aware was visiting him?

5. Key pieces of evidence weren't uncovered until multiple searches were performed. It seems highly suspicious that the property was searched multiple times and evidence like the bullet and the key weren't actually found immediately. Where the key and the bullet were found should have been obvious and found right away.


fuck me
Horrible thing is Brendan had to stew in being called retarded ever so nicely multiple times in open court while the real fuckwits were the jurors who voted Guilty.

Jesus fucking Christ did they all blackout during the kick to the cunt of the prosecution when the 14yo girl's story was thrown in the garbage by that very girl?

No physical evidence of Brendan doing X Y or Z.

It had to be because the dude looked the part. He's a doughy, awkward, mature looking 16yo. That's good enough, he probably did it. If he was a cuter kid on the soccer team he isn't treated like an ugly mutt.

Yeah I don't get it at all. There was NO physical evidence at all that linked Brendan to anything. No DNA, nothing. Just that illegal confession that was obtained without a lawyer present and the police feeding him information of what they wanted to hear. Even his own lawyer (the initial loser) got his investigator to lean on Brendan and make him "confess" complete with pictures. The fact that his intelligence is so low, and his story kept changing should have been enough for the jury to realize he had no idea what he was saying and was just easily influenced.


Episode 4.

Brendan, what the flying fuck, I wouldn't know what to do if I knew someone that f*****g stupid.
Sorry, I know it's not his fault, but yeah.

This is making my blood boil, but it's so good lol


Here's the problems I have with the timeline if Avery is actually the killer.

1. Avery kills her on Oct 31st. At this point only himself (and possibly his nephew) know she's been killed. During that time Avery takes 2 phone calls from Jodi that are recorded. He doesn't sound flustered or hurried at all despite the fact we're supposed to believe he's in the process of covering up a murder, bleaching his garage, moving the car, burning the body. Unless he's a sociopath with absolutely no feeling at all, he would sound rushed and flustered after performing such an act.

2. Teresa isn't actually reported as missing until November 3rd. That gives Avery almost 3 entire days when police wouldn't even have been near his property or looking into him. They would have had no reason to be at his property until they got the report of Teresa being missing. That gives Avery ample time to properly crush the car which he never does.

3. Avery's demeanor during those days is quite normal. He's actually interviewed on TV by a reporter who asks him about Teresa's disappearance. Again, unless he's a complete sociopath he acts like any normal person who has nothing to hide. He explains how police had already questioned him and asked to search his house which he allows them to do.

4. Many people knew that Teresa was going to his house to photograph the van for Auto Trader. Why would he kill someone that so many people were aware was visiting him?

5. Key pieces of evidence weren't uncovered until multiple searches were performed. It seems highly suspicious that the property was searched multiple times and evidence like the bullet and the key weren't actually found immediately. Where the key and the bullet were found should have been obvious and found right away.

Absolutely correct. The states timeline at least what was presented in the documentary doesn't make any sense. Throwing away Brendon's complete
fabrication that was forced upon him


I don't think Mike Halbach is suspicious. I think he and probably the rest of Theresa's family weren't really given any alternatives or even hinted to for a moment except by Steven's defense that there was a chance at receiving justice for Theresa outside of convicting Avery and Dassey. So it only makes sense that there would be some zeal to see them put behind bars, misguided though it may have been. Also we see so much of him because he was the family's official spokesperson and thus the only lens the documentary makers had into the situation from their viewpoint.
Whole season spoilers/ speculation on who did it:

So, I personally don't believe Steve killed Teresa. Who then? The cops, someone related to her, someone else on Steve's property? Here's my quick reasons why even these suspects are very confusing:

Motive: We have no known motive for her murder, from anyone. This is the biggest loose end in this entire case, which should've been investigated more. As others have pointed out, her ex and her brother and the voice mails are all strange loose ends. We can speculate on her friends or family or one of Steve's random family members all we want, but from evidence we've been -shown-, nobody had a motive for murder. But EVEN if we had been shown such, that brings me to my second point.

Motive for framing Steven Avery: Most evidence for framing Avery points towards the police, whether they murdered Teresa or not. At first it seems most likely that they could have found Teresa's car and moved it, and planted the other evidence later.

Flaws: If you believe the above framing story then her murder becomes insanely coincidental. It makes even less sense that she would be at Avery's house for business, and then get killed by (her ex, family, etc), right in the midst of these depositions, only to be discovered by a cop in the right place to frame Avery.

I believe there's really too much coincidence to involve any of her family in this. The timing of the entire affair points directly at someone involved in the deposition in the actual murder. But that requires you to believe that these seemingly corrupt officers actually stalked a random innocent woman in order to murder her. I find it a leap of logic even for them. Not only that, but if they did the murder, it seems like they took a roundabout way of planting the evidence WAY after the fact, which makes no sense. Any which way I look at it, I can't figure out who really killed her.

News Bot

I kept thinking the prosecution and cops were actors because they are comic book villain tier in their words and actions. I can see the fucking sociopathy.
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