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Malaysia Airlines flight en route from Amsterdam shot down over Ukraine; no survivors

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Neo Member
Huh, it actually is TWA Flight 800's anniversary. That's bizarre.

This will lead to heavier sanctions on Russia and additional supplies to the Ukrainian military. Russia may even be forced to look the other way while Ukraine settles the rebellion. I don't think this crash will lead to any further escalation.


That's a seriously bad idea. It would create tension between Russia and the US which, while I heavily doubt it would lead to conflict, the political heat between them would be vicious.

While I'm against war in any way, I think Russia has to bleed for all the shit they've been doing recently. Fuck them.

Loud Hawk

Neo Member
CNN stream just shows the plane exploding on the ground from a distance, not necessarily a crash.

Looking at the images on Twitter and videos, I'll bet my left nut on it breaking apart before it hit the ground. The wreckage is way to scattered and relatively undamaged (large piece of wreckage on the road) for it to have just crashed.

A 9M317 anti-aircraft-guided missile's proximity fuse would have denoted the missile next to the aircraft, tearing it to pieces or at least destroying vital control surfaces.


Junior Member
Yep...shit's going down.

Unfortunately, 23 Americans isn't enough to warrant the type of response you're thinking of.

If it had been an American plane full of American passengers heading to Disneyland, then yeah, shit would be going down.


As cold hearted as it might sound, a few dozen american casualties in colleteral damage in a civil war should not launch exagerated responses.

Nothing fuels the war machine among the American populace more than "a few dozen american casualties." You can bet the U.S. military is gearing up right this second.


Fuuuucking horrible. This really hits me. I feel so extremely sad for the families. R.I.P. :'(

Also can we please stop blaming certain parties as guilty ones as long it isn't confirmed yet?



I think it's more likely that Russia gave the rebels the weapons, and the rebels did something stupid. I don't mean that Russia shot the plane down themselves, but it seems likely they did give the weapons to someone who did.

Arming separatists has a historical tendency to go wrong. Al-Qaida, Afghanistan, it always goes down like this.
There are no accidents here.
The flight path was known.
The plane had no military markings or signals.

It was either intentional or it was pure stupidity.
Neither is acceptable here.
And I'm not saying that. I'm saying let's not jump to conculsion until the cause of crash and who caused it is found out.

I understand feelings are raw but don't go around blaming groups with no actual proof.


I think it's more likely that Russia gave the rebels the weapons, and the rebels did something stupid. I don't mean that Russia shot the plane down themselves, but it seems likely they did give the weapons to someone who did.

Yep. As stupid as Putin has been acting, he would have no reason whatsoever to have a hand in this, aside from empowering the rebels (and planting some of them) there in the first place. Things have clearly spiraled out of control there.


Bunch of people jumping the gun on military action, especially this early. Extremely unlikely, even if hawks were in govt.


Can someone explain me this :

Russian GRU officer Strelkov admitting that he ordered the missile strike against the Malaysian jet. @ Michael McFaul

McFaul is the former United States Ambassador to Russia.


geopolitical chess again with human victims, just like in Syria and Iraq


Poland as the ‘Slavic Turkey’ of NATO Destabilization

Poland, the eager American servant that it has been, has now officially taken on the role of the ‘Slavic Turkey’ in relation to Ukraine. Just as Turkey has been a geopolitically convenient conduit for arms, personnel, and material support for the Syrian terrorists, so too has Poland begun to officially fulfill this role for their Ukrainian counterparts.

It has thus clearly been demonstratively shown via the aforementioned examples that the destabilizations of both Ukraine and Syria are modelled off of a patterned approach. The US utilizes proxy states with injured imperial legacies in order to advance its ‘Lead from Behind’ strategy, targeting pivotal geostrategic areas where the US prefers to maintain a plausible deniability over its role and is reluctant to get too directly involved. One can also discern a larger trend developing – the use of extreme macro-regional ideological movements to support long-term destabilization. In the Middle East, extreme Islam is the method of choice for application and export, whereas in Ukraine, it is increasingly appearing as though extreme far-right (in some applications, even Neo-Nazi) group fit the ‘Wahhabi role’ for Europe. Ukraine could quite possibly become a training ground for other European far-right militants, or the ones currently in Ukraine can go on to teach the ‘tools of their trade’ to the highest bidder in other European states. Just as Turkey is supporting the extreme Islamists in Syria via its support for the fighters there, Poland can be said to be flirting with extreme far-right nationalists in Ukraine through its statements of support for the violent opposition and its recent decision to evacuate and help the wounded insurgents (not even counting the unreported level of covert involvement already ongoing). And just as the extreme Islamists got out of the control of their handlers and now endanger the entire Middle East, the risk remains that the extreme far-right nationalists may become uncontrollable in Ukraine as well and come to endanger the entire EU. When comparing Poland to Turkey and Ukraine to Syria, it is proven that the Arab Spring has come to Europe in more ways than meet the eye.


Can someone explain me this :

Russian GRU officer Strelkov admitting that he ordered the missile strike against the Malaysian jet. @ Michael McFaul

McFaul is the former United States Ambassador to Russia.
That'd be quite the admission, but I really doubt they'd be making such a thing. I mean, an official Russian military person admitting they did it? Crazy

I thought this guy was just a "separatist" and not officially Russian military? (nice convenient wording)
A lot of harsh words will be spoken both sides will continue to blame each other. Fighting will intensify in the east between the government and the separatists. Russia will demand answers but not do anything other than what they already are. And the status quo will continue.

At the end of the day none of that matters. Rest in peace for all the senseless lives that have been lost today (and any other day)


Can someone explain me this :

Russian GRU officer Strelkov admitting that he ordered the missile strike against the Malaysian jet. @ Michael McFaul

McFaul is the former United States Ambassador to Russia.

Strelkov initially thought it was a Ukrainian transport.


Can someone explain me this :

Russian GRU officer Strelkov admitting that he ordered the missile strike against the Malaysian jet. @ Michael McFaul

McFaul is the former United States Ambassador to Russia.

From an earlier tweet, I think... Claiming responsibility for a military aircraft.


Single-handedly caused Exxon-Mobil to sue FOX, start World War 3
Yes and you need people trained in using all this stuff. These systems are not meant to simply be easily stolen and operated, and most will have security functions on the computer portions

The launcher by itself is useless

They have the training. There are a lot of folks there who were either in the Russian or Ukrainian army on either side of the conflict. I don't know if membership is compulsory or anything, but you're talking about a civil war in a place that's been highly militarized since the 1920s.


why I don't get is why was it even flying above a war torn area? they should have made that a no-go area for civilian airplanes.


Also can we please stop blaming certain parties as guilty ones as long it isn't confirmed yet?

Sure, although "certain parties" have

1) posted pictures with boasts how they stole advanced SAM systems
2) posted pictures and text on their own website how they shot down an airplane just when this plane went down
3) frantically start deleting everything about said SAM systems.

Just a coincidence.
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