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Malaysia Airlines flight en route from Amsterdam shot down over Ukraine; no survivors

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Got to love Russia Today, the fucking assholes.

Trying to claim the Ukrainian government is responsible. Yes they totally want to shoot down all those rebel aircraft ... or you know ... they really want to piss off Russia by shooting down their aircraft.

Scum, it offends me we allow these people to broadcast in the western world.



Is it really modus operandi to have one of these things stationed in the middle of town?


Has there been any evidence that Russian/Russian Separatist shot this down? Besides word from a Ukrainian official? Like hard evidence? I pray for the lost souls.
No one seems to be discussing how the bodies are going to be recovered.

The Ukraine cant do it because of where the crash is, it seems like the only way to recover them in a appropriate manner would be to let the Russians in to do it.

Because sending in a peace keeping force to do it would raise all sorts of new problems.


The USSR shot down a Korean B747 jet during the cold war
the US Navy shot down a Iranian A300 in 1988

nothing really major happened

Reading up on A300, how could they not claim responsibility if US ship shot it down? Anyway, those incidents aren't really comparable. Say the separatists are responsible then that could mean Russia will stop funding and arming them and denounce the group.



Got to love Russia Today, the fucking assholes.

Trying to claim the Ukrainian government is responsible. Yes they totally want to shoot down all those rebel aircraft ... or you know ... they really want to piss off Russia by shooting down their aircraft.

Scum, it offends me we allow these people to broadcast in the western world.

They cater to a specific audience, such as my close relatives who have internalized the current stream of consciousness that exists in Russia.

I called one of my relatives today to talk about this incident and the response I got was :

"Well what do you expect? They want to stop the fascists from taking over and perhaps this was a mistake, or maybe it was perpetrated by the Ukrainian government to make us look bad. It's exactly what the westerners wanted"

Pack it up, there's no constructive dialogue there.


According to Russian mass media terrorists does not possessing any type of AA. And that airplane was destroyed by Ukrainian air force or Ukrainian AA Buk. Terrorists doesn't have Buk... Oh wait:



Yeah, this.


Dutch news puts the Dutch casualties above 55

Sky have just mentioned this. Dutch justice ministry says several Dutch nationals were on crashed flight.

Still no concrete information and the use of 'several' could mean anything. Still nothing on British casualties on BBC or Sky. I presume they are waiting on confirmation before revealing anything.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
Has there been any evidence that Russian/Russian Separatist shot this down? Besides word from a Ukrainian official? Like hard evidence? I pray for the lost souls.


This is a tweet from the seperatist leader boasting about how they shot down a (military) plane. I don't know if this is legit or not. Could be fake, I have no idea


What is he saying?

Summarize bro!

Sir Andrew Wood on fallout (Paraphrasing):

  • Putin must already expect this was done by the separatists he's been arming and financing
  • Russia denies they've supplied weapons that can bring down aircrafts (but thinks their words are meaningless - they also denied boots on the ground in Crimea)
  • Doesn't believe 'rebels' could find the black box (kinda implying Russian help getting it?)
  • If any concrete evidence is found, unavoidable massive sanctions for Russia
  • Moscow, while ultimately responsible, almost definitely didn't want this.
  • Thinks even if Russian involvement is evidenced, they will still deny it no matter what.
  • This is murder


Reading up on A300, how could they not claim responsibility if US ship shot it down? Anyway, those incidents aren't really comparable. Say the separatists are responsible then that could mean Russia will stop funding and arming them and denounce the group.


We took responsibility of shooting down the A300, but no major repercussions happened.

Hell, the Captain of said ship even got a medal.


Sir Andrew Wood on fallout (Paraphrasing):

  • Putin must already expect this was done by the separatists he's been arming and financing
  • Russia denies they've supplied weapons that can bring down aircrafts (but thinks their words are meaningless - they also denied boots on the ground in Crimea)
  • Doesn't believe 'rebels' could find the black box (kinda implying Russian help getting it?)
  • If any concrete evidence is found, unavoidable massive sanctions for Russia
  • Moscow, while ultimately responsible, almost definitely didn't want this.
  • Thinks even if Russian involvement is evidenced, they will still deny it no matter what.
  • This is murder

Thank you.


This is a tweet from the seperatist leader boasting about how they shot down a (military) plane. I don't know if this is legit or not. Could be fake, I have no idea

Sounds troubling but still circumstantial. I hope UN or somebody can get to the site and find out what happened whether mechanical or intentionally.


Holy shit Russia Today claiming it was an assassination attempt, and they even compare both planes, because they are so visually similar.
Is it really modus operandi to have one of these things stationed in the middle of town?

It is hard for Ukrainian army to destroy it, as there will be casualties among civilians. When Russian army get over Crimea, they always bring some local civilians, that support Russia and let them assault military base. In Donetsk and Lugansk, terrorists using loyal civilians as living shield. It is just strategy. if Ukrainian forces will fire, they will kill civilians for sure and Russia media will start roaring that "Ukrainian Nazi forces started to killing people of Novorossia".


That airlines can't catch a break. I fly often so the last thing I would expect is to get shot out of the sky. Would sooner expect mechanical failure or something of the sort before anything near this. What a senseless and terrifying way to go.

Absolutely this is murder, plain and simple.
Wow , the similarities to the Korean Air Lines Flight 007 disaster in the Cold War are stark.

The USSR shot down a Korean B747 jet during the cold war
the US Navy shot down a Iranian A300 in 1988

nothing really major happened

These situations are different because of where it happened, and what is happening there. You can't really compare airliners shot down by superpowers which no one wants to truly mess with, and a semi-amorphous group of separatists with a more limited power base.


Holy shit Russia Today claiming it was an assassination attempt, and they even compare both planes, because they are so visually similar.

Doublespeak at its finest.
Just put an outrageous lie ontop of the truth that is the complete opposite and your like-minded will eat it up as talking points.
Sir Andrew Wood on fallout (Paraphrasing):

  • Putin must already expect this was done by the separatists he's been arming and financing
  • Russia denies they've supplied weapons that can bring down aircrafts (but thinks their words are meaningless - they also denied boots on the ground in Crimea)
  • Doesn't believe 'rebels' could find the black box (kinda implying Russian help getting it?)
  • If any concrete evidence is found, unavoidable massive sanctions for Russia
  • Moscow, while ultimately responsible, almost definitely didn't want this.
  • Thinks even if Russian involvement is evidenced, they will still deny it no matter what.
  • This is murder

This sounds about right.


Only party that has the capability to shoot a plane down @ that altitude, which would, are the separatists. This puts Putin in an awkward spot because Malaysian Airlines more often that not have Chinese citizens on them. While of course Putin and/or the official Russian military didn't order the plane be shot down; they did arm/train nearly all the rebels. Regardless of where the Rebels obtained the SAM to actually shoot them down, the Russians willingly facilitated the Rebels which allowed them to obtain such weapon via coercion or the most likely scenario, they flat out gave it to them. Back to the Chinese thing, if there were citizens from China on the plane (high probability), that is Russia's only ally worth a damn and they cannot afford to put them in a spot where they look weak on the international stage. China has a vested interests in not getting dragged into international politics outside of anything close to them geographically(much better for their economy).

If this actually manages to stay in the news for more than a few days to a week and gains traction, Putin may have to cut-off ties with the insurgency in Ukraine.

Also I'm eagerly awaiting how Fox News is going to blame Obama.
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