How far is Russia from the Netherlands?!3m1!1s0x47c609c3db87e4bb:0xb3a175ceffbd0a9f
How far is Russia from the Netherlands?
Rebels have turned away the OSCE team at the crash site, Harriet Salem (@HarrietSalem) reports for the Guardian in Grabovo.
She says the OSCE delegation has been turned away without being able to inspect the site. A unit of heavily armed rebels blocked the 30-strong team, cordoning off a large part of the crash site. The inspectors retreated after an hour-long stand-off.
We will keep coming back tomorrow and the next day and the next day, said spokesman Michael Bociurkiw. Tomorrow will be a crunch day. There are a lot of experts from the Netherlands and Malaysia gathering in Kiev as well as relatives.
The bodies are starting to bloat and decay. An expert team is clearly needed. There is a lot to be done in a short amount of time.
A small group of aviation inspectors from Kiev were allowed free access to the site.
How far is Russia from the Netherlands?
You would think Germany/ poland would intercept before the Netherlands
From the article:Asshole of the day:
In case anyone is wondering, this guy was quoted as an expert on homosexuality by the Voice of Russia.
As for [Stephen] Frys contentious comparisons, the expert [Fischer] found paralleles between race, which is immutable, and homosexuality, which is a matter of choice and human will, invalid.
The rebels are sure not doing themselves any favors
You would think Germany/ poland would intercept before the Netherlands
Way to go to show the world you're guilty and lose the rest of any support you ever had. The NATO WILL act and will get access by force if they have to.Seems the rebels are not so interested in an unfettered investigation:
(Twitter, so read from bottom to top)
Way to go to show the world you're guilty and lose the rest of any support you ever had. The NATO WILL act and will get access by force if they have to.
Ukrainian Foreign Minister says they have the black boxes.
Way to go to show the world you're guilty and lose the rest of any support you ever had. The NATO WILL act and will get access by force if they have to.
War by Proxy.
"not saying it was Putin,
...but it was Putin"
That about covers it?
Yes they will. Almost all the spokesmen today were DEMANDING a quick and full research of the downing. What do you think they will do when the separatists deny them that? They won't stand idle letting them destroy evidence. They will force access, if they have to via one way or another.No they wont.
Jason "Pie Fucker" Biggs realized that what career he has left might be impacted by his tweets from yesterday and deleted them, then posted a 4-tweet long apology.
Still hope he ends up shit-canned.
Jason "Pie Fucker" Biggs realized that what career he has left might be impacted by his tweets from yesterday and deleted them, then posted a 4-tweet long apology.
Still hope he ends up shit-canned.
Considering Russia just claimed they would co-operate with an international investigation, it really isn't in their best interests to keep this going on until the UN forces a vote on the issue. A veto would take balls of steel.
Russia hasn't been following what they have said. Called for a ceasefire early in war and yet rebels broke it. Pulled back troops but then troop build up continued after a lil while. All talk.
ooh, were these saved somewhere?
So I went to TMZ, I don't know...I just wondered if they had scoops. I figured they couldn't have anything. Just curious.
wrong :\
Yes he really did 2 hours ago
These are tweets after wards
@JasonBiggs: Hey all you "too soon" assholes- it's a fucking joke. You don't have to think it's funny, or even be on my twitter page at all.
@JasonBiggs: Truly- you losers are literally trying to find shit to get angry about. Channel your issues elsewhere.
@JasonBiggs: That last guy is the kind of person I want following me. All you other pussies please go back to being pussies. Thanks!
@JasonBiggs: Hey @tmz - well done on posting my face next to the wreckage of the plane- you might almost think I actually shot it down!
He made a dark joke and deserves to have his career ruined over it?
I agree that he shouldn't have said it, but wtf people.
Why are we so afraid to respond militarily? The safety of Americans has been compromised by a foreign military.
This is a perfect excuse to ally with Ukraine and protect it's border.
No way will they let NATO forces in, most likely it will be UN peacekeepers that don't have any euros on it. Pakistan or Indian or something like fhT
How far is Russia from the Netherlands?
The commander of the rebel unit, a man called Ilya who is known as Commander Glum, expressed annoyance as the OSCE team stood its ground, keen to access the scenes of carnage.
"OSCE came here without negotiating," he shouted, as they prepared to leave. "Now there are none of our bosses here who can be in charge of making a decision, so go away, and when you negotiate this come back.
"We didnt agree to meet the OSCE here, go away," he added, firing a warning shot.
Why are we so afraid to respond militarily? The safety of Americans has been compromised by a foreign military.
This is a perfect excuse to ally with Ukraine and protect it's border.
You have odd conspiracy theories.You can pretty much guaruntee there would be NATO forces vs Separatists inside Ukraine if it were not for the deep economic ties between EU and Russia. The only reason the British did not come out so strongly as they did along with some other EU nations is because the global economy is so intertwined with each other and that includes Russia
Why are we so afraid to respond militarily? The safety of Americans has been compromised by a foreign military.
This is a perfect excuse to ally with Ukraine and protect it's border.
how does explosive decompression kill everyone on board instantly? There have been a few flights that have suffered decompression in mid air without the loss of everyone on board.
It doesn't. Many people will pass out very quickly but others will does explosive decompression kill everyone on board instantly? There have been a few flights that have suffered decompression in mid air without the loss of everyone on board.
You're not the world police.
Way to go to show the world you're guilty and lose the rest of any support you ever had. The NATO WILL act and will get access by force if they have to.
Ukrainian Foreign Minister says they have the black boxes.
Only when it's asked for.But the world is content to have us play the role.
It seems they have "allowed" (what a farce) a few inspectors access to the wreckage. If they had completely blocked off everyone, like I assumed, they would have forced their way in. Not necessarily via military means, but in one way or another. I can promise you that.How does that make any sense? Everyone wants the situation to de-escalate. You do that with diplomacy, not going in with your dick out like you own the world.
Getting more militaries involved would likely start WWIII. Who the fuck wants that over this?
how does explosive decompression kill everyone on board instantly? There have been a few flights that have suffered decompression in mid air without the loss of everyone on board.
It's tied to the time in that the full decompression takes place. doesn't. Many people will pass out very quickly but others will not.
Jason "Pie Fucker" Biggs realized that what career he has left might be impacted by his tweets from yesterday and deleted them, then posted a 4-tweet long apology.
Still hope he ends up shit-canned.