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Malaysia Airlines flight en route from Amsterdam shot down over Ukraine; no survivors

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The rebels are continuing to block access to the OSCE team, the only thing they are allowing them to do is view the site from a distance. Reports are that they are removing evidence from the site too.

Everything about their reaction so far says guilty as fuck.


They think we're stupid as fuck. They've truly reached North Korea levels of denial - way beyond Baghdad Bob.
Cant believe they still havent put the bodies in coffins or body bags. Looting from the dead passengers, hiding evidence, bullying inspectors and letting the bodies rot....I never liked Russians, but this is a new low for them.


Or Ukraine. Or the Novorussians who managed to obtain the equipment from Ukraine. An independent investigation is necessary.

I agree, but that's a problem. Who is supposed to "independently investigate" and has the ability to do so? US? Not trustworthy. Europe? Not trustworthy. Russia? Not trustworthy. Current government of Ukraine? Especially not trustworthy.

US has interests in this matter. Europe too. Russia as well.

But at the end of the day, it's an accident. Nobody intended to kill almost 300 people having nothing to do with the conflict flying over the country. That's why I think it matters less who did it and matters more who is responsible for the conflict and for the plane flying over it.

I agree.

What I find extremely depressing is that civilians are killed left and right in Ukraine. Even today - in Lugansk for example. And people don't bat an eye.


He posted it with a clear intend to imply that the people inherited looting from their anchestors.
Or do you want to tell me he just wanted show of his vast knowledge of WWII with out wanting to say anything with it.

I don't know, you should ask him.
Not saying anything about the rape, but it was war and Verbrannte Erde destroyed a lot of infrastructure. The people needed to loot to survive.

Also again: what has this to do with the ukrainians of today?

They are looting the passenger's corpses and leaving them to rot in the field, that's what.



Imagine this being your grandchildren's toy and seeing these fucking pieces of shit holding it up on the internet.


Or Ukraine. Or the Novorussians who managed to obtain the equipment from Ukraine. An independent investigation is necessary. But at the end of the day, it's an accident. Nobody intended to kill almost 300 people having nothing to do with the conflict flying over the country. That's why I think it matters less who did it and matters more who is responsible for the conflict and for the plane flying over it.



I agree, but that's a problem. Who is supposed to "independently investigate" and has the ability to do so? US? Not trustworthy. Europe? Not trustworthy. Russia? Not trustworthy. Current government of Ukraine? Especially not trustworthy.

US has interests in this matter. Europe too. Russia as well.

I agree.
Send in the Swiss


Or Ukraine. Or the Novorussians who managed to obtain the equipment from Ukraine. An independent investigation is necessary. But at the end of the day, it's an accident. Nobody intended to kill almost 300 people having nothing to do with the conflict flying over the country. That's why I think it matters less who did it and matters more who is responsible for the conflict and for the plane flying over it.
It doesn't matter who committed an act of terrorism in the best case or sent a declaration of war in the worst case? It matters a lot, especially if they're boycotting the investigation, looting the site and stealing the bodies. The world went to war in Iraq for a lot less.


I agree, but that's a problem. Who is supposed to "independently investigate" and has the ability to do so? US? Not trustworthy. Europe? Not trustworthy. Russia? Not trustworthy. Current government of Ukraine? Especially not trustworthy.

US has interests in this matter. Europe too. Russia as well.

I agree.
So what, should there not be an investigation? Should we say oh fuck it, everyone has vested interests and isn't trustworthy so forget it. Of course not, a group of experts from a variety of nations should do it. Hell, some of them are there, but are being impeded.


Another journalist resigns from Russia Today claiming it's nothing but a mouthpiece for Putin.


However, one of the channel's British reporters, Sara Firth, appeared to go off message with a series of disparaging tweets in which she said the channel's reporters were engaged in lies.

In comments that are likely to embarrass the channel, Firth wrote: "We do work for Putin. We are asked on a daily basis if not to totally ignore then to obscure the truth". Shortly afterwards Firth resigned and tweeted that she is "for the truth".

as Russian media try to play down the plane crash.

The downing of MH17 over eastern Ukraine was the main story on the front pages of most newspapers around the world on Friday. Not so in Russia, where the state-run Rossiyskaya Gazeta led with a story about the eating habits of Russians, relegating the 298 deaths on board MH17 to the bottom of the front page.

Other Russian newspapers led with stories about US sanctions on Russia, including the respected Vedomosti, in what was either a strange editorial decision or a conscious plan to play down an attack that much of the world was already linking to Russia.

State television reported the incident, but claimed Ukrainian army missiles shot down the plane. On Friday, Channel One said the Russian defence ministry had spotted missile radar activity in Ukraine on Thursday. More outlandish theories, such as the idea that the plane's red-white-blue colouring had meant that the Ukrainians mistook it for Vladimir Putin's presidential jet and thus shot it out of the sky, were jettisoned after an initial airing.


Europe and the US are trying to "control" Ukraine? The way they control the Czech Republic? Belarus? Latvia?

Belarus is a bad example because they are a Russian puppet. They're excactly what Ukraine doesn't want to be and one reason why Maidan protests started.


This thread has taken a really weird fucking turn.

I know I shouldn't be surprised, but people are actually blaming the US for this?

And empty vessel, saying the US is the proximate cause of the plain being shot down...do you even know what a proximate cause is? Because based on what you're saying I'm finding it highly unlikely that you do...


i dont really see whats disrespectful in this image. Hes holding up a toy, not playing with it or something inappropriate.
The careless expression and cigarette in hand come off as a bit disrespectful, but maybe the picture was just taken at a bad moment. Some context would be nice. Like why he picked it up in the first place.


This thread has taken a really weird fucking turn.

I know I shouldn't be surprised, but people are actually blaming the US for this?

And empty vessel, saying the US is the proximate cause of the plain being shot down...do you even know what a proximate cause is? Because based on what you're saying I'm finding it highly unlikely that you do...

Ignore them either mentally or directly. They've ruined so many threads and only care about blaming "the west" for everything. Rachel Maddow had a good piece about why it's important to stay level headed and be critical of all sources which I bring up because they polarize the discussion.

Hmm those rebel must love vodka or some Russian drugs. Maybe they do this job to fix the addiction.
Should be funny, but in some early Vice dispatches there were drunk rebels and on pro Russian rallies many talked about how important it was to stay sober as if that wasn't normal :/

They were from before Simon was captured in Slavyansk.
Or Ukraine. Or the Novorussians who managed to obtain the equipment from Ukraine. An independent investigation is necessary. But at the end of the day, it's an accident. Nobody intended to kill almost 300 people having nothing to do with the conflict flying over the country. That's why I think it matters less who did it and matters more who is responsible for the conflict and for the plane flying over it.

What is novorussia? Can't find it on the map.


i dont really see whats disrespectful in this image. Hes holding up a toy, not playing with it or something inappropriate.
The first disrespectul thing is touching it in the first place. The second disrespectful thing is flapping it around to your functionally illiterate mooks. Looking like you've just come out of a night-long vodka binge doesn't do favours for your image either.


I permanently banned my 6 year old daughter from using the PS4 for mistakenly sending grief reports as it's too hard to watch or talk to her
What is novorussia? Can't find it on the map.

You won't find it, it's a fantasy made up by morons who think that Russia can bring back their Soviet era status.


Water is not wet!
The first disrespectul thing is touching it in the first place.
The second disrespectful thing is flapping it around to your functionally illiterate mooks. Looking like you've just come out of a night-long vodka binge doesn't do favours for your image either.
i disagree. He seems to be saying something and the others are listening.. its plausible that he is holding up the toy to make a point. It certainly doesnt look like he is fooling with it. If he had a grin or was playing with the toy i could understand but thats not whats going on in this picture.


i disagree. He seems to be saying something and the others are listening.. its plausible that he is holding up the toy to make a point. It certainly doesnt look like he is fooling with it. If he had a grin or was playing with the toy i could understand but thats not whats going on in this picture.
He shouldn't have touched anything involved in a crime scene in the first place. I would argue that tampering with potential evidence is disrespectful, as thought I see your point.


Ignore them either mentally or directly. They've ruined so many threads and only care about blaming "the west" for everything. Rachel Maddow had a good piece about why it's important to stay level headed and be critical of all sources which I bring up because they polarize the discussion.

Yeah, I watched her piece on that the last night. It's funny, but Rachel Maddow is really growing on me lately. I used to not like her that much but lately she's been on the damn ball.


Junior Member
Ignore them either mentally or directly. They've ruined so many threads and only care about blaming "the west" for everything. Rachel Maddow had a good piece about why it's important to stay level headed and be critical of all sources which I bring up because they polarize the discussion.


Should be funny, but in some early Vice dispatches there were drunk rebels and on pro Russian rallies many talked about how important it was to stay sober as if that wasn't normal :/

They were from before Simon was captured in Slavyansk.
Heh crazies. Maybe Ukraine should do the air delivery for drop big batch of poison vodka ( not lethal but enough to disable them) Quickly and easy tactics.


i disagree. He seems to be saying something and the others are listening.. its plausible that he is holding up the toy to make a point. It certainly doesnt look like he is fooling with it. If he had a grin or was playing with the toy i could understand but thats not whats going on in this picture.
That's now I took it. He's perhaps outrages and making the point that kids have been killed here, and the others are listening.


The Birthday Skeleton
I agree, but that's a problem. Who is supposed to "independently investigate" and has the ability to do so? US? Not trustworthy. Europe? Not trustworthy. Russia? Not trustworthy. Current government of Ukraine? Especially not trustworthy.

US has interests in this matter. Europe too. Russia as well.

The Netherlands. Most of the victims are from there, they have the right to find the truth.
Belarus is a bad example because they are a Russian puppet. They're excactly what Ukraine doesn't want to be and one reason why Maidan protests started.

Belarus has actually started moving slightly away from Russia lately. The Crimea annexation has really scared them.


He shouldn't have touched anything involved in a crime scene in the first place. I would argue that tampering with potential evidence is disrespectful, as thought I see your point.
Do you think the cuddly monkey has a story to tell? I really can't see how that's going to be evidence of anything that's not already obvious.


Do you think the cuddly monkey has a story to tell? I really can't see how that's going to be evidence of anything that's not already obvious.

You don't touch anything on a crime scene if you're not a forensic expert because you don't know what might be evidence or not.


I agree, but that's a problem. Who is supposed to "independently investigate" and has the ability to do so? US? Not trustworthy. Europe? Not trustworthy. Russia? Not trustworthy. Current government of Ukraine? Especially not trustworthy.

US has interests in this matter. Europe too. Russia as well.

Some pussy country like Sweden or Switzerland who don't like to piss off anyone would be ideal.

Or maybe the Malaysians but they'd probably just be incompetent.


Ah yes, crimes stay in the blood. The son of a rapist and looter will be a rapist and looter, too and so will the son of his son. Gotta love the heritage guilt.

What is North Korea's stance on that again? Three generations down until the crime/shame/whatever is gone?

Fucking ridiculous.


Some pussy country like Sweden or Switzerland who don't like to piss off anyone would be ideal.

Or maybe the Malaysians but they'd probably just be incompetent.

Oh boy, here we go.

Just because a country does not wish to pick sides, doesnt mean they are weak.

Some countries just believe that there is no winning in wars (like many people do) and try to refrain from entering wars (which are generally pretty difficult to get out of, ie afghanistan/iraq)


Hey guys in this case it's a good thing. I spend about 5-6 months a year in Göteborg (hence the username), and Sweden's neutrality and openness is something I admire.


Hey guys in this case it's a good thing. I spend about 5-6 months a year in Göteborg (hence the username), and Sweden's neutrality and openness is something I admire.
Sweden only had eleven wars with Russia. It also doesn't have special friendly relations with Russia at the moment and is a member of the European Union.


The Netherlands.

Yeah that would make sense, but Netherlands is a European country and because of that it's not independant. Snowden wouldn't have needed to get asylum from Russia in case an (US-)independant European country actually existed.

Most of the victims are from there, they have the right to find the truth.

I think the truth was killed half a year ago in Ukraine and won't come back for this one unless the people responsible confess and I seriously have to doubt that. Sadly.


Hey guys in this case it's a good thing. I spend about 5-6 months a year in Göteborg (hence the username), and Sweden's neutrality and openness is something I admire.
now i get it. you're refering to it as a "pussy country" because you love pussy.

if you're posting a link in a language other than english around here, at least give us a short summary. please.


now i get it. you're refering to it as a "pussy country" because you love pussy.

if you're posting a link in a language other than english around here, at least give us a short summary. please.
After holding the plushie up he removed his hat and made a cross sign.


Junior Member
Some pussy country like Sweden or Switzerland who don't like to piss off anyone would be ideal.

Or maybe the Malaysians but they'd probably just be incompetent.

The fuck is wrong with you? Not wanting to bomb children, not having a problem with neighboring countries is "some pussy country"? Stop watching Family Guy, it's satire, not real. Do you think we can ever get world peace if we keep bombing each other? Directly defending your country from a attack is not the same as being tangled up in a web of conflicts and interests.
if you're posting a link in a language other than english around here, at least give us a short summary. please.

Watching the video, it shows him holding the monkey... then he places it down, takes his hat off and crosses himself.

Shows how a picture can be taken many ways.


The Birthday Skeleton
Yeah that would make sense, but Netherlands is a European country and because of that it's not independant.

So you think that if the Dutch investigators will find out who killed their compatriots they will just hide the truth?

Btw, who do you think it was? Who shot down the plane? What's your feeling on that? (I expect a straight answer not a run around the bush, as you have strong opinions about the rest)
3 out of the last 4 unknown passengers are a mother with her son and daughter, all Vietnamese :/ They are my countryman, this is getting worse everyday.
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