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Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 ended in the Southern Indian Ocean

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The NBC report hinges on the turn being part of the 1:07 ACARS communication.

I don't think Richard Quest understood that report.

Were you watching because maybe I misunderstood what he meant. I had the TV on mute at the time and as I was turning it up, I heard him doing all of the math and maybe he could have been coming to a different conclusion.

I'll edit my post


If an alternate route was plugged into the FMS there should be a couple ways at least to determine if this was likely done as a precaution:

1: Were other alternate routes plugged in at the same time? Obviously an emergency 40 minutes into the flight requires a different response than one 3 hours into the flight.

2: Does this pilot or co-pilot have a history of pre-programming in alternate routes along his flight in case of emergency? This sort of info would be visible in the ACARS data from his past flights.


I wouldn't be surprised to see an update to ACARS with more frequent communication and more details about what is happening, what changes have been input into the nav, etc.

Also, it shouldn't be something that can be turned off by the pilot.

No way. It's not an essential system and all non-essential systems should be allowed to be disabled. Giving the pilot less control of the functions on a plane is a bad move because the pilot has to be trusted with as many options as possible to do the best for the plane in a given situation.

What would probably be a better safety mechanism is for the ACARS to immediately send a final transmission at the point it is turned off, indicating at the same time that the system has been manually disabled. This would be a win-win situation for anyone monitoring the flight for irregularities, because if the ACARS was disabled as part of an emergency, it would let flight control know when that happened and alert them to possibly ways to helping the plane. If it was disabled for other reasons, that would also draw attention to it sooner.


If an alternate route was plugged into the FMS there should be a couple ways at least to determine if this was likely done as a precaution:

1: Were other alternate routes plugged in at the same time? Obviously an emergency 40 minutes into the flight requires a different response than one 3 hours into the flight.

2: Does this pilot or co-pilot have a history of pre-programming in alternate routes along his flight in case of emergency? This sort of info would be visible in the ACARS data from his past flights.
Someone on pprune said that ACARS wouldn't report alternate emergency routes, only active routes, though this does contradict that statement quoted by NBC


Someone on pprune said that ACARS wouldn't report alternate emergency routes, only active routes.

Well, I'm not intimately familiar with ACARS but I am aware that what data it sends and how often it sends it can be configured by the airline, Boeing or both. Various pieces of equipment can use the ACARS system to send data, so what gets sent out on that 30-min interval can be determined by what equipment is available, what it's capable of sending and what the airline or the manufacturer determine is necessary or desirable to know.

The FMS on one plane may not have the capability of sending information about alternate routes or when other routes are entered or the airline decided they don't want the system telling them that. On the other hand it could be capable and they decided to turn that on, so it depends on a few factors.

Will be interesting to see if and how this piece fits in.


Watching CNN rerun from earlier today, Don Lemon, Richard Quest and a panel of 6 "experts". They're literally reading joke tweets, and posing them as questions to the experts.

A woman just spun a tweet from a viewer complaining that we can lose a 777 but he gets ticketed in 2 minutes when he parks illegally. She actually started her sentence with "well we don't have meter maids in the middle if the ocean but...."

They read a tweet which questioned if the pilot was just out " joyriding".

They have a toy 777 on the desk for fucks sake. Oh , and they ran the "breaking" text the whole episode with nothing else. Just "breaking" during a rerun at 10pm.

What a joke network. Embarrassing.


Watching CNN rerun from earlier today, Don Lemon, Richard Quest and a panel of 6 "experts". They're literally reading joke tweets, and posing them as questions to the experts.

A woman just spun a tweet from a viewer complaining that we can lose a 777 but he gets ticketed in 2 minutes when he parks illegally. She actually started her sentence with "well we don't have meter maids in the middle if the ocean but...."

They read a tweet which questioned if the pilot was just out " joyriding".

They have a toy 777 on the desk for fucks sake. Oh , and they ran the "breaking" text the whole episode with nothing else. Just "breaking" during a rerun at 10pm.

What a joke network. Embarrassing.

Yeah, I saw that xD
Watching CNN rerun from earlier today, Don Lemon, Richard Quest and a panel of 6 "experts". They're literally reading joke tweets, and posing them as questions to the experts.

A woman just spun a tweet from a viewer complaining that we can lose a 777 but he gets ticketed in 2 minutes when he parks illegally. She actually started her sentence with "well we don't have meter maids in the middle if the ocean but...."

They read a tweet which questioned if the pilot was just out " joyriding".

They have a toy 777 on the desk for fucks sake. Oh , and they ran the "breaking" text the whole episode with nothing else. Just "breaking" during a rerun at 10pm.

What a joke network. Embarrassing.

I can't stand Don Lemon...seriously one of the worst anchors ever.
Watching CNN rerun from earlier today, Don Lemon, Richard Quest and a panel of 6 "experts". They're literally reading joke tweets, and posing them as questions to the experts.

A woman just spun a tweet from a viewer complaining that we can lose a 777 but he gets ticketed in 2 minutes when he parks illegally. She actually started her sentence with "well we don't have meter maids in the middle if the ocean but...."

They read a tweet which questioned if the pilot was just out " joyriding".

They have a toy 777 on the desk for fucks sake. Oh , and they ran the "breaking" text the whole episode with nothing else. Just "breaking" during a rerun at 10pm.

What a joke network. Embarrassing.

Was there ever a time when CNN wasn't shit when it came to news?


hardest game ever: name a good "anchor" on CNN

You know what? YOU KNOW WHAT? I actually tried to think of my favorite anchor and I couldn't come up with one (and I pretty much watch CNN exclusively).

Anderson Cooper maybe? Ashleigh Banfield?

But I still prefer them over MSNBC and Fox News.


not tag worthy
I got it those guys from the semi conductor company , they were involved in the robot uprising , so the pilots time travelled to stop them...

Hell it's as good as any theory atm
Watching CNN rerun from earlier today, Don Lemon, Richard Quest and a panel of 6 "experts". They're literally reading joke tweets, and posing them as questions to the experts.

A woman just spun a tweet from a viewer complaining that we can lose a 777 but he gets ticketed in 2 minutes when he parks illegally. She actually started her sentence with "well we don't have meter maids in the middle if the ocean but...."

They read a tweet which questioned if the pilot was just out " joyriding".

They have a toy 777 on the desk for fucks sake. Oh , and they ran the "breaking" text the whole episode with nothing else. Just "breaking" during a rerun at 10pm.

What a joke network. Embarrassing.
Just reading this made me cringe. They have ran out of material. The missing flight is old news now. They want the next shiny object. Problem is there no new shiny object. Hence they are stretching the older news and trying to keep it alive by adding some entertainment. It's ridiculous. There is tons of shit happening all over the world. If I didn't catch Al Jazeera while browsing yesterday, I wouldn't have known that Iran and P5+1 are deep in negotiations over a deal that has serious potential to thaw our relationship with Iran. Or that Tunisia successfully adopted a highly progressive constitution. Or Egypt has become a derivative proto Mubarak state. Or Things are about to go kaput in Venezuela. Why not devote a panel over these topics? No, joking over plane disappearance theories is more fun.



China has deployed ships to search new areas for the missing Malaysia Airlines plane, as Thailand said its radars may have tracked the flight shortly after it lost contact. (WTF??)

China has sent nine ships to waters south-east of the Bay of Bengal and west of Indonesia.

Teams from 26 countries are trying to find flight MH370, which went missing on 8 March with 239 people on board.

The entire search area is now roughly the size of Australia.

Malaysia says the plane, which was flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, was intentionally diverted and could have flown on either a northern or southern arc from its last known position in the Malacca Straits.

Investigators are looking into the possibility that the aircraft's crew - or other individuals on the plane - were involved in its disappearance.


09.57 Right, after that excitement, some of the other developments to come out of today's press conference.

* Malaysia says 'so far' no red flags on any missing jet passenger. Background checks on nearly all but three of the 239 passengers and crew on board a missing Malaysia Airlines jet have produced no "information of significance". Ukrainian and Russian passengers have not yet been checked

* Files were recently deleted from the home flight simulator of the MH370 pilot

* Two Chinese relatives who were trying to speak to journalists before the briefing by Malaysian officials were heard screaming as they were dragged away by police.

09.48 I've never seen anything quite like it - it's pandemonium as hundreds of reporters descend on two female relatives who were being ushered out of the conference by police.

Malaysian Police are currently stopping media from talking to these relatives.

09.44 Incredible scenes as relatives of the passengers thought to have been knocked to the floor in scuffles outside the media conference room in Kuala Lumpur. Women were forcibly removed after trying to attend plane news conference.

09.36 Hishammuddin Hussein, Malaysia's transport minister, is now giving his daily press conference. He confirms that the Maldives has found no evidence that MH370 flew over the tiny island on March 8.

He says they are sending a new team to Beijing to support passengers' families, imcluding representatives from the prime minister's office and the department of civil aviation.

09.30 A source close to the investigation has told Reuters news agency that they believe the plane most likely flew into the southern Indian Ocean, as opposed to north towards Pakistan and India.

"The working assumption is that it went south, and furthermore that it went to the southern end of that corridor," said the source, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

The view is based on the lack of any evidence from countries along the northern corridor that the plane entered their airspace, and the failure to find any trace of wreckage in searches in the upper part of the southern corridor.

09.18 Authorities in the Maldives are now investigating reports that islanders saw a "low-flying jumbo jet" on the day MH370 vanished.

Police and the civil aviation authority were investigating reported sightings on a remote island, however the islands' National Defence Force said that no trace of Flight MH370 had been picked up on radar

The investigations were sparked by a report by the Haveeru news website which said that several local residents had spotted a large plane flying over the remote southern island of Kuda Huvadhoo on March 8.


German media said yesterday, that Geoffrey Thomas from Airlineratings.com has speculated, that valuable cargo was onboard, and he thinks its a heist. He´s citing sources from the investigation team.
But there is no link to be found, has that been debunked yet?



Frustration is beginning to turn to anger, as two Chinese relatives were dragged out of the press conference room by police. Very sad, I'd probably do the same.
German media said yesterday, that Geoffrey Thomas from Airlineratings.com has speculated, that valuable cargo was onboard, and he thinks its a heist. He´s citing sources from the investigation team.
But there is no link to be found, has that been debunked yet?
There were rumours last week of gold bullion being onboard, but most likely bullshit (like all other rumours so far).


German media said yesterday, that Geoffrey Thomas from Airlineratings.com has speculated, that valuable cargo was onboard, and he thinks its a heist. He´s citing sources from the investigation team.
But there is no link to be found, has that been debunked yet?

I could only find this article,

Air cargo industry insiders suggest Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 may have been carrying highly valuable cargo that may possibly be the motive for the alleged hijacking.

The claim comes as investigators reveal the Boeing 777 carrying 227 passengers and 12 crew went on a wild flight path after it changed course, climbing to 15,000m before descending to 1500m, possibly to avoid military radar.

Sources close to the investigation have told _The West Australian _they suspect MH370 may have flown at this low altitude past - and over - three countries.

According to cargo sources in Singapore, the plane was carrying cargo that was "highly valuable", though its nature has not been revealed.
09.30 A source close to the investigation has told Reuters news agency that they believe the plane most likely flew into the southern Indian Ocean, as opposed to north towards Pakistan and India.

"The working assumption is that it went south, and furthermore that it went to the southern end of that corridor," said the source, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

The view is based on the lack of any evidence from countries along the northern corridor that the plane entered their airspace, and the failure to find any trace of wreckage in searches in the upper part of the southern corridor.

And if they don't find any wreckage in the lower part of the southern corridor?

"Welp, guess we got there too late, everything must haven sunken or been dispersed too widely by now to find easily."

I'll tell you this right now: if one or more of those countries in the northern corridor did slip up or get fooled, no one is going to call them out on it unless there is strong evidence that the plane went there. Everyone would rather assume it is lost in the ocean.


And if they don't find any wreckage in the lower part of the southern corridor?

I'll tell you this right now: if one or more of those countries in the northern corridor did slip up or get fooled, no one is going to call them out on it unless there is strong evidence that the plane went there. Everyone would rather assume it is lost in the ocean.

Indeed - and the said countries in the Northern Corridor aren't exactly going to be quick in highlighting any belated folly on their own part.

It's a very sad thing to say but "Everyone would rather assume it is lost in the ocean" is highly likely as the implications that it could have crashed / been landed and not spotted by any given country for 10+ days is probably terrifying them all.


German media said yesterday, that Geoffrey Thomas from Airlineratings.com has speculated, that valuable cargo was onboard, and he thinks its a heist. He´s citing sources from the investigation team.
But there is no link to be found, has that been debunked yet?

There were rumours last week of gold bullion being onboard, but most likely bullshit (like all other rumours so far).
It was confirmed over the weekend that there wasn't any valuable cargo on board.

Deku Tree

The more I hear about this investigation, the more I think that the Malaysian authorities are doing a huge royal screw up of this investigation. They possibly couldn't do worse if they were intentionally trying to botch the investigation.
This is just eerie. A cousin of a friend of mine flew on that very plane a day before the disappearance. Or so they speculate, as it was the only Malaysian Airways plane outbound to Kuala Lumpur the day before the incident. Gives me chills just to think about it.


Not sure if posted,
A US technology company which had 20 senior staff on board Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 had just launched a new electronic warfare gadget for military radar systems in the days before the Boeing 777 went missing.

Freescale Semiconductor, which makes powerful microchips for industries including defence, released the powerful new products to the American market on March 3.

Five days later, Flight MH370 took off from Kuala Lumpur for Beijing with 239 people on board including 20 working for Freescale.

Twelve were from Malaysia, while eight were Chinese nationals.

Freescale’s spokesman Mitch Haws has said: “These were all people with a lot of experience and technical background and they were very important people.

“It’s definitely a loss for the company.”


Interesting stuff.


Yeah, the Freescale people are sort of at the heart of many of the conspiricy theories.

The problem is that kidnapping them (or whatever) likely requires you to kill 219 innocent people. I don't know that industrial esponisage is worth that amount of murder.
I've seen those Bond and Bourne movies! People are expendable! As long as you get that super computer chip only to destroy it at the last second.




Malaysian Authorities to investigate why relatives were thrown out of press conference by Malaysian Authorities

Makes about as much sense as anything so far.

Twist: There were no relatives. Or Authorities. It was only confusing if you saw it as confusing.
Guys it depends. If they were just process/product engineers that would not be no reason to hijack a plane.

If they are designers, maybe. But as a poster above implied there are tons of companies who sell similar products.
Has any (relatively reliable/thoughtful/non-crazy) person compiled a list of all of the major working hypotheses, along with the evidence supporting each hypothesis?


that puzzling face
In my opinion there's not enough evidence yet to support any given hypothesis. A lot of answers will come from the black box, or until there is new concrete info on either motive or a narrowing down of final destination.


Now they are saying the southern corridor which I just don't buy... there's nothing there. the only plausible explanation is that the pilot was unconsciousness and they ran out of fuel. That's the only explanation and they made deliberate action to turn back too which makes it less likely.

I really think the theory about flying under the Singapore Airlines jet is the most plausible, most ridiculous stunt the pilot could have pulled that if he did pull it off flawlessly, he would have bought himself plenty of time to do whatever he wanted with the plane.

Right now there is no way of Malaysian authorities doing any sort of check in other countries unless it has conclusive evidence it flew over their airspace and if it was not detected on their military radar, they are probably not going to get clearance to check.

If they don't find something in the southern corridor, its going to get pretty ugly for the Malaysian Authorities. The prime minister needs to pull some strings behind the scenes and get some freaking intel.
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