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Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 ended in the Southern Indian Ocean

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The destination is nowhere. There is nothing in the south Indian ocean. They wanted to crash the plane in the ocean and make sure it was never found.

It may be the more boring theory since flying northwest leaves a lot of speculation about where they would try to land and who would do it.

There is a US base in reach of the plane and directly in line with the direction the plane took after turning turning around.

Plus crashing the plane in the ocean so it can never be found? That's extremely unlikely. Might as well say it flew to the moon.


I'm talkin aliens!

Unless, of course, that has already been discussed =p

What hasn't been discussed to any great detail is the plausability of a John Varley Air Raid scenario where the passengers have been kidnapped by genetically corrupt humans in the future as a last ditch effort to save the species.
There's some crazy conspiracy theories going on right now with some theories that this is a politically motivated 'hijack' as a result of the opposition leader's sodomy court sentence, thus leading the pilot, who's apparently a supporter of the opposition party, to pull this off.

Welp, the rabbit hole is going on the deep, deep end now.


And saying the Pentagon is wrong is looking into the Indian Ocean is what?

They've been searching in the Indian Ocean before the satellite data was announced. But searching in the Indian Ocean doesn't mean they're searching all across the Indian Ocean unless you have information no one else has heard of. The Indian Ocean search was an expansion of the search in the Malacca Straits. You might as well presume they're searching near Africa with that logic.

Plus extrapolating flight paths is a ridiculous exercise. If it was that easy, the plane would already have been found.


There's some crazy conspiracy theories going on right now with some theories that this is a politically motivated 'hijack' as a result of the opposition leader's sodomy court sentence, thus leading the pilot, who's apparently a supporter of the opposition party, to pull this off.

Welp, the rabbit hole is going on the deep, deep end now.

Yup just read about the Anwar connection. This week is going to be quite interesting once the investigation on the individuals start to unravel. My heart goes out to the relatives tho- this keeps getting worse and worse for them in that there's no form of closure in sight


that puzzling face
Re: the satellite info. A direct quote from the press conference by Prime Minister Najib yesterday, the latest official release.

Today, based on raw satellite data which was obtained from the satellite data service provider, we can confirm that the aircraft shown in the primary radar data was flight MH370. After much forensic work and deliberation, the FAA, NTSB, AAIB and the Malaysian authorities working separately on the same data concur.

According to the new data, the last confirmed communication between the plane and satellite was at 8:11am Malaysian time on Saturday 8th of March. The investigation team is making further calculations which will indicate how far the aircraft may have flown after the last point of contact. This will help us to refine the search.

Due to the type of satellite data, we are unable to confirm the precise location of the plane when it last made contact with the satellite. However, based on this new data the aviation authorities of Malaysia and their international counterparts have determined that the last communication with a satellite was in one of two possible corridors.

This leaves a few possibilities:
1) The Prime Minister was lying, and no one from the FAA, NTSB, AAIB or Malaysian authorities contradicted him. Conspiracy on a grand scale

2) The FAA, NTSB, AAIB and Malaysian authorities came to the same wrong conclusion separately.

3) Someone with a lot of pull has been able to get FAA, NTSB, AAIB and the Malaysian authorities to provide incorrect info (Again, massive conspiracy theory)

4) The satellite data was faulty and/or tampered to begin with.

5) The satellite data and thus the projected two corridors are correct.

This is corroborated, verified fact by multiple agencies, none of which have come forth so far and said "fuck, we were mistaken". There's this press release, and then there's your posts.

If we are to believe the veracity of this report, then the plane -has- to have physically been along the two charted corridors at 8:11AM, after which what happened to it with its remaining fuel being anybody's guess.

edit: this article says there is a press conference scheduled for Sunday (today). I'm presuming the media will have quite a lot of pointed questions this time around so hopefully we'll get a shitload of clarification.


I wonder if this was orchestrated by Chinese separatists or someone who wants something from China considering most of the passengers/hostages were Chinese.


There is a US base in reach of the plane and directly in line with the direction the plane took after turning turning around.

Plus crashing the plane in the ocean so it can never be found? That's extremely unlikely. Might as well say it flew to the moon.

Are you talking about Diego Garcia?


I really doubt someone would hijack a plane and turn it around, avoiding military radar as much as possible, just to crash it into the ocean. But where else could it be?


Sorry if a repost,
Evidence of a plot by Malaysian Islamists to hijack a passenger jet in a 9/11-style attack is being investigated in connection with the disappearance of Flight MH370.

An al-Qaeda supergrass told a court last week that four to five Malaysian men had been planning to take control of a plane, using a bomb hidden in a shoe to blow open the cockpit door.

Security experts said the evidence from a convicted British terrorist was “credible”. The supergrass said that he had met the Malaysian jihadists – one of whom was a pilot – in Afghanistan and given them a shoe bomb to use to take control of an aircraft.

Crazy stuff...


CHEEZMO™;104549526 said:
More creative than some of the baseless insanity already pushed in this thread after people completely pulled it out of their deluded anuses?

It being hijacked [by x group] and flown somewhere before secretly landing so it can be loaded with North Korean nukes and then flown into the US? Like two thirds of the people in this thread need to stop posting and take their thorazine.

The most basic outcome is probably correct, it's at the bottom of the ocean somewhere most likely.. but in the world we live in, you aren't paying attention if you just want to rule things like that out when there is no evidence of a crash yet and there is strong evidence that the plane was hijacked.

I hope the people running the show aren't so "la de dah" about every possible outcome, and I'm pretty sure they aren't.


a mass of phermones, hormones and adrenaline just waiting to explode
Last night, there was speculation that perhaps ethnic Uighurs may have been involved. They were thought to have a potential interest in a hijacking type of attack, but not the personnel to pull it off. Maybe they found that personnel in the group of Muslims in Malaysia now under suspicion, and the Malaysians were sympathetic to their cause as well. That would conceivably enable them to strike at the West as well as at the Chinese. Two birds with one bird, so to speak...


that puzzling face
I don't mean for this to sound like a disparaging or racist remark, but the Muslims (vastly majority Malay who are virtually all Muslim, some Indians and a tiny smattering of Chinese/others) in Malaysia have been bred in an environment of political superiority (I daresay entitlement even in quite a few other areas) for generations and the extent of threatening from so-called 'extremist' groups I could picture would be in words, not action unless they can hide behind the protection of the government or other large authoritative bodies while throwing weight around.

That is, to put it another way, Muslim Malaysia is conservative. This isn't like the Middle East where you hear of suicide bombers every other week. I will be highly surprised if Jihad-esque extremism turns out to be the cause of this act if the perpetrator(s) turn out to be of Malaysian nationality.

(p.s. Again, I don't mean to make it sound like a racist or whining remark. I have friends back home in Malaysia of all races and walks of life, and I don't wish to discuss my views on the political situation of Malaysia any further, outside the context of MH370 investigations)

edit: as of 5min ago
Statement from the Ministry of Transport, Malaysia, received today (Sunday, March 16): Search and Rescue Operations:
The search and rescue operation continues to be a multi-national effort, led by Malaysia. Malaysian officials are contacting countries along the northern and southern corridors about MH370. These countries include: Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, China, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Australia and France. Officials are requesting assistance from these countries.

Malaysian officials are currently discussing with all partners how best to deploy assets along the two corridors.

Malaysian officials are also asking countries to provide further assistance in the search for the aircraft, including satellite data and analysis, ground-search capabilities, radar data and maritime and air assets.

Both the northern and southern corridors are being treated with equal importance

Statement from the Ministry of Transport, Malaysia, received today (Sunday, March 16):
Update on the police investigation into MH370’s crew and passengers : As per normal procedure, the Royal Malaysia Police are investigating all crew and passengers on board MH370, as well as engineers who may have had contact with the aircraft before take-off.

Police searched the home of the pilot on Saturday 15 March. Officers spoke to family members of the pilot and experts are examining the pilot’s flight simulator. On 15 March, the police also searched the home of the co-pilot.

We appeal to the public not to jump to conclusions regarding the police investigation.

Perhaps the worst thing about where this appears to be heading (and obviously I being incredibly facetious), is that it may turn out that Rupert Murdoch was right all along.


Perhaps the worst thing about where this appears to be heading (and obviously I being incredibly facetious), is that it may turn out that Rupert Murdoch was right all along.

yeah i read that again last night and he wasn't far off

EDIT: this...

777crash confirms jihadists turning to make trouble for China. Chance for US to make common cause, befriend China while Russia bullies.


Watching the press conference Q+A. They've removed the simulator from the pilot's home and are analysing it. They've confirmed that any signals could originate from the plane on the ground so long as there was electrical power.
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