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Man of Steel |OT| It's about action.

It was really ridiculous. A more Superman-like role of action would be
if he actually was struggling to fight the Kryptonians while ensuring that no one was hurt in the process. Saving people in between striking blows. But that would have made for more complicated scenes so the cop-out is to just have Superman not care.

This would've been so much better. They tried to up the human stakes by having the whole sequence with
Perry and Jenny, but there was little investment in those characters so I felt that it fell flat. The thing with Zod should've been the last straw, Supes finally realizing that the only way to protect the people was to end it all. The problem was they didn't show any of the other 'straws' that would build up to that
Considering they didn't abandon the daily planet offices, which was on at least the 20th floor, until buildings were literally crashing down around them, it's safe to assume those building would still have people in it.

Besides, during the 'second half' of Zod/Superman fight, they left the 'destroyed' part of Metropolis and started flying around in OTHER PARTS of Metropolis that hadn't seen any damage, just so they could do a virtual labryinth/maze first person view.. They still crashed through buildings (with lights on), that were also presumably filled with folks.

As for him 'just learning how to be superman' -- uh, he figured out most of his powers when he was younger. The only part he 'figured out' was how to fly, and by the time he fought Zod, he was doing pretty damned well (as evidenced by the film itself in the hour and a half prior to the fight) at it.

He was careless/reckless, and murdered a ton of people by proxy, there's no way around it really.

you dont learn to take responsibility when you just took responsibility, he literally saved the entire world while stopping Zod. This is the discussion snyder wanted people to have as to would he want to save people or to stop zod, zod would have kept killing more people if superman didnt stop him
Oh, and perhaps my biggest gripe with this film...

So, When supes finally snaps Zod's neck, he lets out a cry of anguish because he actually killed someone, and its in his moral code to not take lives.. but what about the hundreds, if not thousands of other people he and Zod killed while flying through the city, blowing up entire floors of office buildings, causing them to crash down on innocents in the street? Let alone the numerous airships Superman took out that crashed down onto crowded streets below, incinerating everyone? Where are your cries of anguish then, Clark?

Seriously.. it completely undermined the impact of his 'pain' after he did it.

I wondered about this, I realised that he'd
only really been Superman for a few hours and his moral code wasn't as black and white as it's been in the past. Plus he hadn't spent years learning with Jor, so his only real moral compass was the somewhat grey Pa Kent.

"Should I have let them die"? ...."maybe."

and there's the scene where Pa Kent stops him from saving him, which hit me pretty damn hard. The Superman we see in MoS is a lot more conflicted and grey than that in previous movies I feel.


I think Superman Returns was more overt in the Jesus imagery. He was stabbed in the side, then he flies up into space, does the Jesus pose, falls to Earth. Then they even do the whole empty tomb analogy when they go to the hospital room and he's not there!!!

But yes there was that one scene in MoS where the framing of the shot was so on the nose it did make me scoff.

That one scene in MoS is the most heavily overdone, if you ask me, in all of Superman Movie-dom. He's in a
church and talking to a minister, which already laid it on thickly, but to then have Jesus Christ framed over Clark's shoulder,
wearing a red cape no less? He even states he's 33 years old in Man of Steel. Yeesh.

And they repeated the Christ pose shot from Returns almost identically, too. I'd say both movies are probably even in the Christian imagery, depending on what you consider laying it on too thick and what can be inferred through context.


That part of the city was almost if not completly deserted, buildings were empty because that World Engine was destroying everything.

I don't know what some people expect. He barely had time to keep himself alive and somehow he's supposed to stop getting his ass kicked and call a time-out to make sure everyone is ok?

Maybe he should just fly around the Earth to turn back time and bring everyone back?



yeah krypton guns and lasertag is the exact same thing. guns with triggers are a universal phenomenon and journalists are required to train in future-tech. sad sack.

Guns with triggers makes more sense than an alien race that looks like white people.


yeah krypton guns and lasertag is the exact same thing. guns with triggers are a universal phenomenon and journalists are required to train in future-tech. sad sack.

Man, I don't know about you, but if Russel Crowe is telling me to do some shit, I'd fucking do it.
That one scene in MoS is the most heavily overdone, if you ask me, in all of Superman Movie-dom. He's in a
church and talking to a minister, which already laid it on thickly, but to then have Jesus Christ framed over Clark's shoulder,
wearing a red cape no less? He even states he's 33 years old in Man of Steel. Yeesh.

And they repeated the Christ pose shot from Returns almost identically, too. I'd say both movies are probably even in the Christian imagery, depending on what you consider laying it on too thick and what can be inferred through context.

I'd agree with that. The analogy is stronger in SR and there's less in MoS, but what is there is not at all subtle.
He barely had time to keep himself alive and somehow he's supposed to stop getting his ass kicked and call a time-out to make sure everyone is ok?

Maybe he should just fly around the Earth to turn back time and bring everyone back?


Lol this!

The argument is ridiculous if you see the
Movie. Oh wait Zod the people are dying can we wait until its empty or until i save a couple of those people down there ?


yeah krypton guns and lasertag is the exact same thing. guns with triggers are a universal phenomenon and journalists are required to train in future-tech. sad sack.

Lol and kryptonians speak english. The gun thing is WAY easier to believe, imo.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Do you even lift?


Um, I can deadlift that. That's pretty weak considering his muscular development.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
128 millions OW? whoa, not even I thought it was going to do that well. Good show WB. Now gimme a Flash film.


Bull on a Donut
You know just about nothing about me, Matrix. I wouldn't even put Returns in my top five films or anything like that, but when I see idiotic mouth-breathing comments about how Returns is the "worst film I've ever seen" and such I can't help but question that type of idiocy.

I guess it should be expected on video game message boards though, right?

Superman Returns has fans and is respected moreso than Man of Steel as a better made film with a better story. You don't need to be an elitist or critic to find merits in Returns, and you can certainly prefer Man of Steel (once you actually see it, that is), but this clingy, defensive, denial-riddled notion that Man of Steel can't be criticised because Superman Returns is the "boring" "pussy" movie... it's just petty.

I still smile thinking of the reactions I saw posted in the wake of Returns being reviewed better than Man of Steel though, so there's some comfort there. (=

Sorry bro Returns is the worst film I've ever seen, aside from maybe some boring ass 4 hour 60s flick that I had to watch for a film class. I'd rather eat out of a dumpster than sit through that pile of steaming shit again. "Superman Returns is more respected than Man of Steel" LOL that's quite a stretch there, bud. Returns was a bland joke of a film with an awful story and horrible acting.

You come in this thread whining and complaining about Man of Steel and it's defensive force, then you turn into an overly defensive fanboy when someone disses Returns, dismissing all criticism of that horrible abomination as coming from idiotic mouth-breathers.

Sorry that most of the general audience and some of us idiotic mouth breathers aren't as enlightened as yourself; Returns is undoubtedly the better film with a better story and Man of Steel is a supremely flawed heretical product. I have seen the light!

I think you need to accept the fact that opinions are opinions, especially when concerned with film making. Everyone has different tastes, some people LOVE MoS and others LOVE Returns. However, Man of Steel is the Superman movie that we got a few days ago, the Superman movie that is making truckloads of $$$, and probably the Superman movie you're going to get for the next decade, SORRY.


Sorry bro Returns is the worst film I've ever seen, aside from maybe some boring ass 4 hour 60s flick that I had to watch for a film class. I'd rather eat out of a dumpster than sit through that pile of steaming shit again.

Quite the conversationalist.

Um, I can deadlift that. That's pretty weak considering his muscular development.

As a guy who's shot some promo/press videos before, I bet they just wanted Henry on camera lifting a bit for eye candy. Some actors and workout types will actually do 25-50 pushups to get their chests looking bigger and such, which he might have done, but yeah- he's probably capable of more but didn't want to risk pulling something for a video like this.


That one scene in MoS is the most heavily overdone, if you ask me, in all of Superman Movie-dom. He's in a
church and talking to a minister, which already laid it on thickly, but to then have Jesus Christ framed over Clark's shoulder,
wearing a red cape no less? He even states he's 33 years old in Man of Steel. Yeesh.

And they repeated the Christ pose shot from Returns almost identically, too. I'd say both movies are probably even in the Christian imagery, depending on what you consider laying it on too thick and what can be inferred through context.

Returns took it a step further in some ways, if a little less obvious. The kryptonite dagger to the side (like the spear to the side Jesus took), falling to Earth in that pose, Superman "dies" in the hospital but when a nurse comes in she finds the hospital room empty.

I find all of it very lazy.


I don't know what some people expect. He barely had time to keep himself alive and somehow he's supposed to stop getting his ass kicked and call a time-out to make sure everyone is ok?

Maybe he should just fly around the Earth to turn back time and bring everyone back?


Is it the assumption that he would somehow save....everyone??? I mean, dude just saved the whole fucking planet technically. That's gotta put him in the plus column I would think. This is what Pa Kent was trying to show him as well--sometimes there will be loss.


Bull on a Donut
Quite the conversationalist.

I wouldn't even put Returns in my top five films or anything like that, but when I see idiotic mouth-breathing comments about how Returns is the "worst film I've ever seen" and such I can't help but question that type of idiocy.

I guess it should be expected on video game message boards though, right?

touche brother


Returns took it a step further in some ways, if a little less obvious. The kryptonite dagger to the side (like the spear to the side Jesus took), falling to Earth in that pose, Superman "dies" in the hospital but when a nurse comes in she finds the hospital room empty.

I find all of it very lazy.

I think having
Jor El tell Superman he can save all of us
before Superman makes the Christ pose was pretty nail-on-the-head, too.

Either way, doing the Christian stuff with Superman isn't really in fault in my eyes if it's done for a reason or done well. I think Returns crafted it a bit better, but maybe Man of Steel was going for a laugh with the church scene. The priest's reaction definitely felt intentionally comedic.


yeah krypton guns and lasertag is the exact same thing. guns with triggers are a universal phenomenon and journalists are required to train in future-tech. sad sack.

Lois did say something early on that was like "Guess I don't feel safe unless I'm in the trenches"....or something like that, I'm paraphrasing. But the point is that she's use to being in the front line.

It's not a stretch that she can point a gun and pull a trigger. Hell, the blast was large enough where it's the equivalent of a boom stick.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
At least she did stuff, and wasn't the token damsel in distress. I actually liked this Lois Lane.


Is it the assumption that he would somehow save....everyone??? I mean, dude just saved the whole fucking planet technically. That's gotta put him in the plus column I would think. This is what Pa Kent was trying to show him as well--sometimes there will be loss.

I got the same message from pa Kent.
Doesn't he even tell him point blank, some sacrifices will need to be made? Maybe it was about the kids on the bus, but his point stands.

Kal is not a Supergod, or even a Supermagician. Just a Superman.


About the Superman vs Zod fight
i thought his screaming and crying was more about him killing the last Kryptonian besides him? Like he knew killing him was the only option once he realised Zod would never stop trying to destroy earth and every human being on it.
Lois did say something early on that was like "Guess I don't feel safe unless I'm in the trenches"....or something like that, I'm paraphrasing. But the point is that she's use to being in the front line.

It's not a stretch that she can point a gun and pull a trigger. Hell, the blast was large enough where it's the equivalent of a boom stick.

"I get writer's block if I'm not wearing a flak jacket."

Loved that line, summed up the character in a sentence.


At least she did stuff, and wasn't the token damsel in distress. I actually liked this Lois Lane.

Yeah, I really liked her this time around. Adams is clearly a fan of the franchise and Lois was written in a really modern way (The Animated Series, Smallville, modern comics, etc).
Thanks yahoo.com for spoiling a possibly major event in the movie with a news headline "Superman commits unexpected brutal act" before I saw it later this week with friends.

There's only one fucking thing that Superman could do that could be classified as a brutal act. Anyone who knows anything about Superman knows what that is!!!

I'm so mad, lol I do not like being spoiled one bit for movies I really want to see....And this is a major fucking spoiler.


I got the same message from pa Kent.
Doesn't he even tell him point blank, some sacrifices will need to be made? Maybe it was about the kids on the bus, but his point stands.

Kal is not a Supergod, or even a Supermagician. Just a Superman.

Clark asks "What was I supposed to do, let them die??" and Pa hesitates before answering "Maybe".


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
About the Superman vs Zod fight
i thought his screaming and crying was more about him killing the last Kryptonian besides him? Like he knew killing him was the only option once he realised Zod would never stop trying to destroy earth and every human being on it.


It was a great scene, I don't understand the controversy.



But really

how the hell did you reach that conclusion? I mean I'm cool with opinions and everything. But, objectively speaking, IM3 is a terrible movie, while SM2 is the best that the genre has to offer.

SM2 is really great, IM3 is really great. Was nice watching a Marvel movie with a bit of personality. Good acting, was funny, good action, nice writing, satisfying ending. I liked it a lot


Thanks yahoo.com for spoiling a possibly major event in the movie with a news headline ...
I'm so mad, lol I do not like being spoiled one bit for movies I really want to see....And this is a major fucking spoiler.

If you consider it to be such a spoiler, maybe you shouldn't post it in the non-spoiler thread?



It was a great scene, I don't understand the controversy.

On first-blush, it's brutal to see Superman do such a thing on screen. It's never been seen on film before, at least with this much weight and gravity.

Some people are saying it didn't feel necessary, and that the film was already a bit "joyless" to begin with, so I guess the "controversy" for some is how Goyer might have overdone it (at least for the first movie, maybe it'd worked better for some in a sequel).

Oh I guess that makes more sense haha, thanks.

It's cool. I've seen it twice and keep double-checking all my posts!


I think having
Jor El tell Superman he can save all of us
before Superman makes the Christ pose was pretty nail-on-the-head, too.

Either way, doing the Christian stuff with Superman isn't really in fault in my eyes if it's done for a reason or done well. I think Returns crafted it a bit better, but maybe Man of Steel was going for a laugh with the church scene. The priest's reaction definitely felt intentionally comedic.

I think MoS toyed with with it a bit while Returns played it totally straight. Parts like Faora's line...

"Evolution always wins" seemed like another on the nose remark but in the end she was right. The genetically engineered lines of Krypton were stagnant and Clark was the real next step in evolution for their race.


Still all estimates, I think the actuals haven't come in yet.

Actual gross:
$42 million!

It's doing fantastic- even better than WB's projected estimates. I wonder if it'll hold up next weekend against Monsters and World War Z despite one getting mediocre reviews and the other looking so rough.
Actual gross:
$42 million!

It's doing fantastic- even better than WB's projected estimates. I wonder if it'll hold up next weekend against Monsters and World War Z despite one getting mediocre reviews and the other looking so rough.

Oh definitely. I mean they revised their Sunday estimates up, and said the dropoff from Saturday to Sunday was almost nothing, which is very rare. I wouldn't be surprised if it was higher than the estimates.
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