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Man of Steel |OT| It's about action.


because obviously
lois had to be collateral for clark because they figured out that she wants to bone him and stupid shit like that. it makes zero sense for her to be up there let alone serve as collateral for the entirety of humanity. at this point the connection between superman and lois is fuck

This shit has been explained over and over in this thread, I feel like some of you didn't watch the god damn movie.
Conspiracy guy comes out on TV saying that Lois knows who Kal-El is, they take her to extract any information she may have... oh what do you know they get useful information out of her and head to Smallville


the final flashback (
the cape
) was lol worthy. she didn't mean it literally, snyder.

Why was this bad again? That scene got to me. Reminded me of being at home with my Pops, "flying" around the house. I used to use a red pilowcase as a cape.


Why was this bad again? That scene got to me. Reminded me of being at home with my Pops, "flying" around the house. I used to use a red pilowcase as a cape.

My only issue with it was
If Superman would be the first to make capes look cool, who was the boy impersonating?

But I guess it could have been errol flynn or something. Would have been cool to see who his inspiration was.


What I mean is that she says
"he already saw what kind of man you would be" (paraphrasing here), when it's clearly supposed to mean he knew clark would be a good person, not some dude who could fly around in a cape.

like most things in the movie, the scene itself was great—how it was inserted into the movie was not.
Lol, good point.

I guess it could be Captain Marvel too if the Marvel comics exist in the DC universe. There's an argument.

Though he wouldn't have existed except for Supes, so. Green Lantern must exist in that universe. man.

Captain Marvel is a DC character.

EDIT: Unless you meant Marvel, as in Captain Marvel, comics. Not Marvel comics the publisher.


What I mean is that she says
"he already saw what kind of man you would be" (paraphrasing here), when it's clearly supposed to mean he knew clark would be a good person, not some dude who could fly around in a cape.

like most things in the movie, the scene itself was great—how it was inserted into the movie was not.

Hmm. The interpretation of that line is debatable--
perhaps she meant that Pa knew Clark was destined for greatness like the heroes he looked up to growing up. Like when Pa looked at him striking the pose (GODDAMN GOT GOOSEBUMPS WHEN THAT HAPPENED), that's what he was thinking.
That scene spoke to me more than any other in film history, what are you talking about?

My only issue with it was
If Superman would be the first to make capes look cool, who was the boy impersonating?

But I guess it could have been errol flynn or something. Would have been cool to see who his inspiration was.
I would have answered but AkuMifune answered for me.
It was over-foreshadowing in a flashback scene. Something that under normal circumstances should always be ridiculed and I'm glad that I was watching the film with an audience that recognized that so I wasn't the only dick laughing. It was a very sentimental visual message but unless Clark/Kal-El was imprinted with some kind of genetic memory of what his future costume would look like why would he have been cosplaying as himself?

It was too much, which unfortunately for Zack Snyder films lately is business as usual.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Fatman BB Bale > Cavill > TDKR Bale > Skinny TDK Bale

This shit Bale has done to his body through all sorts of movies is both amazing and scary as fuck.
They might not be able to fly. Who knows? Clark's added powers - and by extension those of other Kryptonians - on Earth are implied to derive from a combination of gravity/atmospherics difference and the radiation of the sun.
Terraforming would mainly avoid the painful childhood adaptation period that Clark has to go through (at least up to the age of five or six or however long it is until Diane Lane coaxes him out of the closet) being forced upon every Kryptonian born hence. Zod says a line to this effect near the end of the film.

Also, a bunch of adapted Kryptonians running around on Earth is certainly does not present a positive situation for humanity to be in, either.

Good point.


I would have answered but AkuMifune answered for me.
It was over-foreshadowing in a flashback scene. Something that under normal circumstances should always be ridiculed and I'm glad that I was watching the film with an audience that recognized that so I wasn't the only dick laughing. It was a very sentimental visual message but unless Clark/Kal-El was imprinted with some kind of genetic memory of what his future costume would look like why would he have been cosplaying as himself?

It was too much, which unfortunately for Zack Snyder films lately is business as usual.

I guess in that universe it never existed people with capes then, untill Superman.

Makes sense.


I would have answered but AkuMifune answered for me.
It was over-foreshadowing in a flashback scene. Something that under normal circumstances should always be ridiculed and I'm glad that I was watching the film with an audience that recognized that so I wasn't the only dick laughing. It was a very sentimental visual message but unless Clark/Kal-El was imprinted with some kind of genetic memory of what his future costume would look like why would he have been cosplaying as himself?

It was too much, which unfortunately for Zack Snyder films lately is business as usual.

Yo dawg! I heard you like capes.

But I still don't buy that--unless we assume that no other caped heroes existed in this universe
I guess in that universe it never existed people with capes then, untill Superman.

Makes sense.
Did you miss the part where he also pretended to fly around for a bit and then struck the traditional Superman dramatic pose? I guess he could have been impersonating Dwight Howard. Also, the cape was RED.

Look, I feel bad because that scene obviously struck a chord with a lot of people but it was too much. The same emotional message could have been conveyed in a much less brute force way if the director respected the audience enough to not beat them over the head with it.


Did you miss the part where he also pretended to fly around for a bit and then struck the traditional Superman dramatic pose? I guess he could have been impersonating Dwight Howard. Also, the cape was RED.

Look, I feel bad because that scene obviously struck a chord with a lot of people but it was too much. The same emotional message could have been conveyed in a much less brute force way if the director respected the audience enough to not beat them over the head with it.

exactly, the problem wasn't really the concept, just that it needed to be handled with a defter touch. the execution was just a bit off and forced.


exactly, the problem wasn't really the concept, just that it needed to be handled with a defter touch. the execution was just a bit off and forced.

Maybe if you overanalyze it while watching the movie or if you are not too into it but by that time in the movie when that sequence was on I felt so incredible and inspired by what I was seeing that all that stuff if it makes sense or not didn't even entered my mind.

I enjoyed and I got what the director tried to achieve, His father saw what Clark was going to become even at that small age, kinda like a nod to us, saying this IS Superman.

Being almost at the very end made it even more powerfull, because we already saw him being Superman.

It worked for me.


Finally seeing it tomorrow. My expectations are pretty darn low all things considered. Friends said they were disappointed because there was barely any story.
I don't normally care about plotholes. As long as you get your idea across thematically it doesn't matter. Having said that, Man of Steel didn't quite succeed (for me) in getting its point across. Still enjoyed it enough to not regret buying the ticket, though.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
I wanna see the reciepts

He's using 20kg rubber bumper plates and the total weight is about 330 pounds (20x6 for the bumpers, 20x1 for the bar, 2x5 or so for the additional small plates). Most healthy adult males can deadlift that within 6 months of powerlifting training and eating right. His form's godawful, too; crazy rounded back, liable to shoot discs out of his spine at speed.

My core is fairly developed from powerlifting and martial arts, but if you were a 200 lb dude posting in fitness-gaf saying you had a 330 lb 1rm deadlift you'd get a golf clap and encouragement to get to 500 lbs next.

He looks nice. He's an actor who bulked for a role, probably on steroids (the only sensible thing to do in his position). He can't fly, either. Sorry to disappoint. ;b


He's using 20kg rubber bumper plates and the total weight is about 330 pounds (20x6 for the bumpers, 20x1 for the bar, 2x5 or so for the additional small plates). Most healthy adult males can deadlift that within 6 months of powerlifting training and eating right. His form's godawful, too; crazy rounded back, liable to shoot discs out of his spine at speed.

My core is fairly developed from powerlifting and martial arts, but if you were a 200 lb dude posting in fitness-gaf saying you had a 330 lb 1rm deadlift you'd get a golf clap and encouragement to get to 500 lbs next.

He looks nice. He's an actor who bulked for a role, probably on steroids (the only sensible thing to do in his position). He can't fly, either. Sorry to disappoint. ;b

What the hell man :(
He looks nice. He's an actor who bulked for a role, probably on steroids (the only sensible thing to do in his position). He can't fly, either. Sorry to disappoint. ;b

FWIW He said in an interview that he didn't use steroids. He said something about not taking shortcuts because that's not what Superman would do...
FWIW He said in an interview that he didn't use steroids. He said something about not taking shortcuts because that's not what Superman would do...

I believe him. You can take all kinds of supplements, that can really bulk you up and cut you up. It doesn't always have to be roids or HGH. And I do not have a problem at all with actors doing this. If it was my job, I would too. Cavill is too young to need HGH. So maybe he was natural.
more plotholes

why is there a super-usb device in lois' alien jail that can magically control the whole ship? are kryptonians really that fucking stupid?

why did dr. bullshit have to rotate superman's ship in order to get the super-usb device to work? how did he recognize that it was the logical solution to the problem of the ship not working?

also stupid dr. bullshit's lines about LOL SINGULARITY PHANTOM ZONE BLACK HOLE GOT IT. yeah. the universe all applies to the same realm of physics that guns have triggers, bad guys lose, and zach snyder makes great movie trailers but shit movies

1] This has already been explained already so I'm not going to bother.

2] How do you enjoy anything? Especially when you're not paying attention.
Plotholes in a superhero movie!? YOU DON'T SAY!!

The story is a mess because Goyer and Snyder are complete hacks when it comes to that stuff. Snyder did the action brilliantly and Goyer got all of the ideas right. But this movie solidified the fact that Snyder is one shitty director. It was all over the place. The flashback styled pacing of the story made little sense, and it feels like so much of it was left on the cutting room floor.

Amy Adams sucks, but everyone else isn't fine.

And am I the ONLY one that completely got sick of Snyder's complete overuse of the sudden zoom and refocus shit? I know he's going for that "it's a spectator filming on his handheld camera" shit, but it doesn't work and it was used far too often.

It was a good movie though, although I really do not understand the consensus of "too much action," when the movie is pretty tame during most of its entirety.


Well I am not sure what to say. It was sort of good at certain moments but mostly mediocre. I felt like this film needed at least an extra hour or two or maybe three. Part of me thinks they didn't know what they wanted to do. They had one foot in sci-fi and one foot in comic books, if it was me I would have just gone full science fiction. The script is poor but at the same time I blame the director because the film needed someone to reign it in and make some tough choices about what to focus on. I may be the only person but I didn't care for the visuals. A lot of very obvious CG, I am numb to it, but I can see how some people enjoy it. Film didn't have much of a soul to me eventhough it genuinely tried.

edit: I would give it about a C+ grade but I can understand if some think it is a B-.


Well I am not sure what to say. It was sort of good at certain moments but mostly mediocre. I felt like this film needed at least an extra hour or two or maybe three. Part of me thinks they didn't know what they wanted to do. They had one foot in sci-fi and one foot in comic books, if it was me I would have just gone full science fiction. The script is poor but at the same time I blame the director because the film needed someone to reign it in and make some tough choices about what to focus on. I may be the only person but I didn't care for the visuals. A lot of very obvious CG, I am numb to it, but I can see how some people enjoy it. Film didn't have much of a soul to me eventhough it genuinely tried.

You wanted a 6 hour film?



Unlimited Capacity
i liked iron man 3 more than man of steel and i hate marvel movies. this is a 6/10 at best. i cringed at
that fucking kiss
. plotholes abound. all the sudden
amy adams is a fucking precision shot using ALIEN GUNS thanks to the genius of russell fucking crowe
. the ending is so fucked too.
do any of lois' coworkers realize clark is superman even though they saw lois and superman kissing? the government can't track down a seemingly suspicious clark kent figure whose house was just destroyed at the site of a massive fight between their suspect?
action was the saving grace of the movie but man that plot is absolute garbage.

meh of steel

Are you new to this? How the hell doesn't every person ever not know that Clark is Superman?


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
The entire theater full of people kept bursting into laughter at the awkwardness of some of the scene transitions
What kind of snob-ass place did you watch it that the audience laughed at awkward scene transitions? Did they play it at your film school or something?
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