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Man of Steel |OT| It's about action.


Eh, I didn't think the movie was that good but I did enjoy them portraying Superman as more of a single individual instead of the magical savior that always seemed to save everyone from doom.
It was pretty obvious once the world builder machine started that Superman was still just one man. Even he is not enough to save everyone from death. He simply can't be everywhere at once and when fighting super beings like himself, he's not going to be able to avoid collateral damage and casualties. (Although one could argue that in all the destruction he causes flying through buildings and such, you don't actually SEE anyone die so perhaps no innocents die directly because of him.)

One last thing; it seemed like the story was more focused on Krypton anyways. Superman himself was certainly the sideplot in the movie.


Oh definitely. I mean they revised their Sunday estimates up, and said the dropoff from Saturday to Sunday was almost nothing, which is very rare. I wouldn't be surprised if it was higher than the estimates.

No joke, I think father's day helped. All those Sears commercials, the imagery of Kevin Costner as Pa Kent, Jor El holding baby Kal in the trailers.

Fuck Rings


Actual gross:
$42 million!

It's doing fantastic- even better than WB's projected estimates. I wonder if it'll hold up next weekend against Monsters and World War Z despite one getting mediocre reviews and the other looking so rough.

Nolan has done his job. He has helped in rebooting another superhero who was on the brink of death. He must now continue his travels in search of another superhero who is on death's door.


About the Superman vs Zod fight
i thought his screaming and crying was more about him killing the last Kryptonian besides him? Like he knew killing him was the only option once he realised Zod would never stop trying to destroy earth and every human being on it.

I agree. There's a lot going on with him in that one moment. It was a good scene.
Can't stop thinking about the movie...I love it!

Anyway, here's my question: Why didn't Zod just take over the Earth without terraforming it? That way the Kryptonian race can all be supers!!


Can't stop thinking about the movie...I love it!

Anyway, here's my question: Why didn't Zod just take over the Earth without
terraforming it?
That way the Kryptonian race can all be supers!!

It's not the Earth that makes them super, it's the Sun's radiation.
They were still Super, even though they still needed the mask to breathe.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I agree. There's a lot going on with him in that one moment. It was a good scene.
Yeah, I mean you have...

1) He killed the last Kryptonian
2) He killed somebody with his hands for the first time
3) He tried his best to be the hero and salvage some sort of peaceful end but couldn't
4) His own people were dickheads who wouldn't listen to reason to the bitter end
5) This end is the first and only example of his race as a collective to humans
6) Being able to drop out of fight mode and let the weight of all the chaos that just occurred hit him, because earth is his home and shit got fucked up, you know

It's not the Earth that makes them super, it's the Sun's radiation.
The thing I don't get is...

The Kryptonians had that ship land on earth 40,000 years ago, and by what Jor-El said they knew the sun would make them super, and they needed a new planet to go to... why the fuck didn't they move sooner? Their race was apparently very adventurous so they weren't shy about expansion beyond their main planet. Zod said the other outposts only had dead people, so what happened with the one on earth?


Super Member
The thing I don't get is...

The Kryptonians had that ship land on earth 40,000 years ago, and by what Jor-El said they knew the sun would make them super, and they needed a new planet to go to... why the fuck didn't they move sooner? Their race was apparently very adventurous so they weren't shy about expansion beyond their main planet. Zod said the other outposts only had dead people, so what happened with the one on earth?
There's a prequel comic about that. More after this main point.

In the MOVIE, Superman needed several years to adapt to Earth's atmosphere. Martha Kent said she didn't even know if baby Clark was going to make it. Zod realized this because of the other colonies, and he didn't want to adapt. He wanted a new Krypton. Also, he was a dick.

Back to the comic. It crashed on Earth because a Kryptonian criminal snuck on board and tried to kill everyone. It sat there for thousands of years and didn't activate a rescue signal until Clark turned it on.
It's not the Earth that makes them super, it's the Sun's radiation.
They were still Super, even though they still needed the mask to breathe.

Hmmm, right, I understand that Supes gets his power/energy from the sun....so, terraforming Earth would just make them less super...because of the new gravity? Still confusing to me.
I saw the movie Saturday night and I thought it was excellent. Zack Snyder does need to cut back on the unnecessary dramatic scene cutaways though (or was that the editor's fault?).

The entire theater full of people kept bursting into laughter at the awkwardness of some of the scene transitions
like when they suddenly cut from Superman being interrogated to him standing in the field facing Lois
and he came close to damaging the film with some of the flashback stuff like
showing child Clark running around with the cape

Overall though I thought the story was really well done and I honestly could have watched an entire film of the Krypton scenes. IMO that was by far the best depiction of that dying planet and it's society that's been done so far.


It isn't just the sun, but also the gravity and even air that grants superman all his power. Jor-el mentions all this when he's describing earth to clark.


more plotholes

why is there a super-usb device in lois' alien jail that can magically control the whole ship? are kryptonians really that fucking stupid?

why did dr. bullshit have to rotate superman's ship in order to get the super-usb device to work? how did he recognize that it was the logical solution to the problem of the ship not working?

also stupid dr. bullshit's lines about LOL SINGULARITY PHANTOM ZONE BLACK HOLE GOT IT. yeah. the universe all applies to the same realm of physics that guns have triggers, bad guys lose, and zach snyder makes great movie trailers but shit movies


It isn't just the sun, but also the gravity and even air that grants superman all his power. Jor-el mentions all this when he's describing earth to clark.

Yeah, he alluded to the combination of factors, but then
Lois should have been crushed on the kryptonian ship from the gravity...


okay so I had to get up to take a leak, and i completely missed
why did zod bring lois up to the spaceship? like for what reason did was she up there?.


okay so I had to get up to take a leak, and i completely missed
why did zod bring lois up to the spaceship? like for what reason did was she up there?.

because obviously
lois had to be collateral for clark because they figured out that she wants to bone him and stupid shit like that. it makes zero sense for her to be up there let alone serve as collateral for the entirety of humanity. at this point the connection between superman and lois is fuck


more plotholes

why is there a super-usb device in lois' alien jail that can magically control the whole ship? are kryptonians really that fucking stupid?

It wasn't a "jail" per say. Just another room they locked her in. The last thing they would expect is that she has a kryptonian family crest/key.

why did dr. bullshit have to rotate superman's ship in order to get the super-usb device to work? how did he recognize that it was the logical solution to the problem of the ship not working?

It was a ship, the cabin was not fully locked. Think of how your car won't let you drive (or at least give you a warning) when the parking brake is on.

also stupid dr. bullshit's lines about LOL SINGULARITY PHANTOM ZONE BLACK HOLE GOT IT. yeah. the universe all applies to the same realm of physics that guns have triggers, bad guys lose, and zach snyder makes great movie trailers but shit movies.

Answer: not sure what to say...it's a comic book movie..enjoy it?
I saw the movie Saturday night and I thought it was excellent. Zack Snyder does need to cut back on the unnecessary dramatic scene cutaways though (or was that the editor's fault?).

The entire theater full of people kept bursting into laughter at the awkwardness of some of the scene transitions
like when they suddenly cut from Superman being interrogated to him standing in the field facing Lois
and he came close to damaging the film with some of the flashback stuff like
showing child Clark running around with the cape

Overall though I thought the story was really well done and I honestly could have watched an entire film of the Krypton scenes. IMO that was by far the best depiction of that dying planet and it's society that's been done so far.

That scene spoke to me more than any other in film history, what are you talking about?


Super Member
Answer: not sure what to say...it's a comic book movie..enjoy it?
That might be the correct answer, actually. In the comic story Last Son,
a Phantom Zone portal wouldn't close until it had sucked all the escaped criminals (and one refugee) into itself. It doesn't explain how Zod escaped capture though. Maybe he was too far from the portal?
more plotholes

why is there a super-usb device in lois' alien jail that can magically control the whole ship? are kryptonians really that fucking stupid?

why did dr. bullshit have to rotate superman's ship in order to get the super-usb device to work? how did he recognize that it was the logical solution to the problem of the ship not working?

also stupid dr. bullshit's lines about LOL SINGULARITY PHANTOM ZONE BLACK HOLE GOT IT. yeah. the universe all applies to the same realm of physics that guns have triggers, bad guys lose, and zach snyder makes great movie trailers but shit movies

have you ever read a comic book?
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