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Man of Steel |OT| It's about action.


You wanted a 6 hour film?


Honestly? Yes. Best thing about TV shows is that they have so much more time to tell longer and more complex stories. Some stories are meant to be only 1.5 - 3 hours and that's fine, but there are also others who would have benefited from not being constrained to a mere 2 hours.

I don't think Man of Steel is one of those movies, though.


It really, really isn't. The only thing Jesus and Superman's stories have in common is that they're really powerful, they're nice guys, and came from the sky. Jor-El is not Space God, he doesn't send Superman to Earth to save us, it's because "oh shit the whole planet is blowing up quick send Kal-El to the only place he can be saved. He's not all divine and perfect either, his morals come from his great parents in Ma/Pa Kent. He's an inspiration to people, that morally, you too can be as good as Superman.

I think trying to force Superman into Jesus Christ metaphors really isn't a great idea. Just let the mothafucka be Superman and carry fat Lois around or whatever

Completely agree. The more and more people try to force the Christ metaphors, the worse off the character is.


Unlimited Capacity
What kind of snob-ass place did you watch it that the audience laughed at awkward scene transitions? Did they play it at your film school or something?

For real. It's like when my boy told me they went to see Ghost in the Shell 2. After the movie some dude got up and said "I could have made a better movie than that" and someone replied "No ones gives a fuck".


Saw this today. I liked it quite a bit. I found the first part of the movie before the hour long action fest to be the best/most interesting. However that was some damn impressive action, possibly the best looking CGI I've seen yet, and some pretty neat fight scenes. But yeah I really quite liked the origin/development stuff. Whether or not the whole movie should have been dedicated to that is hard to say. I don't know if Cavill is a strong enough actor for that.
Some random thoughts:
-Russel Crowe delivered by far the best performance. Wish he was in it more. Also, lol@him creepy-watsoning around on the ship. The first 15-20 mins of the film were indeed really cool.
-Kevin Costner was similarly quite good. Kent's death scene/ending flashback got to me more than it probably should have.
-Was a little disappointed with Michael Shannon's performance. It wasn't bad by any means, but it wasn't as menacing or powerful as I hoped it would be. However, it is refreshing to see a villain that isn't just evil for the sake of being evil.
-I did get some DBZ vibes from some of the fighting, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing since both are about superpowered alien humanoids :p.
-The movie was very clearly composed of two parts. Part 1: Origin, and Part 2: Insane blockbuster action. Both were quite well done, but the transition was a little jarring. Once the action started it just kept going until the movie was over, with a few breather scenes intermixed.
I'd probably rate it 7.5/10 or something like that. Possibly 8/10, have to think about it more. Not really sure what the critics were going on about. Glad they haven't stopped me from seeing cool stuff like this and The Hobbit, which similarly got trashed.
Plotholes in a superhero movie!? YOU DON'T SAY!!

The story is a mess because Goyer and Snyder are complete hacks when it comes to that stuff. Snyder did the action brilliantly and Goyer got all of the ideas right. But this movie solidified the fact that Snyder is one shitty director. It was all over the place. The flashback styled pacing of the story made little sense, and it feels like so much of it was left on the cutting room floor.

Amy Adams sucks, but everyone else isn't fine.

And am I the ONLY one that completely got sick of Snyder's complete overuse of the sudden zoom and refocus shit? I know he's going for that "it's a spectator filming on his handheld camera" shit, but it doesn't work and it was used far too often.

It was a good movie though, although I really do not understand the consensus of "too much action," when the movie is pretty tame during most of its entirety.
In reference to the camera stuff . Maybe he saw Chronicle.
He's using 20kg rubber bumper plates and the total weight is about 330 pounds (20x6 for the bumpers, 20x1 for the bar, 2x5 or so for the additional small plates). Most healthy adult males can deadlift that within 6 months of powerlifting training and eating right. His form's godawful, too; crazy rounded back, liable to shoot discs out of his spine at speed.

My core is fairly developed from powerlifting and martial arts, but if you were a 200 lb dude posting in fitness-gaf saying you had a 330 lb 1rm deadlift you'd get a golf clap and encouragement to get to 500 lbs next.

He looks nice. He's an actor who bulked for a role, probably on steroids (the only sensible thing to do in his position). He can't fly, either. Sorry to disappoint. ;b

Wait a second, what are you saying?
He's using 20kg rubber bumper plates and the total weight is about 330 pounds (20x6 for the bumpers, 20x1 for the bar, 2x5 or so for the additional small plates). Most healthy adult males can deadlift that within 6 months of powerlifting training and eating right. His form's godawful, too; crazy rounded back, liable to shoot discs out of his spine at speed.

My core is fairly developed from powerlifting and martial arts, but if you were a 200 lb dude posting in fitness-gaf saying you had a 330 lb 1rm deadlift you'd get a golf clap and encouragement to get to 500 lbs next.

He looks nice. He's an actor who bulked for a role, probably on steroids (the only sensible thing to do in his position). He can't fly, either. Sorry to disappoint. ;b

It looks like he is doing a straight leg deadlift though, so its not to bad.


Just watched it, and I fucking loved it.

I know there were some issues with plot and how things were edited. It was by no means perfect movie(not even close), but I just loved the action scenes. Probably the most satisfying action I have ever seen on super hero movies, or any movies period.

Probably going to see it again soon.
Saw it this afternoon, was blown away by all the cameos & guest apprences.

It's good to know, when the entire Planet is in danger, Superman along with IHOP, Sears, Nokia mobile & Chrysler are on the case.

LOL I started laughed when I saw like the 8th product placement in the money movie.
How absolutely pathetic, Richard Donnar quit/was fired for resisting for trying to keep the integrity in his film, while this crap has a wholesale for anyone wanted to hawk their products in the movie

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Saw it this afternoon, was blown away by all the cameos & guest apprences.

It's good to know, when the entire Planet is in danger, Superman along with IHOP, Sears, Nokia mobile & Chrysler are on the case.

LOL I started laughed when I saw like the 8th product placement in the money movie.
How absolutely pathetic, Richard Donnar quit/was fired for resisting for trying to keep the integrity in his film, while this crap has a wholesale for anyone wanted to hawk their products in the movie

are people really bothered by that?
BO.com RTH who is an insider says movie dropped only in low 60s on first Monday leading to speculation this is getting excellent World of Mouth. It was supposed to drop 70% if WOM was as bad as reviews especially after a flat saturday to sunday drop


Saw it this afternoon, was blown away by all the cameos & guest apprences.

It's good to know, when the entire Planet is in danger, Superman along with IHOP, Sears, Nokia mobile & Chrysler are on the case.

LOL I started laughed when I saw like the 8th product placement in the money movie.
How absolutely pathetic, Richard Donnar quit/was fired for resisting for trying to keep the integrity in his film, while this crap has a wholesale for anyone wanted to hawk their products in the movie
I thought Dick Donner was fired for going over budget and for going over the scheduled production time.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Seriously. I don't even notice because its just places or things you see in the real world anyway. Who gives a shit that you saw some real stores in a movie, its not like supes had to get a tool from sears to fix the farmhouse.


now if I saw a Sony Style store in the middle of Smallville, Kansas, yea that would suck.

But the Prod placement in the movie fit in pretty well


I actually kinda like seeing some product placement (though nothing as obvious as Cheerios that always face the camera). It kinda makes the world feel a little bit more grounded.

I mean, if Clark went out to eat with his parents for breakfast, there's an iHop, or if Ma Kent needed to buy clothes or Pa needed more tools, they'd go to their Sears.

It's not a biggie, yo.


I thought Dick Donner was fired for going over budget and for going over the scheduled production time.

Yeah, Richard Donner was fine with product placement.

Superman throwing Zod into the Coca-Cola sign in Superman 2 was badass. The battle for the Marlboro truck? Slightly less so.


BO.com RTH who is an insider says movie dropped only in low 60s on first Monday leading to speculation this is getting excellent World of Mouth. It was supposed to drop 70% if WOM was as bad as reviews especially after a flat saturday to sunday drop

Yeah I saw that to. Low 60s drop is fantastic, goes a long way to prove that WOM is good. Just need this weekend to be $50+ million (so around a $100 million week) and it should cruise to $325-$350.



Movies are supposed to be art
, not a a outlet for commercials.
Then again, I wouldn't call these string of summer blockbusters & superhero movies the past few years anything close to an art form.

Art is subjective. Movies, paintings, games, whatever, it doesn't matter or it does, depending on the individual.
Saw it this afternoon, was blown away by all the cameos & guest apprences.

It's good to know, when the entire Planet is in danger, Superman along with IHOP, Sears, Nokia mobile & Chrysler are on the case.

LOL I started laughed when I saw like the 8th product placement in the money movie.
How absolutely pathetic, Richard Donnar quit/was fired for resisting for trying to keep the integrity in his film, while this crap has a wholesale for anyone wanted to hawk their products in the movie

Bullshit, Donner had superman get thrown into a fuckin marlboro truck (Lois preferred brand)

there was just as much product placement in Donner's films. at least snyder wasn't selling fuckin cigarettes with his take.
Movies are supposed to be art, not a a outlet for commercials.
Then again, I wouldn't call these string of summer blockbusters & superhero movies the past few years anything close to an art form.

There is an art in films like this. It is just a different type of art. Is Fast & Furious 6 a work of art? If that art is destruction and childlike glee at seeing mayhem, then yes it is art. If it is about an examination of the human experience and searching for deeper meaning, then no. It is not art. It is all about what you are looking for in it.

Bullshit, Donner had superman get thrown into a fuckin marlboro truck (Lois preferred brand)

there was just as much product placement in Donner's films. at least snyder wasn't selling fuckin cigarettes with his take.

Wasn't Non thrown into a Coke billboard too?
Bullshit, Donner had superman get thrown into a fuckin marlboro truck (Lois preferred brand)

there was just as much product placement in Donner's films. at least snyder wasn't selling fuckin cigarettes with his take.

You do know the studio forced that on him & he retaliated by physically destroying those brands in every scene as fuck you to that?
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