Is this worth seeing in 3d? Help me out GAF.
Is this worth seeing in 3d? Help me out GAF.
The film is clearly shot for 2d in mind.
You do know the studio forced that on him & he retaliated by physically destroying those brands in every scene as fuck you to that?
I noticed it, but probably only because of reading the complaining in this thread beforehand. It really didn't bother me at all. All I can remember is seeing a Sears and Ihop, which doesn't really bother me since they're just buildings.I didn't notice any of the product placement either.
You got a quote on that? A link to an article? Anything?
His fight with the Salkinds had little to do with product placement.
I didn't notice any of the product placement either.
Superman Film 'Man of Steel' Sets Record for Product Placement
Movies are supposed to be art, not a a outlet for commercials.
Then again, I wouldn't call these string of summer blockbusters & superhero movies the past few years anything close to an art form.
Your brain did.
Funny enough, you're right.
I wonder, because shit like Sears and Ihop don't exist in my country. They're nothing to me.
LOL it's been awhile since I watched Donner's Superman films.
I have to say that clip was horrible.
I also noticed the ham fisted way they tried to add the American Flag & a picture of Jesus next to Superman in certain scenes.
Maybe the Catholic Church & Obama threw a few bucks to Man of Steel as well?
But seriously, those scenes had the subtly as much as Superman tossing Zod through a nuclear reactor.
I also noticed the ham fisted way they tried to add the American Flag & a picture of Jesus next to Superman in certain scenes.
Maybe the Catholic Church & Obama threw a few bucks to Man of Steel as well?
But seriously, those scenes had the subtly as much as Superman tossing Zod through a nuclear reactor.
Like everybody having a Nokia, yeah that only happens in movies.
Now you're being silly. You're watching the wrong kind of films if you're constantly on the lookout for masterpieces of film (summer blockbusters that is).
It has been years when this was talked about. Right when the DVDs were first being released.
You have to admit, there is a lot of product placement in Superman 2 & every single one of them, after their initial shot, gets mangled, crushed & destroyed.
Bullshit, Donner had superman get thrown into a fuckin marlboro truck (Lois preferred brand)
there was just as much product placement in Donner's films. at least snyder wasn't selling fuckin cigarettes with his take.
Was that Donner or Lester though? Does anybody know who did the fight scenes for II?
Goyer: I would love to answer that, but they'll poison me with kryptonite if I answer. I will tell you a funny anecdote, though. On Russell Crowe's first day of shooting in Vancouver, I was on set, and we were waiting for him to come get in his Kryptonian armor. I was joking around with the crew, and we were talking about the various superpets that had been introduced in the 1950s. There's Krypto, Streaky the Supercat, Comet the Superhorse and Beppo the Supermonkey. They crew said, "There's no way those characters exist," so I showed them pictures of Beppo on my iPhone. Then I met Russell Crowe. He was in the Jor-El armor, and it was very intimidating. We were sitting there waiting to shoot the first scene, and I said, "You know that you're shooting this scene with Beppo, right?" He was like, "Who's Beppo?" I showed him the picture on my iPhone, and I said, "He's going to be CG." And there was this moment where you could see him looking around and thinking, "What the fuck?" Then he just said, "You're kidding, right?" And I was like, "Yeah."
Ok, so this is pretty funny
Ok, so this is pretty funny
This basically:I can imagine Russel's mind just not computing right there.
This basically:
I believe him. You can take all kinds of supplements, that can really bulk you up and cut you up. It doesn't always have to be roids or HGH. And I do not have a problem at all with actors doing this. If it was my job, I would too. Cavill is too young to need HGH. So maybe he was natural.
Can't wait for dat Maximum Movie Mode
Kinda cool how Snyder said the first image he storyboarded for the film was the one of Supes hitting the safe...wasn't the first released image of Cavill as Supes?
Finally listening to the 28 minute Man of Steel suite by Zimmer on the OST and its pretty stunning. Like a story about Superman unto itself.
I think the MoS OST is better than BB's.